
Han Zhe slept soundly, and was woken up by the knock on the door of "Bumper Touch", and his first reaction was that there was a thief in the house, and he only reacted when he got up, and he was not alone in the house now!

After putting on his coat and opening the door, he found that Shen Xuefei was carrying a takeaway bag and asked for merit with a proud face!

"Eldest sister, what time is it?" Han Zhe said sleepily.

Seeing that Shen Xuefei's face collapsed, Han Zhe hurriedly took the breakfast and thanked him, no matter what, people went out early in the morning to help him buy food, and he had to accept it.

"Anyway, aren't you known to be proficient in laundry and cooking, why do you have to make a special trip to buy breakfast?" Han Zhe complained while nibbling on bread.

Shen Xuefei's face was embarrassed, but she immediately said: "You don't have anything in the refrigerator, I can't do it if I want to, haven't you heard that it is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice!"

Han Zhe smiled disdainfully, "Qiao woman?"

Shen Xuefei was unhappy all of a sudden, "Why, underestimate people, I'll tell you..."

"Don't tell me... I didn't know who it was last time, but I said that I was paying for the dinner after the interview, but it turned out to be a mixed eating and drinking!"

Shen Xuefei was speechless for a moment, of course she knew that Han Zhe was talking about the last time Han Zhe boarded at Martin's house, and Shen Xuefei really didn't know how to cook...

Shen Xuefei's eyes suddenly rolled, "You seem to be very good at cooking, or I will buy vegetables in the future, and you will cook?"

Han Zhe almost didn't squirt out the milk she had just drunk, was there a mistake, she came to live with a dead face, and she actually had to cook for her herself?

Han Zhe thinks that he is already thick-skinned, but compared to Shen Xuefei, he is a bit of a trivial!

"Do you have the confidence to play the Lakers with magic today?" asked Shen Xuefei while eating, obviously suffering from an occupational disease again.

"I don't know!" Han Zhe replied angrily.

"How can you not know?" Shen Xuefei's eyes widened.

Han Zhe said with contempt: "Before the war, I would not easily reveal any words to ill-intentioned reporters!"

"Hey, who are you talking about?"

"Whoever answers!"

"Stinky Han Zhe, you must have been beaten by the Lakers today, cry your nose then, haha..."

"You're smiling so ugly, you still have crumbs on your teeth, you're sick to death!"


When Han Zhe was full of food and drink, he found that Shen Xuefei had also followed.

"Yo... Is it possible that reporter Shen Da still came to see me off?

"I'm going to the company!" Shen Xuefei looked disdainful.

After the two went downstairs, Shen Xuefei had just stopped a taxi, and Han Zhe stepped one step ahead of her.

"Han Zhe, you still have to be shameless and live in my car!" Shen Xuefei almost cried angrily.

"Who is shameless, this is a taxi, and it is not your family, whoever gets on first is whoever!" Han Zhe said with a smile.

Shen Xuefei was angry, they had been waiting for a while just now before they had a car, this was not the main road, there were relatively few empty cars, and when she was depressed and ready to continue waiting, Han Zhetou stuck out of the window and threw something at her feet, "The red one on the left side of the garage!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, the car drove away, Shen Xuefei picked up something and took a look, and found that it was actually a car key and a parking card, and the logo was still a Ferrari, what the hell?

When Shen Xuefei walked to the garage with her things in confusion and looked at the brand-new cool red sports car parked, her eyes suddenly widened.

Tentatively pressed the key, and the car sounded very face-saving.

"This guy actually has a car, or is it such a good car?" Shen Xuefei was a little confused, did she know that Han Zhe's family was not rich, and the salary here was not much, and that guy couldn't drive a car, so he would buy a luxury car?

"You still have a little conscience!" Shen Xuefei immediately became happy, excitedly opened the car door and sat on it, started the engine, and drove the car out.

Having a sports car to drive is of course a pleasure for both body and mind!

Han Zhe could also imagine Shen Xuefei's surprised and happy expression in the car, but now he was happy to have someone to help him run in the car, the car was not good for a long time, it was easy to break, so he didn't mind letting her have a good time.

After arriving at the team, the training was a lot looser today, because there was a game in the evening, Vaughn didn't let the players get too tired, today is the training of mobile running and projection.

When everyone practiced shooting freely, after seeing Han Zhe throwing in more than a dozen three-pointers like a "swish" shooting machine, Afraro couldn't help but come over and ask:

"Han, how did you do it, shoot so accurately?"

Han Zhe glanced at Afraro unexpectedly, although he helped to deal with O'Quinn last time and eased the relationship between the two a little, the two of them rarely talked.

Han Zhe also intends to have a good relationship with the players, so he explained his shooting skills with a smile, and Hodick also hurriedly ran over to eavesdrop, ordinary players rarely teach themselves shooting skills, not to mention Han Zhe, a marksman, it is always good to listen.

Of course, Han Zhe's three-point shooting rate is mainly guaranteed by the system, but after 100% shooting for a long time, he does have a lesson, because the system will correct his shooting posture to a near-perfect level.

Now he has systematic credit for shooting, and he also has his own habits and understanding.

"Posture is definitely the first factor, and although there are a lot of players who are more accurate with strange postures, it is definitely a little worse than the standard posture of 3 points and 1 line.

Afflalo, you shoot a little bit to the left, don't you notice that every time you don't score, the ball basically pops up in one direction? "

This is the bystander Qing, Afralo usually doesn't pay much attention to it, but now it sounds like it's really like this.

Han Zhe continued: "It's best to find a precise reference when shooting, if you only stare at the basket to shoot, the target is too big, too abstract, and the error rate is relatively high."

I just stared at the hoop on the lower edge of the hoop and shot, no matter what angle we shot, there would be three hoops facing us at the same time, as long as I aimed at the middle shot, after getting used to it, the shooting percentage should increase a bit. "

The hanging rings that Han Zhe said are those small circles that hang the net, and this is how he aims when he shoots, as for the three points, he doesn't need to aim at all!

Afraro and the others walked around and took a look, and they really had three small circles aimed at themselves wherever they walked, and the middle one was facing the center of the hoop!

"Thank you!" Afflaro thanked sincerely, at least there was a new direction for improvement.

Han Zhe smiled and waved his hand, although this shooting skill should be useful, but it still has to rely on understanding and diligent practice, not that you can improve 100% if you know it.

Han Zhe just opened up a new idea for him, and whether he can improve the shooting rate depends on his talent and hard work.


PS: Thanks [150··· The boss gives a tip of 1000 points. _

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