In the last few minutes of the third quarter, both teams withdrew their main forces to rest, after all, the score difference is not big now, and it is difficult for both sides to take each other away in a wave, so it is natural to recharge their energy and prepare for the last fight.

After three quarters, the score was 92-87, and the Magic still maintained a five-point lead.

"This game is very exciting, and it is also very intense, the current difference between the two teams is not big, and it is not surprising which team wins in the end, but today Han Zhe's overall performance is better than James's, and the offensive and defensive ends are outstanding.

Although James also performed well, he was effectively limited by Han Zhe and the in-form Vucevic to score under the basket.

This is actually the main reason why the Heat are currently behind, after all, their most effective scoring method in the past was to let James hit the basket. "

Smith began to summarize the first three quarters, James really didn't get much play today, Han Zhe and Vucevic can eat hard with their bodies, but both are very flexible and smart, and never play with him head-on.

James flashed on top of them, and James made a layup to block from the side or back bread clip, making him play very hard.

In the fourth quarter, the two teams fought again, and the main forces of both sides played again.

Magic kicked off, Hodick controlled the ball to the top of the arc and pulled it horizontally, Han Zhe on the right wing turned around and cut in, Hodick immediately divided the ball, James was just about to paste it, but was blocked and dismantled by Nicholson, Han Zhe threw it without hesitation!


The ball popped up, Bosh and Vucevic jumped almost at the same time, Vucevic was obviously a wrist higher than Bosh, touched the ball first, and pressed the ball to score!

The fans at the scene immediately gave warm applause, Vucevic's performance today is obvious to all, regardless of the front and back court rebounds are stable, in defense he actually perfectly suppressed Bosh today.

Vaughn also looked at the corners of his mouth with a smile, of course he was satisfied with Vucevic's performance today, Han Zhe ruled on the outside, and Vucevic was effectively assisted on the inside, so that the team would play much easier, otherwise if Han Zhe was not in good shape, they would be easy to catch blind.

However, Vucevic's weak size is a big problem, and if you put other teams, it is not a big problem, because the light weight also has the advantage of flexible footwork, such as Bosh mixed well in the Heat.

However, the situation of the Magic is different, Han Zhe is not a player like James who can hit the basket hard with his own physical strength, it is best to have a power-type meat shield to assist on the inside, which can effectively help him card people, so that Han Zhe can cut the basket more easily.

Vucevic is often unstuck!

Vaughn still quickly set his sights on the court, because the problem is not rushed, and it is also said that it will strengthen the interior line, and if there is a suitable candidate, there is no need to add weight to Vucevic.

After playing for a few more minutes, the score has not been closer, and the fans on the scene are also full of momentum, which makes the Heat a little anxious.

James began to strengthen the frequency of outside shots, and there were a lot more mid-to-long-range shots, although his shooting percentage was not a pit, but it couldn't withstand the high shooting rate of the Magic.

Even if he is two of the three points and four of the three, the Magic two points are at least three and the three points will throw three points when they have the chance, so that not only does the score not pull in, but goes further!

When the Magic widened the margin to 9 points again, the Heat couldn't help but call a timeout.

This pause still worked, attacking with the ball, James pushed Harkless into the inside, Han Zhe just wanted to make up for the defense, and Haslem blocked it in front of him.

James seized the opportunity to hit the basket directly, and Vucevic hit it directly in the face of the interception, and when the person was unbalanced in the air, he still threw the ball out and threw it in, and the referee's whistle sounded 2+1.

Seeing James scoring steadily, Han Zhe also frowned, James is normal to create fouls, as long as players who like to play low posts will do this, and a superstar referee like James will also take care of it, he frowned that the other party has also strengthened the block!

Originally, James didn't have to rely too much on his teammates to play before, he could shoot in any position, and the inside cut was also rampage, and one person could beat the opponent's defenders hard, but now after the Heat began to help him block and dismantle, it was indeed even more difficult to defend.

Before, it was mainly Han Zhe and Vucevic who could limit James, but now it is difficult for them to have a chance to pack, James is in a one-on-one situation, almost no one can stop him from scoring, Han Zhe has also tried, and his success rate of single defense James is also very low.

Of course, they can also strengthen their manpower to guard James, but don't forget that the Heat are not only James, but Wade and Bosh, you dare to let go?

If you dare to let them go, they will dare to blow you up!

"Grass... Why do you want to do so much!"

Han Zhe suddenly patted his head and found that he was a little bit drilly, whether he blocked and dismantled or not, if he could prevent it, he would prevent it, and if he couldn't prevent it, let him in, wouldn't I enter if he entered one?

If you play 2+1, I will play three points from the outside, if you shoot and I will hit desperately, you rely on strength to make a layup, I can also use technology to make a layup, just hurt each other, who is afraid of whom!

Han Zhe also does whatever he wants, just now James played a 2+1, he was stunned that he didn't shoot three in and three out on the inside, and only when the offensive time was about to go out and find an opportunity to throw in a three-pointer.

The Heat attacked, although Han Zhe tried his best to get close to James and did not give the opponent a chance to block and dismantle, but Vucevic under the basket was stuck, and James still scored on the basketball against Han Zhe.

Switching offense and defense, Han Zhe also ran to the basket with James, shook him off with a fancy continuous turn, and then hit a layup.

In the next round of the Heat's attack, Han Zhe simply relaxed and saved some physical energy.

Next, both the audience and the fans in front of the TV were excited, because the two teams couldn't defend themselves, so they loosened up a little on the defensive end and began to enter the mutual explosion mode.

The Magic are Han Zhe and Vucevic scoring inside and outside, and James and Wade, who are starting to exert their strength, are also unstoppable.

Until the end of time, there was a scene of boos erupting in the whole court, because Vucevic made a layup, and was slapped on the arm by James who was making up for the defense, and Vucevic smashed the ball off the board and rebounded by Bosh, and the ball did not blow a foul.

The Heat immediately launched a fast break, and when the front court was three to two, Wade ran out of the open space and threw a three-pointer, making the score 119-118, and the Heat overtook by one point.

And now there are only 10 seconds left, although the Magic still have one more chance to attack, but the opponent must be pressing the defense, and it is really not easy to score.

"You can only rely on the referee!" Han Zhe said disdainfully as he passed James.

The ball was so crucial that if Vucevic had scored, they would have led the opposition by four points, and with only ten seconds left, they almost declared the Heat a death sentence, only to have a deflection from the referee completely change the situation.

However, although Han Zhe is angry now, he can restrain himself, after all, he has seen this kind of thing a lot, and he is almost used to it!

James didn't pay attention to Han Zhe, of course he knew the ball just now, but he followed step by step, obviously not wanting him to get the ball, the Heat knew that the last ball would probably be given to Han Zhe, so they naturally wanted to watch him.


PS: Thanks to the [big] boss for tipping 200 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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