Although James is also more flexible, it is only compared to a player of his size, facing Han Zhe, he looks a little bulky in movement, and it is not surprising that he is played with his crotch.

Although the Heat fell behind 6-0, they still have the wind of a king, they are not panicked at all, they are still advancing steadily, they have absolute confidence in their own strength, and they believe that no matter how many points they fall behind, they can catch it back, not to mention only six points.

After James went to the outside line, Han Zhe followed, just play a sneak attack or something, others are not idiots, it is impossible to be fooled every time, now it is time to just face it.

Seeing the two facing each other, everyone became excited, and the fans at the scene also shouted to defend and cheer for Han Zhe.

Hannigan in the VIP room felt the warm home atmosphere and was very happy, although their football market was good before, but the home atmosphere was not very good.

Since Han Zhe came, it seems that the entire Amway Arena has come to life, because Han Zhe not only led the team out of the predicament step by step, but also played very passionately, not only the fans, but also he often saw the blood surging!

At least for now, it seems that Han Zhe is too worth it!

Hannigan is happy not only on the field, but also off the field, there are already several Celestial Dynasty merchants negotiating with them about stadium advertising, although the amount of stadium advertising is not large, but it is also additional income.

Of course, their main source of income has to rely on tickets, don't look at the magic buyers, in fact, the boss has not spent much money, because their ball market has always been good, basically able to break even, and sometimes they can make a small profit.

If this trend is consistent this year, they will make a lot of money, because after Howard's departure, they have almost no high-paid players on the team, and they can save a huge amount of money.

The key is that their existing players are very cost-effective, such as Vucevic and Han Zhe, who are both people who can get big contracts, but now they are only low-cost rookie contracts.

Especially thinking of Han Zhe holding an ultra-low contract of 600,000, Hannigan is a little embarrassed, this is not a question of whether it is worth it or not, it seems to be given away for nothing!

Now Han Zhe's performance is stronger day by day, Hannigan also has face in the circle, and some people used to laugh at him for messing around, and the price of buying Han Zhe was too high, and now everyone has to say that he has a good eye, and Han Zhe makes a lot of money in this deal!

Hannigan also has a sense of urgency when he thinks of this, and he wants to keep Han Zhe, they are willing to give Han Zhe a big contract that meets his value, and the key is that the renewal period is stuck!

Not to mention that Hannigan began to wander, compared to the progress, James looked at the defense of Han Zhe, and a little itchy again, because Han Zhe looked too weak, deliberately let him take a step forward, and God also signaled him to hurry up and shoot three points.

This is Chiguoguo, James's main means of scoring is still to impact the basket.

Although he is also strengthening his mid-to-long-range shooting practice, the shooting rate can only be said to be okay, the three-point shooting rate remains around 40%, and the mid-range shooting rate is at most 50-60%, which is not high.

James is also a ruthless person, you can vote for Lao Tzu!

Although Han Zhe also jumped and sealed it, he still almost got the cap.


When he saw the ball scored, Han Zhe was a little depressed, and he seemed to be a little forced now...

However, without waiting for James to speak, Han Zhe immediately pouted and said, "You are lucky, you will get one!"

James's face, which had just shown a smile on the corner of his mouth, immediately collapsed again, what is the meaning of good luck and being in it?

Lao Tzu, this is good strength!

James was thinking about whether to put down his body and reason with Han Zhe, when he looked up, he almost had a heart attack in anger, the magic had launched a fast attack, and when he returned to defense, Han Zhe had already cut inside with the ball, and then scored a goal for Vucevic in the empty position!

When the Heat attacked, Wade took the ball, and Hordick's explosiveness and speed were inferior to Wade, so it was difficult to pose a threat, and it didn't take much effort to be cut inside by Wade.

However, Vaughn's coaching level is also good, and he made careful arrangements before the game, he knew that Han Zhe had strong defensive ability, but after all, there was no doppelganger, anyway, James and Wade could only choose one of the two. And the other of them, they have almost no defense on their own.

Therefore, Vaughn arranged a joint defense strategy, with Han Zhe and Hodick building the first line of defense on the outside, and Harkless and Nicholson forming the second line of defense on the inside, paying attention to assisting and supplementing defense.

Vucevic guards the basket and is responsible for the fish that slips through the net.

The joint defense will definitely strengthen the running to fill the position, and the physical strength will be consumed more, but as long as it can effectively limit the opponent's scoring, everything is worth it.

As soon as Wade got in, Harkless made a fill-in run, and Nicholson also ran to block his pass.

Seeing that Harkless was about to approach Wade and chose to make an emergency stop, he probably felt a little cold, and the ball was too crooked, so he smashed the board and bounced the frame, and the rebound was won by Vucevic pressing Bosh.

Seeing that the Heat returned in vain, Magic fans boiled again, today's game was very unexpected to them, it seems that they are suppressing the Heat at the moment, and not many people think that the Magic will be killed by the Heat!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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