The Lakers attacked, although Han Zhe had already posted Kobe Bryant's death, but he was still thrown into one, and Kobe Bryant used a strong throw, which was very incomprehensible, because his backlash was too large and couldn't cover him at all!

D'Antoni saw that the opponent was playing high and also stood on the sidelines to direct the defense, but Han Zhe still scored another three-pointer in his depressed eyes.

Although both teams scored in attack, they scored two points on one side and three points on the other, and the score expanded to five points.

Although D'Antoni saw through it, he was also big for a while, because he didn't have a rut, the Magic now have three players cruising on the outside, although they can also send three people out to defend and mark people, but then the inside line will be completely empty!

D'Antoni is now difficult to choose, I don't know whether to bet on Han Zhe's three points not to be stable all the time, or give up the inside advantage to wrap Han Zhe!

The Lakers attacked, and after Nash broke through Hodick, he suddenly stepped up and shot a three-pointer, which made the Lakers bite the score.

When Han Zhe attacked with the ball, Kobe Bryant posted it as soon as possible, and Nash didn't wait for Hordick to block and pick up the first step to wrap up.

They are also experienced veterans on the court, even if they don't have D'Antoni's orders, they know that they must not let Han Zhe throw three points casually, this guy is too godly to let go of three points at all.

After Su Qun saw Nash and Kobe Bryant wrapping Han Zhe, he was stunned for a moment before he smiled bitterly: "Han Zhe's treatment is high enough, I don't know whether to say unfortunate or honored in the face of the two superstars!"

Netizens are also making a fuss:

"Han Zhe, this awesome can be blown for a year!"

"It's true that 666, I'm really the most hanging!"

"There is no way on the other side, Han Zhe's three points are like hanging and pressing, if you don't make a ruthless move, you can't do it!"

"In other words, if Han Zhe is turned off by the bag, can he still play magic?"

Everyone is discussing that Han Zhe may have to take a break if he is stuck, because although Han Zhe can choose to pass, the shooting rate of several other points cannot be compared with Han Zhe, and the inside line is not easy to enter, so it is easy to collapse, after all, the Lakers now have a high shooting rate.

Han Zhe quickly told the melon-eating masses with his actions that they were thinking too much.

The two of them wrapped Han Zhe, and after jamming him, Kobe Bryant made a lot of small movements in his hands, and Nash also stretched out his hand to pull out the ball, but Han Zhe's strength was exposed at this time, and he protected the ball and shouldered it hard, and Kobe Bryant took half a step back to reveal a small gap.

Han Zhe reflexively leaned on Nash and then turned around and slipped out of the middle of the two, although the three-point position is gone, but who stipulates that only three points can be thrown, Han Zhe cut inside and shot near the free throw line!

The applause at the scene was like thunder, this goal was too morale-boosting, and in the face of the two superstars, Han Zhe announced with his actions that no matter whether it was a role player or a superstar, it was ineffective against him!

After Kobe and Nash glanced at each other, they both raised their eyebrows, if Han Zhe is just powerful, they have a way to clean it up, but the strength is big and the technology is good, this is too much!

However, whether it is Kobe Bryant or Nash, they have been in the sand for a long time, and of course they will not affect their mentality because of a goal scored or lost.

The Lakers attacked Kobe Bryant and took the initiative to ask for the ball, without hesitation, he raised his hand and gave it to him.

Kobe Bryant came to the three-point line to face Han Zhe, who was sticking to the defense, and made a shooting feint, leaning over and rushing forward, but Han Zhe didn't eat the feint at all, turned around and pasted it, he didn't look at his hands, he looked at the opponent's leg muscle movement.

If you judge that the other party wants to jump, it is naturally a real throw, if the other party does not jump, it is naturally a feint, of course, if you encounter someone who does not jump and stand and throw, Han Zhe must shout 666!

It was not surprising that he didn't deceive Han Zhe Kobe, because this was not the first time, he knew that Han Zhe almost didn't eat feints, and he thought that he could only rely on bursts and super-fast continuous line changes.

Kobe Bryant cut inside at great speed, Han Zhe squeezed and ran on his inside, and didn't let him enter the inside easily anyway.

Approaching the three-second zone, Jones suddenly ran over to block Kobe.

When Kobe Bryant just changed the line and wanted to cut through the middle of Han Zhe and Jones, Han Zhe made an accurate shot and poked the ball away, Jones picked up the ball and threw it outside, and Hodick and Harkless scored quickly!

"We'll take care of it too!" Han Zhe smiled and ran away.

Since the opposite side has opened the bag and clamped himself, of course Han Zhe also discussed the bag with his teammates, anyway, Kobe Bryant took the ball and didn't pass, and he was properly packed.

Han Zhe can occasionally succeed in defending Kobe Bryant, but now that someone is cooperating, Kobe's line change angle is blocked, which is easier for Han Zhe to predict the steal.

Before, he wanted to experience a top-level confrontation with Kobe Bryant alone, but now that Kobe Bryant has opened a bag to limit himself, he would be stupid if he didn't cover it.

Now it's all about winning for the team!

After the Lakers came over with the ball, Nash gave the ball to Kobe, Han Zhegang wanted to paste it, Kobe did not cut inside, but ran sideways and threw him away.

When Han Zhe followed up, Nash and Kobe ran back, completed a beautiful block and sealed Han Zhe behind him, Kobe didn't wait for Hodick to make up for the defense, and hit a three-point shot!

"We will also block and dismantle!" Kobe Bryant was obviously the master who refused to suffer at all, and also scolded Han Zhe.

"It's kind of interesting! I admit that I don't have as many offensive means as you, but three points, you are not as good as me, and we can compare if you don't accept it. "

Han Zhe obviously came to a radical general, hoping that Kobe Bryant and him would score three points, although Kobe Bryant was also accurate in three points, but there was no comparison with Han Zhe.

Kobe Bryant didn't reply, so he buried his head and ran back to defense, and he didn't know if he was hit or not!

After Han Zhe took the ball to the front court, Hodick and Harkless ran very actively, especially Hodick, who had sufficient physical strength and kept squeezing Nash to run, obviously not letting him easily wrap Han Zhe.

Han Zhe took the opportunity to shake off Kobe Bryant's inner cut, Kobe Bryant reacted quickly and turned around, Han Zhe stopped and retreated, Kobe Bryant didn't give him a chance to score three points, and took a step forward to post again.

Han Zhe had no intention of shooting at all, and when Kobe Bryant stepped up, he had already switched sides and cut inside again.

Kobe Bryant was already a lot slower when he closed his legs and turned around again, and when he turned around and was about to chase again, Han Zhe disappeared, Kobe instantly reacted and looked up, just in time to see a basketball falling into the hoop, and the court suddenly resounded with deafening cheers!

"Grass!" Kobe Bryant couldn't help but scold, of course he knew Han Zhe's show of magic skills, but he didn't expect that he would be recruited into the background this time.

When he turned his head, Han Zhe was really behind him, looking at him with a smile!

Kobe Bryant was really depressed, and the old sailor also capsized, and today he was actually teased by this hairy boy!


PS: I recommend this friend's good book: "Super Dimensional Bank Card".

Synopsis: The protagonist is a man who wants to vomit behind the goddess!_

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