The Christmas war is not only a big concern in the local area, but also sets off a wave of watching football craze around the world, and the same is true in the Celestial Empire, and it has become a habit to watch the Christmas war on Christmas Eve.

This is especially true today, when the Rocket Magic is a collision of old and new feelings.

Domestic fans have a special affection for the Rockets, the reason is naturally that Da Yao has been playing for the Rockets back then, and the Rockets have always been the home team that everyone supports, and the Yao Mai combination is still talked about.

Time has passed, and now my country has produced a new generation of talented player Han Zhe, it can be said that Han Zhe's debut is more dazzling and dazzling than Da Yao.

The Magic have naturally become the new home team of the Chinese people now, but there are still many people who have always loved and followed the Rockets, so this game must be watched.

At 12 noon US time, the first Christmas game Celtics vs Nets started.

It was the middle of the night in China, but countless people were already watching the live broadcast in front of the TV.

After all, not only Han Zhe will perform today, but there are also several other heavyweight games, and those who like basketball will not let go of today's classic event.

The team that can participate in the Christmas war with 527 is naturally not bad, the Celtics are a traditional strong team, and this year's lineup is also great.

Garnett, Pierce, and Rondo are also luxurious, and the Nets just moved to Brooklyn this year, and they also have ambitions and have made a big addition.

Joe John, Delon, Lopez, Humphries, Gerard Wallace and a whole host of other stars are not inferior to the Celtics in terms of lineup.

Everyone was satisfied with such a star-studded lineup, but as the game started, everyone felt a little pitted.

Both teams didn't look very good today, and the pace of attack and defense was not fast, and they didn't play passionately anyway.

In the end, the audience at the scene and in front of the TV was disappointed, and in the later stages, the Nets, who had a very hung lineup, collapsed directly, and a bunch of stars felt sleepwalking, and the score was 93-76 The Nets lost at home.

The home audience booed, and the audience in front of the TV also complained, it was strange enough to play such an ugly game with a low score, and the Christmas war was played like this. (adba)

ESPN's on-site commentary couldn't help but ridicule, "I really want to see Stern's expression now, there must be embarrassment on his face with a capital letter!"

Other fans also felt embarrassed to watch, the first round of the Christmas war was obviously a big disappointment, there was no imaginary exciting battle at all, both teams played lifeless, just look at the score!

The second game is three in the afternoon local time, Lakers vs Knicks, everyone has high expectations for this game, after all, both teams have superstars in the lineup, which is full of highlights.

After the start of this game, the game was a little more exciting than the first game, the Lakers were rebounding, although the Knicks were in good shape, but they were still breaking out in the last quarter, but the score was not high, 100-94 Lakers won.

The third game starts at half past five in the afternoon, and this is the most anticipated game in China, the Rockets vs. the Magic.

Although it is early in the morning in China, the number of people who receive the game is still off the charts, even some people who are too cold to the NBA are watching the game, just to see if Han Zhe performs well.

The ball was played at the home of the Magic, and as soon as Han Zhe and others entered, they were infected by the atmosphere of the fans, almost all of them wore Santa hats and some Christmas trinkets, and they were all jumping up and down very happily.

"Han Zhe, come on!"

"Han Zhe, you are the best!"

Han Zhe turned his head and looked at it, startled, although usually there will be many compatriots to support every game, but today it seems that there is more than a little more, at least one-third of the stands are Asian faces, which is a bit scary, according to the proportional estimate, there may be six or seven thousand people.

When Han Zhe waved his hand to say hello, everyone naturally responded enthusiastically, and when he heard all kinds of cries of chaos, Han Zhe understood a little, although it looked like the faces were similar, but there were not only overseas Chinese, but also many Japanese and Korean fans!

After all, today is Christmas, and watching the Christmas battle is a fashion, coupled with Han Zhe's Asian identity and good performance, it is natural that many fans from other Asian countries will also be attracted to it.

The two teams did not start the game directly after entering, but there were many performances, and Santa Claus and the magic dragon showed off the spring plate flying buckles.

On the way, he also interacted with Han Zhe, and the magic dragon ran to pull Han Zhe onto the court and asked him to deduct a few as well.

Of course, Han Zhe will not refuse, he doesn't need a spring to dunk the dunk, and he won't use that thing, and he happily showed off a few beautiful dunk performances with the ball, winning the full court.

This was followed by another enthusiastic performance by the cheerleaders, and after a while of fun, the players began to warm up on the field, and the game was about to begin.

The Rockets don't actually have any big names at the moment, and they are also in the rebuilding period after Da Yao left, and they are obviously buying Harden as a new core to cultivate.

For Chinese people, the Rockets have another concern, that is, Jeremy Lin, you must know that before Han Zhe came to the NBA, many Chinese people pinned their hopes and love for basketball on Jeremy Lin, although he is a banana man, after all, he is also of Chinese descent!

However, Jeremy Lin has made him lose countless fans in China for 10 years, and in the middle of 10 years, the Basketball Association invited him to join the Celestial Empire national team, but he refused without hesitation.

Originally, the Chinese people didn't care about this, after all, your national basketball team is not good, and it is normal for people to be reluctant to come.

But he turned his head and joined the so-called Celestial Empire Taipei team, which couldn't bear it, naturally a lot of fans turned black!

Of course, there are also many people who express their understanding, because my country does not allow dual nationality, and if you want to join, you have to give up the nationality of the United States.

Another reason is that his parents are both from Taipei, and it is understandable that they chose to join there.

But no matter what the reason is, after all, there are a few people who understand, and the loss of fans is certain!

Han Zhe knew about this, he didn't have a good impression of Jeremy Lin, he just treated him as an ordinary opponent, and the two just nodded just now, and it seemed that they didn't mean to have a deep friendship.


PS:I wanted to take a leave of absence for two chapters today.,Think about it.,It's better to be scared.,But the last one will be late.,It's estimated that it will be sent out around zero!

Thanks to the blue cat. The boss rewarded 10,000 points, and it looks like I have received a Christmas gift too!_

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