Hordick organized the attack, Han Zhe waited on the right flank for a while, and suddenly cut in, James immediately followed, Han Zhe scored very high today, James will never allow a rookie to be a boss in front of them, and now the defense is a lot more attentive.

James has been paying attention to blocking the passing routes of Hordick and Han Zhe, and now he knows that if Han Zhe is allowed to take the ball, he will be difficult to prevent.

Because Han Zhe is too skilled and nimble, he often can't keep up with the rhythm, and his best way to defend is to make Han Zhe unable to get the ball.

However, this time James obviously thought wrongly, and Hodick didn't think about passing it to Han Zhe at all, but gave it to Harkless, who answered.

As soon as Chammos went to defense, Harkless had already shot the ball, but everyone was a little confused by the ball, and the ball didn't look like a pass, nor a shot, but a smashing board.

Because Harkless's ball was low and fast, he went directly to the top of the basket, and he didn't know what he meant, even if he was empty, it wasn't like it, because this kind of ball speed couldn't be received at all.

However, after James came back to his senses, he found that Han Zhe, who was originally next to him, had already run to the basket and jumped, and Bosh was standing under the basket and was judging the approximate landing point of the ball after smashing the board, when he found a figure flying up in front of him.

I didn't react to anything at all, and there was a loud "bang" over my head!

"Wow! It's incredible, I didn't understand Harkless's ball at all, I didn't expect it to be an empty pass, this ball is too fast, how did they do it, or how did Han do it!" Barkley looked stunned.

Smith couldn't answer the words, this ball looked like Harkless smashing the board, I didn't expect it to be an empty catch, but this difficulty is too rebellious, I didn't see Bosh under the basket didn't react at all, didn't jump!

The audience was excited, no matter how they entered, they only knew that Han Zhe played a beautiful air connection, beautiful!

"Well passed!" Han smiled and ran to pat Hackles on the shoulder.

Harkless smiled reluctantly, he was a little shocked by the passer, just now Han Zhe asked him to catch the ball and smash it the basket, he thought that Han Zhe wanted to take advantage of the fact that others did not react to grab the board and make up for the basket, who knew that this product was directly empty, scared the baby to death!

Harkless's heart was yelling at the unscientific, because the receiver couldn't react to the ball after the ball was shot at this speed, and the only way was for the receiver to jump up and wait for the ball before he shot the ball.

It was true that Han Zhe jumped into the air before he passed the ball just now, but Harkless didn't have the level to pass this kind of ball, and he didn't know Han Zhe's state at all when he passed, so he didn't know how Han Zhe did it.

Han Zhe is of course the credit of the Eye of the Emperor, after the ball is played, he will watch his movements while running under the basket, and after seeing that his muscles are tense and ready to throw the ball, he will jump first, and then the ball will fly over.

Domestic TV stations are also releasing the ball over and over again, no matter how many times they watch it, they are still unsatisfied, and they always feel that it is too against the sky, Nash can wear this kind of ball, but it is absolutely impossible to be so fast, because the air player can't react at all, and he can't catch the player who passes it in place.

Harkless and Han Zhe have such a good tacit understanding?

Is Harkless's passing level so high?

Han Zhe reacted so quickly in the air?

Anyway, no one understands it, only one thing I know, this ball is awesome!

Coach Vaughn on the sidelines was also stunned, and said in his heart that it was possible that he had buried talents before, and Harks still had a miraculous passing skill?

Isn't that!

"Actually, I was just warming up just now!" When Han Zhe walked past James, he also said with a proud face, just pretending to be forced, who wouldn't!

James ignored Han Zhe, and ran to the front court, the ball just now actually shocked him a lot, don't look at it as simple, but the requirements are too high, cooperation, reaction, timing, bounce, stagnation, etc., if there is a mistake, you can't get in.

Next, James seemed to be a little excited out of shape, and cut inside to hit Han Zhezhong with a shot.

However, Han Zhe was not to be outdone, and after Nicholson blocked and dismantled inside, he shook off Bosh again and won the dunk.

Han Zhe stared at them today, Bosh was about to be beaten to doubt his life, Vucevic and Han Zhe were reckless by his side, making him, a big star, a small star.

The cheers of the audience were wave after wave, the team not only went head-to-head with the Heat, but also played very passionately, Han Zhe had four or five dunks alone, and Vucevic also had a few dunks, and the Magic played a lot today.

Of course, the Heat are not in vain, and James and Bosh also have a few dunks in return, both of which are very beautiful.

Fans are thinking that the top five goals in this round may have to be contracted by them in this game, not to mention anything else, Han Zhe's anti-sky pick just now is definitely on the list!

James Han Zhe who is out of form is indeed difficult to defend, but Han Zhe also put great pressure on him, that is, it is difficult for James to impact the basket.

He can't get rid of Han Zhe, if he rushes to the basket, he will often be caught by Han Zhe and Vucevic and make mistakes, of course, if he is lucky, he can play 2+1, but the error rate is higher than the success rate.

Therefore, James now chooses to use his body to lean on Han Zhe and then shoot in the middle and long range, and there are naturally more rebounds in the middle and long range, while Vucevic is a bull today's rebounds and eats Bosh to death.

In addition, Han Zhe's crazy attack on the inside and Vucevic had a high success rate, so after the second quarter, the Magic opened up the gap again, 63-54 ahead of the Heat by 9 points.

The major commentators are also analyzing the situation, but it is not surprising that the Magic are ahead, because the difference between the two teams' shooting percentages will be found when they are compared, and Vucevic grabbed 15 rebounds in two quarters, which cannot be ignored!

Every rebound means an extra chance for your team to attack or a less chance for the opponent!

After the start of the third quarter, Han Zhe also felt a lot more pressure, because the Heat also began to defend together!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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