Passing by the training hall, Han Zhe asked Luthor to wait for a moment, and walked in.

The players who were originally training stopped when they saw Han Zhe walking to the sidelines, Dunlap nodded at Han Zhe, and then motioned for everyone to rest for a while, which was to let them go and say goodbye to Han Zhe.

Dunlap is actually the most upset now, Han Zhe's importance to the lynx is self-evident, and now that Jordan has been sold directly, Dunlap is naturally angry to death.

But what can he do, he has no status at all in the Bobcats, and the high-level trading players will not ask his opinion, ~ no matter how unhappy he is, he has to hold back.

Dunlap can only comfort himself at present, although Han Zhe is gone, it is also good to exchange for two forwards to strengthen the interior line, and the overall lineup of the Bobcats has indeed improved to a higher level, and there will not be an embarrassing scene where there is no one to change on the inside line as before.

"Han! Congratulations!" Gordon came over with a smile and said hello, he has been in the NBA for so many years, he has long been used to seeing this kind of thing, it is normal to divide and combine, and Han Zhe is indeed better to go to the Magic than to stay in the Bobcats.

Of course, Gordon can be said to have the best personal relationship with Han Zhe in the Bobcat, and now Han Zhe is still a little reluctant to leave him, but he didn't show it, so there is no need to make everyone unhappy.

Henderson, Walker and others also came over to hug Han Zhe and bless him in turn, wishing him to make a big show in the Magic.

"Brothers, the next time we meet, we can only meet on the field, and I won't show mercy when the time comes!" Han Zhe didn't want to make the scene too sad, so he pretended to be an arrogant stinky fart.

Walker said disdainfully: "We should say this, don't be abused by us when the time comes, you little rookie!"

"That's it, the rookie is a proud fart, the meeting on the court will definitely make you suspicious....."

"Doubt life!" Han Zhe rolled his eyes and finished speaking for the stuck Mulens, which he had often pretended to say before!

A few people chatted for a while, and then Han Zhe walked over and said goodbye to Dunlap and Silas, Silas is very good, Han Zhe must say hello.

As for Dunlap, no matter how he got in before, he should say goodbye when he leaves, not to mention that the two have no hatred, and they have actually gotten along quite well recently.

"Goodbye, next time you come to Orlando, I'll treat you to a big dinner!" Han Zhe waved his hand and left without looking back.

He is pretending to be relaxed, but he is still very reluctant in his heart, these players are teammates and friends, and now once they leave, they can't see each other a few times a year.

As soon as Han Zhe left, the smile on his face disappeared, quite sad, and the smiling Bobcat players inside were also instantly depressed, Han Zhe was not only their friend, but also the strength of the team, for Han Zhe to leave the team, they were also worried about the future, after all, no one wanted to be a fish belly.

After entering Jordan's office, Han Zhe found that not only Jordan and Richie were there, but also Hannigan and Ferry were there, he definitely hadn't seen these two people, and the reason why he knew each other was because he had seen their photos in the newspaper.

Hannigan, in particular, impressed Han Zhe deeply, because this guy is the youngest team general manager in the league, and he is also handsome, quite a dog-like!

Several people got up and shook hands with Han Zhe and Luther, and then motioned for them to take their seats.

Jordan officially introduced a few people to Han Zhe, and then Negan smiled at Han Zhe: "This is your future boss, Han, you are a very talented player, you made a mistake in our Bobcats, on behalf of the team, I thank you for your contribution to us during this time." "

Han Zhe nodded, and did not pretend to be polite, because he already despised it in his heart, thank you sister, I won't sell Lao Tzu if I really thank you!

Next, let's get to the point, that is, the concessions of several parties, for example, now that Han Zhe is going to magic, his contract will still not change, but now it is taken over by magic, and his salary will be determined in the future

Han Zhe didn't understand these things, and he didn't need to worry about them, Lu Thor and the assistants of several teams were discussing it on the side, while Han Zhe was bored watching a few bigwigs chat.

After a while, all the transaction matters were handled properly, Han Zhe and several responsible persons signed in turn, and from this moment on, Han Zhe officially belonged to the magic people.

Of course, there is an additional clause here, that is, Han Zhe must pass the physical examination to go to Magic, and he can return it if there is a problem.

However, everyone knows that this is just an inherent process, Han Zhe has just finished a game alive, what can be the problem!

After Han Zhe's side ended, a few more people came in, and Luthor whispered to him that this was Nelson and their agent.

Han Zhe immediately understood that he was not the only one to trade today, and several other players also had to go through the formalities.

There is no Han Zhe here, Han Zhe said hello to them and left, as for the specific time of joining the team, it has naturally been discussed, Han Zhe has to go to Magic to participate in the physical examination within three days.

0·· Asking for flowers0······

Hannigan specially sent Han Zhe out of the door, and then said enthusiastically: "Han, you leave here as soon as possible in the next two days, our team is now in great need of excellent players like you to join." "

"Thank you, Mr. Hannigan, I should be able to leave for Orlando tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be able to report to the team the day after tomorrow, after all, I have to find a place to live. "

Speaking of this, Han Zhe also has a painful face, he has only been in the NBA for a long time, and he has moved several times, and he has not lived here yet, and he has to leave again!

Hannigan smiled: "You just come over, we have arranged the residence for you, and the expenses have been paid for you, call me when you come, and I will ask someone to take you there." "

Han Zhe was immediately stunned, and said in surprise: "Magic will also arrange dormitories for players?

............... 0

Han Zhe couldn't help but think of the bunk beds when he was a student, and his whole body felt a chill, if so, he would rather spend money to find an apartment by himself.

Hannigan and Luthor both laughed, and after Hannigan finished laughing, he patted Han Zhe on the shoulder, said "Han, you are so humorous" and turned to go in the door to deal with other things.

"Where did I have humor?" Han Zhe turned his head to look at Luthor with a confused expression.

Luther laughed and said: "Whether it is the Magic or other teams, they will not arrange a dormitory for the players, let alone arrange a bunch of players to crowd together, you are a private benefit given to you by the Magic, not every player will have such treatment, it can only be said that the Magic takes a fancy to you!"

Han Zhe understands now, this is a show of favor or buying people's hearts, and it is also a little compensation, after all, Han Zhe is still holding a 600,000 rookie contract from his cheating father, which is completely disproportionate to his strength, and it is normal for the magic to compensate some from other aspects.

In fact, this is normal, since the magic has made great efforts to dig Han Zhe over, it is natural to find a way to keep him, if Han Zhe flashes as soon as the contract arrives, they will not have to cry to death!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Gentle Ice Cream] for tipping 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Le sauce] for tipping 1000 points.

Thanks to the [unfinished] boss for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [zbg1] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Mingming] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [jiejie] for tipping 588 points seven. _

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