The Lakers called a timeout, and Han Zhe also took the opportunity to sit down to rehydrate and let the trainer massage and soothe a muscle.

The audience can finally take a breath and drink saliva, because their cheering just now has not stopped, and the last moment of the fight is too tense and exciting, and they can't stand it with their hearts!

When the tee shot again, the Magic began to press all over the court, but Nash was very steady with the ball, and after entangling for a while, seeing that it had no effect, the Magic decisively withdrew the defense.

Nash didn't rush after arriving in the frontcourt, but hovered around the outside with the ball, and everyone could see that the Lakers were planning to waste time playing success rate.

Their style of play is also normal, although they are one point behind, but as long as they run out of 24 seconds to score the ball, then the Magic only have five seconds, five seconds to score, but very, very difficult.

Hodick desperately pasted it up and forced it, when Nash controlled the ball, he was also stable, and he didn't give Hodick a chance at all, and Han Zhe next to him looked at Kobe and didn't dare to help defend.

When the offensive time was almost up, Nash finally split the ball.


Seeing Kobe Bryant get the ball, Han Zhe showed a hint of joy in his eyes, because Kobe basically doesn't pass the ball, as long as Kobe Bryant is killed, their ball will be stable!

Kobe Bryant held his last breath to accelerate the inward cut, and Han Zhe, who had eased up a little, clung to it.

Jones had already rushed to block the road to help defend, and Harkless, who was next to him, hesitated slightly, and gave up the basket and ran over, and the three of them were sandwiched!

Han Zhe glanced at the inside line with the middle door wide open, as long as Kobe Bryant chooses to pass the ball now, Howard and Gasol will almost definitely score against Vucevic one.

"Will the singles king give up his pride and choose to pass?" Han Zhe asked in his heart, he didn't know the answer.

Everyone looked at Kobe Bryant nervously to see if he would choose to divide the ball or continue to cut inside, Kobe Bryant seems to have only these two options at present, because Han Zhe sticks him too dead, and now he is rushing fast, it is almost impossible to make a quick stop jump shot.

Anyone knows that Kobe Bryant's choice of passing now is the most reasonable and wise!

Now Han Zhe is sticking to Kobe, and the other two will immediately wrap the ball in place, if Kobe hesitates, the chance to pass the ball may be gone when the bag is in place.

Kobe Bryant did not hesitate, and in the midst of everyone's stunned, he made a third choice, he shot, did not make a quick stop, but threw his hand while running.

"It's impossible to enter!" Han Zhe followed in his heart, because he rushed too fast just now, this kind of throwing difficulty has been against the sky, not to mention that when Kobe Bryant throws, after his Heavenly Emperor's Eye observes it, he uses it, and Kobe Bryant is already a little unbalanced when he makes a move!

Regardless of Han Zhe or anyone, this shot can be summed up in two words--- chaos!

D'Antoni on the sidelines was also so angry that he stomped his feet, and the dirty words in his mouth also squirted out!



The ball went into the basket in the air in the eyes of everyone!

Kobe Bryant is still the same tsundere lone force, but the ball is in!

"It's fake!" Han Zhe's eyes widened!

The audience who was shouting for defense was also quiet, and then they all grabbed their heads and showed a crazy look, this kind of ball can be scored, and there is no king law!

However, after the audience reacted, they began to cheer loudly, the opponent was only one point ahead, just now Kobe Bryant did not continue to cut inside and saved them two seconds, they still have 7 seconds to go, although the hope is very slim, but there is still hope for a comeback!

Hackleys served the ball on the bottom line, Hodick rushed over as soon as he received the ball, Nash rushed over, Hodick didn't stop at all, and passed quickly at the moment of receiving the ball, Han Zhe just ran two steps with the ball, and Kobe Bryant stuck it with both hands and feet.

Han Zhe knows that as long as Kobe Bryant doesn't beat himself now, he probably won't be blown for a foul, and if he collides reasonably, he may be fouled!

Therefore, Han Zhe did not fight hard with Kobe.

The next scene will be remembered by many people for a lifetime!

Han Zhe looked like he threw the ball to the left with one hand, and when the ball almost flew away from his fingertips, Han Zhe grabbed the ball back with one hand, and rushed around Kobe Bryant who was completely stunned in one turn.

Fake passes, brilliant fake passes completely deceived Kobe, not only Kobe, but all the spectators were deceived.

Han Zhe rushed through the half, Devin made up for the defense, Han Zhe actually accurately dribbled under the crotch to change direction during the fast run, and Devin was stunned on the spot as soon as he made the ball action.

Han Zhe came to the top of the arc, Gasol had already come out to intercept, Han Zhe swept past him with a crotch piercing speed, everything looked smooth and natural, as if Gasol ran to deliberately open his legs and cooperate with Han Zhe to play crotch piercing.

Han Zhe's side is empty now, only Howard is guarding under the basket, he is obviously too late to think about it, Han Zhe can easily shoot in the empty position!

But Han Zhe's next behavior immediately brought two words to everyone's mind--- madman!

Because Han Zhe didn't stop at all, he rushed to the basket in one breath, and when facing Howard, he dribbled behind him and changed direction, Howard reacted quickly and just moved, Han Zhe immediately turned around and changed direction to the back of his side, and then leaped up!

After a soft "smack", there was a loud "smack"!

Howard looked at a rag strip in his hand, and then at the back of No. 10 hanging above his head, and the shock in his heart was indescribable!


PS: Push a friend's book: "Football Players Become God System in Sports", friends who are interested in football can go and take a look!

Thanks to the boss of [Hehehe] for tipping 1000 points. _

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