As soon as the transaction was announced, Han Zhe had a private meeting with Luthor on the same day.

"Han, how are you thinking about it?" asked Luthor as he opened his mouth to Han Zhe.

Of course, Han Zhe knew what he was talking about, because the magic had just completed the transaction, and communicated with Han Zhe as soon as possible, of course, he raised the issue of contract renewal again, after all, now they are around Han Zhe's need to be strengthened, and if Han Zhe leaves, they will not have to cry to death.

If Han Zhe doesn't stay in the team, they will strengthen in a different direction, and if Han Zhe is willing to sign a long-term contract, they will continue to strengthen again according to Han Zhe's characteristics.

"At present, it seems that the magic is still good, in fact, for me, no one wants it now, but there are not too many people who dare to treat me as the absolute core like magic, and the key magic is willing to spend money, which is also very important. "

Luthor nodded: "The magic are indeed very sincere, and this reinforcement also has the meaning of showing strength and determination, in order to give you peace of mind and tell you that the team is willing to spend money for you, and it is also a team that will pursue results." "

Han Zhe then frowned a little and said: "Actually, I am willing to renew the contract, but they ask for too long, which is equivalent to a buyout, which I can't accept!"

Hannigan talked to Han Zhe before, and his intention was to sign a ten-year long contract, which is equivalent to Han Zhe being sold directly to the team, and the rest of his career is estimated to be spent in Magic.

Of course, the risk of a long-term contract is two-way, if Han Zhe has a major injury or unstable state in the future, the magic will be miserable, correspondingly, if the magic becomes a bad team in the future, or there are other unexpected factors, Han Zhe is estimated to be rotten here.

Luthor thought about it for a moment and said: "Ten years is really impossible, they are probably just overpriced, and they probably want to sign a big contract with you for about 7 years."

However, even 7 years is a little too long, these years will be the prime time for your players, who knows if the magic will change in the future, and whether their attitude towards you will change.

And most importantly, if you don't have enough age to sign the Bird Clause, you'll suffer a lot if you get a high salary now. "

The so-called Bird clause means that the team is not subject to the maximum salary cap, and the salary can be increased by 7.5% per season, but the condition is that the team has been with the team for more than three years, which can be said to be a special treatment for veterans.

What Luthor means is that if you sign a long-term contract now, you will suffer a big loss in terms of salary alone, because the NBA has been getting better and better in the past few years, and the salary cap has also risen again and again.

At present, the first person in the league salary is Kobe, and his annual salary is almost 28 million, but he is a special clause, which is increasing year by year, and will decrease year by year after reaching the top of 30 million next year. Now the normal maximum salary of the alliance is about 19 million, and Han Zhe will definitely not get the maximum salary when he signs a contract now, and he should be a first-class salary, which is a loss.

You must know that the league has a precedent for losses, and when "Daxun heard about the big contract with the highest salary, he hurriedly signed it for 12 years."

As a result, within two years, he wanted to cry without tears, because his top salary at that time quickly became the salary level of a medium player, and the NBA's salary rose very quickly.

"Since you have no problem with staying in the team, then the contract can be considered, and our best situation is of course to sign a 1+1 player option, but Magic is not an idiot, and I am the boss and will not agree, so we better try for 2+1 or 3+1.

Of course, in fact, signing a long-term contract is also beneficial for you, that is, no matter what your status is in the future, you can have a big contract to get!"

Han Zhe said without hesitation: "I have confidence in myself, I don't need to rely on long-term contracts to ensure benefits, try to maintain the contract within three years." "

There is another main reason why Han Zhe is reluctant to sign a long-term contract, that is, as a player, he definitely wants to get a championship ring, and if the Magic lineup has been good, he is confident that he will lead the team to a rush.

But no one knows what will happen to the team in the future, if the Magic becomes a bad team in the future, he will be trapped in it, so Han Zhe's expectation is to renew the contract for about three years, even if there is still one year of rookie contract for only four years, and he will only be 24 by then, no matter where he goes, he has a good choice.

After the two discussed some more details, Luthor left to prepare for negotiations, although the deadline for the Magic to renew their contract has not yet arrived, but since it has been decided, there is no need to delay, and more time can be arranged in more details.

After Han Zhe returned to the stadium, Ibaka was also there, this is the first to meet with his teammates and coach and do a physical examination, he is now a star player, and there is an official joining ceremony after these things are completed, so he has a few days to officially return to the team for training.

After seeing Han Zhe, this big black man took the initiative to come up and say hello, he had also done his homework before he came, and his agent also told him that he could not bird others in magic, and even the coach didn't have to worry too much, but he must not mess with Han Zhe.

Don't look at Han Zhe as a rookie, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that he has now taken firm roots in magic, and his status is unshakable, and whoever touches him will die.

Many people even discussed that Nicholson was traded away because he offended Han Zhe, but this is purely a rumor, since the last time the two had a quarrel on the court, although the relationship is not good, but it is still good, Han Zhe said that this is not his pot!

Han Zhe thought that Ibaka would not be in a good mood when he was traded, but he didn't expect that this product looked very happy with a smile all the time.

However, after thinking about it, Han Zhe understood a little, the Thunder had two big guys pressing, he would never get ahead, and even playing time could not be guaranteed.

But the Magic is different, he definitely has enough playing time, the status of the team is not too low, and the Magic lineup is easy to produce results, for him, it is not a bad thing to go to the Magic.

Han Zhe didn't put up any fights, he was happy that the team could add a strong interior lineman, not to mention that Ibaka also seemed to be more familiar, and he had no reason to find fault.

Of course, it remains to be seen how it will be in the future, if Ibaka has any thoughts about the position of the team's first brother, Han Zhe will tell him to think too much!


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