For this sudden change, everyone was stunned, just now of course they also found out that Afraro was deliberately looking for fault, but seeing that Han Zhe had not said anything, they thought that Han Zhe was a bully, but they didn't expect a ruthless one suddenly!

Just looking at Aflaro's tears and nosebleeds on the ground, with a confused look, you know that this thing hasn't reacted yet!

They were still in a daze, when they saw that Han Zhe had already rushed over and began to kick Afraro on the ground.

The mouth is still not stopping, "Cao Nima's, I've put up with you for a long time, I kept beeping next to me before, and now I still want to smash Lao Tzu's head, I really have a good temper when I am really old~!"

"Fuck!" O'Quinn, the big man next to him, yelled and rushed over to help, he obviously had a good relationship with Afflaro, but was actually Affla-Ro's younger brother.

However, Han Zhe, who had the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, really didn't have too much to fight, and as soon as he lowered his head, he easily dodged O'Quin's punch, and then a downpercut, which was firmly stuffed on O'Quin's chin.

Han Zhe's strength now is absolutely exaggerated, although he was not full force just now, but the 2.08-meter-08 O'Quinn snorted and fell to the ground with a "bang", and he was actually knocked unconscious with one punch.

"Who else is there?" Han Zhe stared at him and roared viciously, and all the players flashed away with a "swish", which was for fear of affecting the pond fish.

Han Zhe's appearance is too scary, and the severity of Han Zhe's fight scared them, Afflaro was knocked out by a basketball, and the big man O'Quinn actually stopped eating with one punch, Han Zhe's little man's combat power is off the charts!

As soon as Afraro sat up and scolded viciously in a little confusion, he clenched his fists and wanted to get up to take revenge, and was kicked to the ground by Han Zhe again, at which point Kyle finally reacted and hurriedly rushed over to hug Han Zhe and drag him away.

Han Zhe reflexively wanted to punch him, but when he found out that it was Kyle, he immediately stopped, this can't be beaten...

Before, these players did not shy away from talking about him next to him, which made him very unhappy, Afflaro is the most arrogant one, he put up with it, after all, it doesn't hurt to be said a few words, and it's not a big deal.

But he didn't say anything about this deliberate passing pit, and wanted to smash his head, which couldn't be endured, and the team bought him as the core, but he couldn't be soft, otherwise he would play wool in the future!

That's right, Han Zhe also has the meaning of Liwei, don't think about what to convince people with virtue between players, fighting is the most direct method, fighting in the NBA is already the norm, don't think that every team is harmonious, and he is not ready to waste time on their intrigue and slowly get along with each other!

Han Zhe just wants to show an attitude, don't think that Lao Tzu is a newcomer and it is easy to bully, Lao Tzu can not only play, but also beat people.

The coaching staff who were discussing tactics over there also hurriedly ran over, and they were dumbfounded at first glance, what is the situation, it has only been a few minutes since they left, and there are two people lying on the ground?

"Kyle, what's going on?" Vaughn asked, frowning.

Kyle asked Han Zhe to look at him, and then pulled Vaughn aside to tell him the truth.

"Are you saying that both of them were beaten by Han, and O'Quinn was just a punch?" Vaughn pointed to O'Quinn on the ground, whose leg was still twitching, with a look of incredulity.

Of course, Vaughn is used to seeing players fighting, but he didn't expect Han Zhe to be so fierce...

Next, the team doctor came over to check it, Afralo had some bone cracks on the bridge of his nose, and there was a light soft tissue contusion in his ribs, which was kicked by Han Zhe, and on the whole, it was not a big problem, but he had to rest for a few days.

As for O'Quin, although he opened his eyes now, he was a little confused, and after examination, he found that his jaw was dislocated!

Everyone heard the words of the team doctor, and some players were afraid when they looked at Han Zhe, and they thought that Han Zhe was sven and smiling at the corners of his mouth at any time, as if he was very easy to bully, but he didn't expect to be so fierce!

Seeing Vaughn looking at him, Han Zhe said helplessly: "I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

"What do you think?" Vaughn was not angry, he remembered it now, this thing in front of him was a thorn, he almost fought in a game in the NBA, T also ate a lot, the previous reporter played miserably, and he actually forgot about this stubble!

What a mistake!

"Well, I don't believe it myself!" Han Zhe said admittedly!

No matter what, it is definitely not okay to fight within the team, and Han Zhe doesn't know what punishment will be!

When Afraro and O'Quinn go to the hospital, Han Zhe also stands in Hannigan's office...

Vaughn also called the players together to lecture, he didn't reason with the players at length, and said directly: "I can tell you, Han is definitely not a good-tempered player, you have nothing to provoke him, the most important thing is that if you have a conflict with Han, do you think you will leave or Han will go?"

Vaughn said this very bluntly, and the players also pondered after hearing it, and it was an open secret that Han Zhe would become the core of the team.

Vaughn's meaning is very simple, they have a conflict with Han Zhe, then it must be them who leave, this is to make them sober up, don't take yourself too seriously, there is no benefit to target Han Zhe.

Another point, what is special, Han Zhe's combat effectiveness is considered to be knowledgeable, unless he is beaten in groups, otherwise most of the fights will not be taken advantage of!

After Vaughn let everyone disband, except for a few players who didn't care, everyone else was a little absent-minded about things.

They actually have no contradiction with Han Zhe, they just want to give the newcomer a dismount, but they obviously forgot before that Han Zhe is not an ordinary newcomer, this is the core of the team's future, and it is really good to go against him?

0·· Asking for flowers...

And they know that there is a reason why Afflaro is so targeting Han Zhe, because Afflaro is the current team's scoring champion and a defender, he may feel that Han Zhe's arrival will affect his interests, of course, Han Zhe is not happy.

This is also normal, everyone knows that Han Zhe can't have so many balls when he comes to Aflaro, and it makes sense that he will find fault, but he didn't expect to be beaten by Han Zhe on the first day!

Everyone guessed the beginning, not the end.

Now that Vaughn is wearing a little bit of it, they have also come back to their senses, why does Han Zhe dare to do it if he doesn't agree with him, because people have the confidence to do it!

Why are the average newcomers in the team being bullied and can only swallow their anger, can't beat others or have no temper?


The reason why they swallowed their anger was that they couldn't afford to offend the old bird, and they couldn't mix in the team if they dared to blow up the thorns, but Han Zhe's situation was different, would he be afraid of offending them?

Han Zhe beat them and they beat Han Zhe, the result is definitely different!

Facts have also proved that their treatment is not the same level as Han Zhe, and when Vaughn was also called to the office, it didn't take long for him to come out with Han Zhe.

Vaughn came out and let Han Zhe continue to participate in the training, without mentioning Han Zhe's beating at all, nor did he say anything about the result, as if nothing had happened just now!

All the players sighed in their hearts, this is really an uncle, they can't be provoked, those two should have suffered in vain!

Han Zhe was actually quite surprised, he was called to the office just now and thought he would be squirted, who knew that Hannigan was not angry at all, and said that he did a good job.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he did a good job of beating his teammates, but that Han Zhe knows that Liwei is a good thing, and a soft egg can't be a leader, but Hannigan also warned him, forget it this time, the team is responsible for handling the aftermath, but he has to get along with his teammates in the future, and he wants to hit someone if he has nothing to do!

Han Zhe also experienced the benefits of the core for the first time, this treatment, leverage, if you are an ordinary player, you will definitely have to be heavily punished by the team!

This is the real society, but all this is the treatment that Han Zhe won back with his strength, if he is a street player, why should others take care of you?

This seems unfair, but in fact it is also an alternative fairness, the strength enjoys privileges, if there is a treatment for the strength of the player and the player without the strength, it is unfair to the strength of the player!

This is also a place where the law of the jungle eats the strong, and strength determines treatment!


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Female Lean] for rewarding 100 points for a long time. _

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