After hearing Han Zhe's request, Hannigan didn't seem surprised, and said with a smile: "It's Afraro who is interceding with you, right?"

Han Zhe was stunned, "You also know this?"

Hannigan smiled before saying, "We sent out the news to create a buffer point for you, and luckily neither of you let us down." "

Han Zhe was dumbfounded, Nima, it turns out that Hannigan has long thought of the direction of development of things, no wonder this product can be the general manager at a young age, this brain is really useful.

Now Han Zhe certainly understands that the team deliberately sent the news to O'Quinn away to create a chance for them to ease the relationship.

Of course, if Afflaro hadn't gone to Han Zhe, O'Quinn would definitely have been sent away, and maybe Afflaro wouldn't stay long, because the team wouldn't keep a player who had a big conflict with Han Zhe on the field at the same time.

However, Afflaro is still relatively strong, and Hannigan certainly doesn't want him to go, so I'm still happy that he can make the right choice.

As for Han Zhe, his performance is also good, at least showing his bearing, if Han Zhe takes advantage and bites on this matter, Hannigan may be a little disappointed, a person with a small belly and chicken intestines cannot be a good leader.

Now that the players on both sides have chosen the most correct way to deal with it, he is naturally happy.

After Han Zhe came to the arena again, he just nodded to Aflaro from a distance.

Avlalo breathed a sigh of relief, nodded at Han Zhe and left the arena.

Another day passed, and the Magic hosted the Hawks.

When the eagles found out that there was no Han Zhe in the magic list, they were all relieved, they were all about to be beaten out of the shadow in their hearts by Han Zhe, and they really didn't want to run into him again in a few days!

Han Zhe didn't play naturally because he came to the magic for too short a time, and now he has no tacit understanding with the players, so it is definitely inappropriate to play, so he sat directly in the stands.

This made many Magic fans who were ready to see Han Zhe's debut a little disappointed, but it was understandable that after all, Han Zhe needed a little adaptation period when he first came to the team.

Han Zhe looked at the full Amway Arena and shook his head with a wry smile, he finally knew that the last time he said that the magic ball market was not good, why did Luthor sell it, the ball market here is very hot.

In the past few days, he has also heard from his teammates that almost all of them are full here, because it is very rare to have an NBA team in a small place, which makes the locals more cherished and proud, almost all of them are their fans, and it is not easy to be dissatisfied with the game, not to mention that the economic level here is very high, and few are short of money.

Moreover, it is also a tourist attraction, and many outsiders will also buy tickets to watch the football on the spot, so the demand for tickets here is often in short supply.

Today's Magic starting lineup made the fans collectively speechless, and they all had a feeling that they couldn't bear to look at it directly, the team's Nelson and Davis had just been traded out for Han Zhe, and Arrow was also sitting in the stands not far from Han Zhe, so it can be said that most of the team's main force was gone.

The key is that Han Zhe and Afflalo are absent, which makes the Magic lineup miserable.

Now only the starting center Vucevic is the mainstay, the quarterback Hodick is also reliable, and the other three players are very ordinary role players.

Small forward Harkless, point guard Udri, and power forward Nicholson are all bad!

However, the two teams still played well, the score rose alternately, and it looked evenly matched, the key is that Vucevic was very powerful, and he became the Magic's No. 1 scoring point in this game, and the offensive and defensive capabilities were very balanced, and the Magic played the traditional high-school forward tactics.

This made Han Zhe have a kind of impulse to burst into tears, he finally has a reliable inside gate, when he was in the Bobcat before, the most difficult thing was that the inside line couldn't give strength, and every game was very difficult!

However, when the third quarter began to change the main force to rest, the score was pulled apart, and Vaughn had no choice but to replace the main force that had not rested for a few minutes.

Persisted until the halfway point of the fourth quarter, the Magic was exhausted, and finally lost to the Hawks 80-86, and the Magic's record became 7-14, the bottom of the league!

The next day, everyone's training volume has increased a lot, the main thing is to let Han Zhe integrate into the team as soon as possible, the magic really can't afford to lose, otherwise they won't be able to turn over this season at all.

Han Zhe is also working very hard, he wants to participate in the battle as soon as possible, he still has a playoff task, with the current lineup of the Magic, there is a chance to enter the playoffs, he doesn't want to delay a season in vain.

And you can't pin your hopes on the future, what if the Magic can't make the playoffs next season, isn't he a melon.

Therefore, Han Zhe must struggle in the present.

When he saw that Han Zhe was exhausted and asked to continue training, Vaughn was very satisfied with his attitude, but did not agree, the training must be mastered, not the more ruthless the better, excessive fatigue training is very easy to get injured.

Although Han Zhe knew that he would not be injured on the court, but when he saw that there were teammates next to him who were already tired and hunched over, he didn't insist, he wouldn't have problems but others would, he couldn't pit his teammates, if the magic had a few more injuries now, then he wouldn't be able to play!

At the end of the day, the coaching staff was on hand to confer.

Vaughn said: "I'll fight the Warriors tomorrow, do you think Han can play?"

Jay said: "The run-in time is too short, and the tacit understanding is definitely not enough, but if you want to go on it, it's not impossible!"

Kyle said: "Afflalo has to rest for at least one round, our current lineup has no chance of winning against the Warriors, it is better to let Han rush and let him carry the ball more if he is not skilled, and playing games can be more effective than usual training." "

Kyle means that most of them will lose anyway, it is better to go to Han Zhe, and they will be trained in actual combat, and they will not have time to slowly run in!


PS: Thanks to the [zbg1] boss for the 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Deputy General] for rewarding 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Wusheng] for tipping 100 points. _

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