Magic teammates are also excited to jump over and rub Han Zhe's head vigorously, this big reversal is too exciting, and 15 consecutive hits are good cocks!

The country also exploded in an instant:

"Damn! I scared the baby to death just now, and I came back to life!"

"I'll just say, how can Han Zhe be so dished!"

"Just 19 points more than the second place to enter the finals, did Han Zhe do it on purpose?"

"How could it be deliberate, conceding 11 points in a row, no one has this confidence!"

"It may have been out of shape before, but fortunately it was adjusted in time, and this can also turn the tables, bunker!"

"Just now I said that Han Zhe bragged and stood up on his knees, see if Lao Tzu can beat you to death!"

Looking at Han Zhe and them celebrating here, Curry had a painful face, it's hard to say whether he can enter the finals, even if he enters the finals, he has no confidence in Han Zhe, he has fought with Han Zhe, and he has a shadow in his heart when he is beaten by Han Zhe's three points!

After Curry came on the court, he was clearly the most supporter, and many people began to shout. Han Zhe also estimated that Curry is likely to be the opponent in the final round, because today's preliminaries are not very good, not a twenty-point score, and Curry should not have much pressure.

However, when Curry finished shooting, the audience sighed, and Curry also smiled bitterly, he only threw 17 points and missed the finals!

However, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully, because Curry's three-point shooting is really not stable, it can only be said that he is very daring to shoot, and he is very fierce when he convulses, and his overall three-point shooting rate is only the middle and upper reaches of the league, which is not the top!

After Curry is also out, the next step is simple, Han Zhe, the highest score in the East, and Bonner, the highest score in the West, will face off!

"Don't lose to those guys in the west!"

"Come on, help us get the trophy back!"

Owen and Novak both came over to encourage Han Zhe, because they are now a group, and the battle between East and West has always existed, and they also want to suppress each other to win the championship.

"No problem!" Han Zhe's expression was relaxed!

At this time, Owen pulled Han Zhe aside and asked, "Han, did you really mean it just now?"

Han Zhe laughed all of a sudden, he didn't expect this guy to be still struggling with this problem.

"You'll know after watching the finals!" Han Zhe flashed after selling it.

"Han, come on, kill Bonner!" "Magic teammates are also cheering Han Zhe on.

At the beginning of the final, Bonner took the lead with confidence, he was in good shape today, and he thought that Han Zhe's state was obviously not good today, the wave just now was completely lucky, in his opinion, Han Zhe should be out!

Su Qun said: "Now the situation is a little confusing, it's really hard to say who will win this championship, because Han Zhe's ups and downs seem to be a bit big today!"

"I think Han Zhe should be more stable, you see that his expression is very relaxed all the time, this is full of confidence, and I feel like I'm teasing Owen in the preliminaries before!"

After Zhang Li finished speaking, he got a middle finger on the Internet, and they felt that it was too ruthless, because in the eyes of most people, it was luck and luck that Han Zhe was able to enter the finals!

At the beginning of the final, Bonner's first point was relatively stable, four out of five, and the suit ball was also scored, and the second point was slightly worse, conceding two goals, and the suit ball was also lost.

When Bonner finished throwing, the audience burst into applause, Han Zhe also applauded, Bonner threw well, got 20 points, this result has a good chance to win the championship.

The people who supported Han Zhe were a little nervous, because Han Zhe's narrow victory just now scared everyone a little, and I don't know how he played in this round.

"Han! Bonner's results are good, do you have the confidence to beat him and win the championship!" Barkley conducted a live interview!

Han Zhe patted his chest, "The champion or something, it's all mine!"


There was a sudden sound of good-natured boos at the scene, of course, there were cheers and laughter of support, but no one took it seriously, and they all thought that Han Zhe was joking.

After Han Zhe waved his hand around and said hello, he came on the field with a smile, there may still be suspense in other games, but no one knows better than Han Zhe, as long as he participates in the three-point competition, it is the scheduled champion, and the 100% hit rate Unless he wants to lose, no one can compete with him!

After the start of the game, Han Zhe did not continue to cast blindly this time, the first point was all hit, which made the scene lively all of a sudden, the second point was all hit again, and the exclamations came one after another, and when the third point was all hit, the audience had already exploded, Barkley and O'Neal stood up excitedly, this is the trend of breaking the table!

On the fourth point, Han Zhe hit another five-ball shot, Bonner was shocked and helpless, and Han Zhe had already surpassed him by four points to win the championship.

At the last point, Han Zhe hit four times in a row in the boiling of the whole court, and the last ball, Han Zhe lifted it up and retracted it, and then threw it in again and hit it!


The audience stood up and screamed desperately, winning the championship with a perfect score in 25 consecutive hits!

Barkley and O'Neal also jumped up and covered their heads with incredible yells.

The other teams at the scene also burst into warm applause, all of them admired, and Bonner also hugged Han Zhe with a convincing face, he would regret it if the score difference was close, but Han Zhe won the crushing victory and he had no temper at all.

Barkley came back to his senses and rushed over with the microphone for the first time, "It's incredible, you actually hit them all, you must know that the 25-point record set by Capono in 08 is already considered the limit, how did you do it?"

"This... It doesn't seem difficult, right?" replied shyly (pretending to be forced).

The scene suddenly resounded with a good-natured boo!

Netizens also blew up:

"I'm not afraid of your pride!"

"Now I especially believe that Han Zhe really teased Owen before! This is too, not to mention breaking the record, it is directly capped!"

"Curry Owen or something, Han Zhe told them what a marksman is!"

"That's the strength of the league's top scorer, who else!"

"Han Zhe has already brought home the third trophy, 666!"

Barkley continued: "We saw the last ball and you hesitated, was it a lot of pressure at the time, afraid of missing a shot and ruining the overall record?"

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "At that time, I was thinking about whether to score 28 points or 30 points, because I wanted to leave a thought for the people behind me, but after thinking about it, it is estimated that no one will break the 28-point record, so I still count it all!"


There was a burst of boos and laughter in the audience, this force is absolutely full score, but you really can't say that he braggs, people are talking with strength, if you are not convinced, you are not required to score 30 points, you vote 28 points out, even if you are a cow!

"Yes, you're more arrogant than I was back then, but it's time for you to be arrogant today, by the way, why didn't you score well in the preliminaries, is it because you haven't adjusted your condition?" Barkley asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

Han Zhe turned his head and pointed at Owen: "Teasing him!"


Owen takes critical damage, and Barkley and the crowd burst into laughter.

The Chinese people are also very happy, and they like Han Zhe's arrogant and humorous temper very much, Han Zhe is not only strong, but also can say whatever he wants, which is very different from other domestic players.

This may not seem accustomed to some Chinese people, but in the eyes of foreigners, it should be so, it is normal to say whatever you want, and the key people have the capital to be arrogant!

As soon as Han Zhe walked to the sidelines, Kolo jumped up and hung on his neck to play on the swing, Han Zhe quickly put her down, so many people watched!

Who knows that Kolo smiled weirdly: "Ann! People are underage, so those media don't dare to scribble, otherwise they will sue it for bankruptcy!"

"Be honest, let's play!" Han Zhe glared at the ghost elf, and then hugged his teammates in turn to celebrate.

When the award was presented, Stern couldn't help but smile when he saw Han Zhe in front of him, "We're meeting again so soon!"

"I guess we'll have to meet in a while, Mr. Stern!" Han Zhe smiled.

Stern laughed after being stunned for a moment, patted Han Zhe on the shoulder and said, "Then I want to see if you are talking big, there are many good players in today's slam dunk contest!"

"I'm the best!By the way, Mr. Stern, there have been referees cheating on me lately, and you don't care!".

"Poof... Ahem!"

Han Zhe was caught off guard at this time, and Stern was so hung that he didn't take his back on it!

Stern glared at him with a smile and then motioned for him to get out of here!

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