Turner soon learned the consequences of angering Han Zhe, and after four or five minutes of play, he didn't score a point as a quarterback.

Of course, Turner, who was getting more and more unhappy, wanted to find Han Zhe to be angry

Han Zhe is also a little angry now, as soon as you get the ball, there are two people pestering you, and you are constantly making small movements, so it's annoying to change anyone

Han Zhe simply rarely passes the ball now, if you want to play, I'll accompany you!

When Han Zhe cut and received the ball, Holiday posted it for the first time, Han Zhe did not hesitate to go straight to the basket, Thaddeus was about to intercept, and Ibaka went around the front position in time.

However, when Han Zhe just squeezed Holiday out of the jump and was about to dunk, Turner, who had been staring at him, jumped in front of him and blocked it, obviously intending to give Han Zhe a bloody hat and a shame.

Turner obviously had a wrong idea, as soon as the two made contact in the air, Han Zhe, who had momentum, directly knocked him out to blow up the basket and scored, and the referee blew the whistle to block the foul 2+1.

Turner who fell under the basket was really painful and angry, and immediately ran to the referee with an angry face, seeing his aggressive and unkind appearance, coach Bulang hurriedly went to call him away.

Don't look at many players who spray the referee with saliva at every turn, it depends on whether you have this qualification, a player of Turner's level, really provoked the referee to let you roll off the court, there is no pressure at all.

Don't think that the referee can bully anyone.

Han Zhe also grinned at the corner of his mouth, it seems that All-Star Stern should not have fooled him, he can feel obvious changes in these consecutive games, not to mention how biased the referee is in his favor, at least the balls that can be awarded or not are awarded to the side that is favorable to him.

Turner's ball just now is the same, you can be judged as a blocking foul, or not, of course, if you encounter a ruthless person, you can be sentenced to hit someone with the ball.

The boundaries of some fouls are already blurred, and slow motion can definitely analyze whether the penalty is accurate, but if there are so many fouls in a game, and every disputed foul is watched on video, can this ball still be played?

Therefore, the bias of the referee is sometimes more important.

Han Zhe actually knows that there are only some preferential treatment at present, which cannot be compared with real superstars, and people's four-step layups can become legal, which is unreasonable!

And Han Zhe knows that some NBA stars are actually the most likely to make a low-level mistake, that is, walking with the ball, often watching videos Han Zhe is also happy, that small broken step is called an ecstasy, some even walked more than ten steps without blowing, some are the referee really didn't pay attention, sometimes just pretending to be blind

After Han Zhe hit the free throw, Holiday and Han Zhe also disgusted them, ran to the backcourt to force it, and Holiday could only pass the ball with a painful face.

They have already suffered several losses from Han Zhe in singles, and now no matter how Han Zhe ridicules, they are resolutely not fooled, although they all want to scold Han Zhe, but the basic quality of the players is still

As soon as Holiday passed, Han Zhe immediately ran back and went to Titner again, who called him a lot of trash talk, he will bully you

Turner was indeed beaten out of the liver, and when he saw Han Zhe standing in front of him, he hit it with the ball, and Han Zhe immediately fell in response, and he almost rolled twice on the ground!

Seeing that the referee's whistle sounded again, especially Han Zhe, who was lying on the ground, secretly winked at him, and Turner exploded in one fell swoop.

"Fuck!Are you blind, I didn't use any force at all, that bastard is pretending, you should take this fake bastard off the court!" Turner started to speak to the referee again

"How can I judge that I don't need you to point fingers!, and just now No. 10 stood still and didn't move, you took the initiative to hit it with the ball, don't you even know basic basketball knowledge" The referee's tone was not good.

After the referee finished speaking, he motioned for Turner to raise his hand to indicate a foul, but Turner spat in front of the referee and turned his head and left, raising Nima's hand

Han Zhe smiled when he saw this, and sure enough, this time the referee blew T mercilessly.

"Big head and no brain" Han Zhe despised a sentence, although he didn't spray the referee less before, but now he is much more famous than Turner, and Han Zhe is not blindly spraying, at least he knows in his heart whether he is spraying right, he has a reputation to build a foundation, plus reasonable, the referee really doesn't dare to mess with him.

But this ball Turner is dead, Han Zhe must be suspected of faking a fall, but whether he fakes a fall or not, you did do the action of hitting people with the ball, and the referee's decision is absolutely tenable!

Crucially, Turner is not yet qualified to dictate the referee's decision

Seeing that Turner was not convinced and planned to go to the referee, Bulang was also furious, called Turner over for a while, and asked him if he wanted to get off the field, he provoked the referee again, and the other party forced him to get out!

After Han Zhe scored a technical foul free throw, the ball was still theirs and he advanced with the ball again.

"You bastard, don't think I'm scared if the referee helps you!" Turner continued to trash talk.

Han Zhe said while dribbling against him: "The referee really didn't help me with these two balls, who are you to blame, and you are just that, so if you are not convinced, you will not be able to punch me in the face if you are so unconvinced!"

These words made Turner angry enough, Chi Guoguo's contempt, but Turner clenched his fists and gave up.

Many players in the NBA are like Turner, screaming fiercer than anyone else, but it is coercive to let him do it

Why don't you dare to mess with Han Zhe now when the NBA is dirty, because Han Zhe not only talks a lot, but is also ruthless, and he is really good at doing it after a haircut!

Most of the players are talking about it, so few are willing to offend a ruthless person like Han Zhe to death

Turner does have a lot of scruples, he will be banned and fined if he does it first, and Han Zhe estimates that he will have to fight back, this is easy to do Atay off, and dare to smash James's head with the ball, don't dare to scare him?

Secondly, now that there are rumors within the alliance that Han Zhe's combat effectiveness is off the charts, he estimates that he can't get Han Zhe

At least how strong Han Zhe is, he has experienced it.

Seeing that the other party really didn't dare to make a move, Han Zhe smiled disdainfully and sped away!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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