After this round of games, the team continued to train daily, this time half of the time for run-in training and half of the time for physical training.

Originally, Vaughn was most worried that Han Zhe's physical fitness might be the most Achilles heel, but after two games, they found that they had obviously misjudged before.

Although Han Zhe can't compare with the physical fitness in the alliance, his physical fitness is definitely above the normal level!

On the contrary, Nicholson, who looks quite strong in the team, needs physical strengthening, and that guy can only last half a game under normal circumstances, which is really enough!

While the rest of the team was allowed to rest, only two people were still training, one was forced and the other was voluntary.

The one who was forced was naturally Nicholson, his physical fitness was too poor, and his body fat content was too high, so it was normal to be taken care of.

The other is Han Zhe, who took the initiative to ask for additional training, and although he has now gained several abilities, he feels that he has not fully developed their potential.

For example, the physique, although he has now obtained the inherent bonus of Atsushi Shihara, there is obviously a hidden benefit, that is, he can feel that after gaining the ability now, he can still improve his physical fitness again through training, and the speed of improvement through training is faster than before.

Han Zhe is also in order to become stronger, the next task has to wait until he enters the playoffs to fight, he can't wait at the moment, physical fitness, bounce, and the Eye of the Emperor can all be strengthened through training.

At present, Han Zhe's strength is actually very strong, but he feels that his physical fitness is not enough to hang, and if he does not have the blessing of the block, it will be difficult for him to play the full four quarters in a high-intensity game.

His current goal is to train to the point where he can play the whole game in a playoff game of intensity, so that his combat effectiveness can be 100% played!

If you let the coach and teammates know what he thinks, it is estimated that he will be stunned, there are few in the entire league that can fight the whole court in the playoffs, and all that can be done is a proper physical monster!

Han Zhe's positive performance Vaughn is very satisfied, excellent players definitely need talent, but hard work is also essential, many stars who start high and go low are complacent because they are famous, and they have fallen to the public.

The teammates were stimulated by Han Zhe, and they also took the initiative to reduce some rest time to join the training, Han Zhe is obviously much stronger than them, much younger, others are working so hard, what face do they have to be lazy.

Of course, there are also a few players who want to be lazy and dissatisfied, now everyone is training hard, they don't want to practice and have to keep up, naturally there will be a little upset.

However, it doesn't matter if Han Zhe knows, he is responsible for himself to improve, he doesn't have to care what others think, and he doesn't need to care about his status in the team.

At the end of the next round of training, seeing that Han Zhe, who was already exhausted, still wanted to practice, the physical trainer decisively refused.

He patiently told Han Zhe that in high-intensity training, he had to grasp his own endurance and gradually increase the intensity, and it was easy to injure himself if he was too violent.

And the NBA is intensive, and there are basically games every other day, if the first day of the player's training is too miserable, isn't it your own death!

After the training, after Han Zhe returned home, he lay down on the bed and took a book and began to read, this is the written test question for the driver's license test, and he is now preparing to get a driver's license.

It's actually relatively simple to get a driver's license here, as long as you pass the written test, you can arrange the test at any time, and if you pass the test, you will get a temporary driver's license and you can go on the road.

Of course, Han Zhe doesn't know how to drive now, he has to learn it first, pass, these are very simple, once the written test is passed, find a personal trainer to drive first according to his own time, and then go to the driving school to learn to think about it once and then take the test.

After reading the book for a while, I was about to go to bed when the phone rang.

"Big fool, haven't you slept yet!

"I was getting ready to go to bed when you called. "

"Hey, what do you mean, you seem to blame me for disturbing your sleep?"

"It's an obvious fact!"

"Bastard, people called you just after work, and you still said that, I'm angry!"

"And then?"

"There are so many things to do in Orlando, such as Studio City, Dinis, museums... I'll forgive you if you take me to play one by one. "


"Hey, didn't you really hang up?"

"It's really hanging!"

"You dare!"

"What don't I dare, what else can you do with me little Lori?"


The two of them chatted crookedly like this.,Chatted for a while.,When the little Lori on the other side talked alone for a while and found that the other party didn't respond.,Listen carefully.,Almost exploded.,Because someone's slight snoring sound has come from the other end of the phone...

The next day, Han Zhe rested at home for half a day, then went to the team to assemble, and then the whole team rushed to Washington to play against the Wizards.

Han Zhe and the Wizards have encountered this for the third time this season, and the most bitter is of course Wizards coach Witman.

Every time he saw Han Zhe, his heart would ache, but Han Zhe still appeared in front of him all the time.

Han Zhe also sighed when he saw Wittman again, he hadn't seen him for a long time, and his whole person looked a lot haggard.

Han Zhe also knows the reason, whoever changes in his position is also the head, the current Wizards' record is against the sky, 3 wins and 19 losses, ranking first in the league, the last kind!

Originally, when I saw the Wizards' vigorous recruitment, I thought they had something to do this season, but I didn't know that this was the case.

The main reason is that they are too unlucky, the core Wall was reimbursed at the beginning of the season and needed a long-term injury suspension, and Hilario who came to strengthen was also sick, and Okafor's form this year has also declined seriously, so that their interior line is equivalent to no reinforcement.

Beal, a rookie who was originally quite reliable, was also honorably injured in the first two rounds and needed to be injured for a few weeks, so it can be said that the Wizards are the most unlucky team this season, spending a lot of money to make up for it, and the result is getting worse and worse!

Han Zhe can now play stably, and CCTV will naturally start broadcasting again.

Su Qun said: "The Wizards are currently at the bottom of the league, and this result may not have been imagined at the beginning of the season. "

Zhang Weiping said with a smile: "I remember that Han Zhe was cut off by the Bobcat and did not become a wizard, many fans sighed and regretted, it turns out that the Bobcat is much better than the Wizard!"

The audience in front of the TV also had a happy discussion:

"Zhang Lili's words are reasonable, the wizard tells us what it means to only be worse, not the worst!"

"I was still depressed that Han Zhe didn't become a wizard before, but now I'm glad that the genius is too unlucky, Han Zhe didn't go well, his grades are still second, and if he goes to get bad luck, he will be injured and stopped. "

"The senior management of the Wizards may have cried and fainted in the toilet, first missed my Zhe perfectly, and then strengthened 20 million-level pit daddy goods, this vision is awesome!"

"I used to want to see Han Zhe abuse the wizard and tell them what it means to have no eyes, but now I can't get interested, the genius is too vegetable, Han Zhe beat him with a knife to kill chickens!"

Especially after seeing the players of the two teams on the court, the audience was stunned with laughter, the Wizards lineup was too cold!

Crawford, Okafor and Webster are still more reliable, and the other two Baron and Livingston are pure second-tier substitutes!

It can be seen from this that the wizards have reached the dilemma of no one available!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [jiejie] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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