After Jay took off his jacket and threw a few balls to warm up, he began to fight one-on-one with Han Zhe.

The compatriots at the scene were naturally excited and screaming, and the other spectators were also interested.

Han Zhe threw the ball to Jay Lun and signaled him to attack first, and Jay received the ball and played a decent trick, which naturally won another round of applause.

Han Zhe smiled and said nothing, he did play better with the dribble, but in Han Zhe's opinion, the ball frequency was too slow, the dribble was too high, and there were not too many flaws, and he could steal at any time.

Jay started suddenly, turned around Han Zhe with a quick stop, and then scored in basketball.

Su Qun commented: "Fu Jielun's ball control is very proficient, and his passing skills are also very chic and practical, with Han Zhe's strength, it is really difficult to prevent him!"

Zhang Weiping also nodded and said: "That's true, Wrinkle Jielun is better than Han Zhe in terms of strength, explosion, and skills, and it is quite reasonable that this ball cannot be prevented!"

The audience laughed when they heard the two of them talking nonsense:

"I almost believed these two jokes!"

"It seems that Jay Wrinkle has been delayed by the music industry, and the NBA should be his destination!"

"Haha! Wrinkled Jielun easily passed Han Zhe, his strength is very good!"

"I can play in the NBA, but I have to sing, this is not a good job!"

Of course, Jay Wrinkle knew that Han Zhe was giving him face, and after picking up the ball, he smiled and said: "Let's play seriously, I want to see how much the gap between myself and NBA players is!"

"Are you sure?" Han Zhe blinked and smiled.

Jay Wrinkle nodded with certainty, his face still full of confidence.

Fu Jielun scored, so he continued to attack with the ball, but this time, he just made a crotch dribble and was taken away by Han Zhe, and he didn't react at all.

"It's my turn!" Han Zhe reminded a wrinkled voice that was still a little confused.

After Wrinkling Jay Lun received the ball and threw it back to Han Zhe, he squatted down and put on a defensive posture with a serious expression.

As soon as Han Zhe dribbled the ball, the audience suddenly resounded with countless cheers, because Han Zhe controlled the ball too much, not only did he change hands in various fancy dribbles, but the ball frequency was also extremely fast.

Ordinary viewers are okay, they just think it's good-looking, some defenders on the sidelines are sweating on their heads at a glance, they are experts, and they can better understand the horror of Han Zhe's ability to control the ball.

Han Zhe controlled the ball in front of him for a while, behind him for a while, and then continuously interspersed under his crotch for a while, and Wrinkled Jay Lun was already about to see Venus.

Han Zhe suddenly started with a gesture, and Wrinkled Jay Lun intercepted sideways, but Han Zhe immediately made a beautiful backhand big spin and changed direction, Wrinkle Jay Lun stumbled and hung down, so he could only turn his head and send Han Zhe to play a crotch change hand dunk.

Han Zhe didn't say that he gave his best, he played him with half of his strength, and announced the end of the game after scoring five goals in a row.

Jay Wrinkle smiled bitterly: "Watching you play on TV, I still feel that there is not much difference between you and us ordinary people, but now I have gained knowledge!"

Jay Fu did know that NBA players were strong before, but he didn't think it would be much better than himself, but today he finally got a little intuitive, Han Zhe didn't use his physical advantage at all, and he couldn't find the north just because of his technical movements, and he couldn't touch Han Zhe with the ball.

After high-fived Jay and Han Zhe, they called Han Zhe empty, they had left a phone number before, and then Jay Wrinkle waved to the audience and went back to their seats.

Han Zhe also wanted to take a break when a voice sounded, "And me!

Turning his head, Chloe was already in the midst of the crowd's uproar, taking off his coat and holding the basketball on the court.

"Little Coke, don't make trouble, I'll have a fart with you!" Han Zhe said speechlessly.

"Don't you dare!" Kolo yelled at Han Zhe with one hand on his waist and the other hand, making the players and spectators who heard it next to the stadium laugh, and then coaxed Han Zhe to go!

Seeing that everyone's interest was very high, Han Zhe didn't shirk it, and he knew this girl's character, if he didn't agree today, he would definitely be called and scolded by her every day!

Han Zhe walked to Barkley and picked up the microphone next to their broadcasting platform, and Niu Cha coaxed: "I'm going to kill the super killer girl today, you don't have to wait, the second episode of King Haibian is gone!"


The audience burst into laughter, and then someone took the lead and began to shout Super Kill Girl, and the stadium became lively.

Han Zhe also dropped the microphone and walked to the middle of the field, pretending to be aggressive to duel with Kolo.

However, Kolo's eyes were already smiling into crescent moons, and he whispered: "Count you interesting, I'll invite you to dinner when I'm free!"

She is not stupid, of course she knows that Han Zhe just helped her promote the new movie!

Today, the investors and directors of King Haibian are also there, and they are so happy to listen to the shouting of the audience, this really owes Han Zhe a big favor.

The bullfight between the two is also fun, Han Zhe of the defending side is hunched with his arms wide open and follows Kolo left and right, looking like playing eagle to catch chickens, which makes the audience laugh.

Kolo can dribble, but he can't do it at all, he forcibly slapped the ball and rushed to Han Zhe's side, and he lost the ball once during the period, Han Zhe had to cooperate in slow motion, and he looked quite stupid and was "shaken" by Kolo, which caused the audience to laugh.

Chloe was lucky, and he hit a layup twice and actually scored, causing the audience to cheer, making her look so small that she couldn't do it, and turned her head to demonstrate towards Han Zhe.

Next, Han Zhe was all kinds of things, and was "shaken" by Kolo once, and in the last ball, Han Zhe wanted to steal and counterattack, but who knew that Kolo was very reckless and ran directly with the ball, and he also made up the basket twice before entering, which made some of the audience laugh out of tears!

Han Zhe spread his hands and made a shocked and innocent look, signaling that Kolo had committed a foul, is there anyone in charge!

At this time, a referee on the sidelines also ran in very funny, made a valid penalty for the goal, and then went to raise one hand of Kolo to signal that she had won!

The audience immediately burst into warm applause, indicating that this penalty was very fair, and Kolo bullfight had a clean sheet against Han Zhe, which was enough to hang!

Kolo was happy to shout and jump to the audience to make flying kisses, and then turned his head to stick out his tongue at Han Zhe and make a face, and his cute appearance caused a burst of screams and whistles, which can be said to attract countless fans, and also made many Chinese people who are not very familiar with Kolo remember and like this cute little girl!

After the two got off the court, Chloe simply mixed into the magic team to stay, not to mention Han Zhe's relationship, no player would have an opinion on Klo's cute appearance alone, Vaughn also smiled and said hello to Chlo, welcoming her to join the magic camp.

Next, a group of small pot friends also performed a very energetic cheerleading dance, which made everyone applaud like thunder and watched very happily.

After the little pot friend got off the field, the staff began to clear the field, because the three-point contest was about to start!

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