White was a little scared, jumping up and down from the free throw line, which he did in practice, but maybe once or twice a hundred times, which was very reluctant.

He also thinks that there is no player who can really jump behind the line now, but now it has completely subverted his three views, Han Zhe not only flies behind the line, but he also plays with the back buckle, this difficulty is too rebellious!

After the jury reacted, they all lifted ten points in unison.

Olajuwon also turned his head in shock and said: "It's incredible, if there are 11 points, I will give 11 points for this ball!"

A few people next to them also nodded, and now they suddenly felt that the previous full score was too hasty, Han Zhe's ball and Green's deduction were not of the same grade at all, and it was actually very unfair to Han Zhe to get fifty points!

Each station also replayed the dunk just now over and over again, and all the audience in front of the TV were a little stunned, not to mention that the ball jumped high, and the drift distance was also very far, plus the air turn back dunk, absolutely classic!

Barkley yelled: "It looks like this game is going to become a classic, but it doesn't seem like the main character is White!"

O'Neal also said loudly: "This is the most exaggerated dunk I've ever seen, there is no one, we all know that almost no one can do it when jumping from behind the line, and now Han Zhe is still increasing the difficulty on this basis, this dunk I think is the strongest dunk in the history of the dunk contest!"

If in the past, these two big bald heads might have booed like this, but today none of them booed, because the audience couldn't find a rebuttal, and now everyone is still holding a ten-point sign and yelling for a full score!

After Han Zhe got off the field, all his teammates rushed up and hugged him fiercely, and the most he said was "How did you do it"!

Vaughn opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything, and finally patted him on the shoulder and told him to continue to cheer.

They thought that Han Zhe was joking when he despised Green's full score, but now they realized that maybe it wasn't, compared to Han Zhe's deduction, the perfect score just now seemed too child's play.

Han Zhe was not excited about this button, but he was also very satisfied, if he just got the ability to jump, at most he could barely jump from the free throw line, it was impossible to carry the back button, but after such a long time of intensive training, his bounce power was not the first to be registered, so this set of actions was easy to complete.

Of course, if there is no Ziyuan Tsudu's ability to avoid injury, Han Zhe will definitely not show off the difficult long-distance flying buckle, if he gets rid of it, it will be miserable, losing face is a trivial matter, and injury is a major matter.

Moreover, this ability of Ziyuan Atsushi not only provides protection for the body, but after knowing that he will not be injured, Han Zhe is very relaxed in his mentality, and he has no scruples about making movements, and the effect is naturally very good!

Su Qun calmed down for a moment before saying: "This ball looks like a walk in the clouds or a flying fairy outside the sky, although I have watched the replay several times, I always feel that it is not enjoyable, and I want to watch it a few more times!"

The audience also nodded in agreement, and they also felt that they couldn't see enough, but the game was still going on, and it was impossible to keep putting Han Zhe's ball.

Zhang Weiping also smiled: "Look at the expressions of other players, it's fun now!"

The audience is also happy, most of the remaining players are bitter gourd faces, the reason is very simple, after Han Zhe's high difficulty full score, the judges' scale must be different, even if they are not required to achieve the same difficulty as Han Zhe, but at least the gap should not be too big to get a full score.

For example, now that they deduct a ball with the same difficulty as Green, it is impossible to get 50 points, don't say it's unfair, they know that for Han Zhe, the same score as Green is also unfair!

Next was the western Farid on the field, and before Farid came on the court, he came over to high-five Han Zhe and complained, "Han!

"I'm here to inspire your fighting spirit, come on!" Han Zhe also smiled and patted Farid on the shoulder.

They were teammates in the rookie game yesterday, and they were a little familiar, so the two made a joke.

After the timer began, everyone looked forward to it with bated breath, only to see Farid standing outside the three-point line, then dribbling to the basket, throwing the ball to hit the board, and then jumping 360 degrees in the air to spin to catch the ball, but there was a mistake when receiving the ball, the catch was out of his hand, and the first dunk failed.

Barkley said: "This ball Farid should want to perform a self-throwing and self-catching 360 turn body explosion, but I don't know if it was affected by Han's previous gorgeous performance, and this action that is not too difficult is also wrong!"

"There's still a lot of time, let's see if Reed's second dunk will be successful!" Smith added.

Each player has a minute and a half of time, no matter how many times he fails, he can continue to dunk, if the time is over for a minute and a half and he has not succeeded, then there will be one last chance to dunk, if he doesn't score, then bye-bye!

In the second button, Farid continued this action, spun around in the air, and then caught the ball with one hand and successfully hooked it!

Although the ball was scored, what embarrassed Farid was that there was a boo in the audience, with Han Zhe's Zhuyu in front, his ball looked too monotonous, the action was simple, and the air posture was not stretched enough, so the audience was naturally disappointed.

The judges discussed, Yao Ming raised 8 points, and several other judges also scored 7 points, ranging from 8 points, and in the end Farid only got 39 points, which is a very low score, Farid also had a wry smile on his face, and he could only blame Han Zhe for being too eye-catching before, which made the audience instantly pick a lot of picky.

Next up was the Clippers' Bledsoe performance, who took the ball to a 45-degree angle outside the three-point line on the right wing, then rushed to the basket and took off, half-turned in the air and received a crotch change, unfortunately the aerial action was completed, but the ball hit the bottom of the basket and bounced off.

Everyone on the sidelines applauded and encouraged, and although the ball failed, the action was still very beautiful.

Bredsoe's second attempt, the same move, but still failed.

He obviously didn't have confidence in the third button, and chose to stand at the top of the arc, it should be a change of action, and sure enough, this time he rushed to the basket and played an air twist one-handed buckle that was a little similar to Farid, and his action was simpler, because he was holding the ball.

After this ball was dunked, it was obviously a little embarrassing, and there was a boos at the scene, and many players on the sidelines were covering their faces and laughing, because this action was too much for elementary school students, as long as they could dunk it, they could basically play!

The score is naturally not high, and Bledsoe only scored 39 points, and the two in the west are not at all powerful, and everyone is discussing whether they were hit by Han Zhe's ball and they were in no state.

The last man in the West is Evans, the defending champion of the previous edition.

After Evans came on the court, he took a green cardboard box as a stool and put it under the basket, then found a person to sit on the stool, and then asked him to lift the ball, and everyone knew at a glance that Evans was going to play the cross-man dunk that Evans was good at.

The first ball, after taking the ball in the air, he didn't adjust it well, and he gave up the dunk and landed directly, and the second ball, after jumping sideways to get the ball, the small lever buckled, and the ball bounced off.

The third ball was almost the same number of defeats as the second.

Whether it was the audience or Han Zhe, they were a little disappointed, the person who cooperated with him was sitting, and his dunk action was not complicated, it was not a difficult ball, and he failed three times, which is not like the performance that a champion should have!

On the fourth time, Evans finally dunked the ball, if it weren't for Han Zhe's previous performance, his score might not be too low, but he was afraid of comparison, he completed this not too difficult dunk with this bump, and naturally it was impossible to get a high score, and finally only scored 42 points.

At the end of the first round, it can be said that the west has been completely abused!

At this point, the first round of the dunk game is over, and what everyone is looking forward to the most is, of course, whether Han Zhe will have such a shocking performance as the first ball in the future.

Previously, everyone might have thought that this match would be a triumph between Evans, White and Han Zhe, but after the first round, their expectations for the other two have dropped significantly.

At least for now, their dunking level is not at the same level as Han Zhe!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [A Brief History of Time] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the [Soul of Qin] boss for rewarding 100 points.

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