It is natural that Magic and Heat will attract attention, first of all, the lineups of both teams are very interesting, and the Heat Big Three, needless to say, are all Mesozoic gods.

The Magic are also very good now, although this team is very young, but it is made up of great new generation players, especially Han Zhe, who is already a household name, and Ibaka, Walker and Vucevic are also famous.

Of course, the lineup of the two teams is still secondary, people all over the world are the same, they are all watching the excitement and not afraid of big things, and the contradiction between Han Zhe and James is well known.

There are a lot of bad things between the two, Han Zhe broke James' record, and James didn't know who Han Zhe was, which completely made the two ignite the sparks.

Then after the Magic played against the Heat, Han Zhe told James who it was on the spot, and Chi Guoguo's humiliation pushed the incident to a climax.

Then the two met at the All-Star, which was also full of gunpowder, and they almost did it on the spot, and several people on the All-Star were expelled from the scene, which is strange enough

Before the start of the game, the media had begun to fan the flames, first publicizing the grievances between the two people, and calling on the general public not to forget to eat melon seeds on March 15 to watch the excitement.

The media may have felt that this was not enough, and at the end of the game the day before yesterday, Han Zhe and James were interviewed separately.

Reporter: "Han said last time you said that you were looking forward to meeting James again, did it mean that the Magic would double kill the Heat?"

Han Zhe: "Although you are quite underwhelmed by this question, I don't deny it"

The reporter here exploded instantly, and Han Zhe did not shy away from showing the carriage and horses calling James

On the Heat side:

Reporter: "James, last time the Heat lost to Magic away, Han Zhe also gave you an ugly look on the spot, and shouted looking forward to meeting again, do you have anything to say about this?"

James: "This rookie thinks he can be arrogant with some achievements? He has only played for a few years, how many honors has he won? Just trying to use my name to hype"

The media here naturally exploded, and James's words were ruthless enough, meaning that Han Zhe was not worthy of arguing with him at all, just grandstanding

After the two of them said this, they naturally exploded everywhere, first of all, the fans on both sides sprayed each other, however, except for the Celestial Empire on the Internet, Han Zhe is at an absolute disadvantage, although he is also a fan surge now, but it is still incomparable with an old big brother like James.

Of course, the fans of Magic and Han Zhe sprayed James to rely on the old and sell the old, they only know how to pretend blindly, basketball has to speak with strength, Han Zhe won you last time, what else are you pretending

James fans sprayed Han Zhe, a family with no hair, being rampant, saying that he was not on the same level as Boss Zhan at all, and borrowed James's words to say that Han Zhe was hyping up his fame.

Han Zhe's fans are naturally angry, Han Zhe's strength is obvious to all, and his fame is now at the level of a first-line star, so can he rub against you Zhan Laohei?

We can't afford to lose this person

The smell of gunpowder is so strong before the ball starts, and you can imagine how hot it is today.

When Han Zhe and the others entered, they were almost not shocked by the boos from the audience, this is the home of the Heat, and the treatment of magic can be good

"Han, it seems that you have completely them off" Ibaka was obviously used to this kind of scene, and was not affected by anything.

Han Zhe also looked indifferent, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just beat them so that they can't call out."

"It seems that the Heat are not easy to play today" Walker also frowned and said, he has officially played in the first two rounds, and of course he will appear with the team today.

Walker's words are not to be ambitious, because the home court does have a great advantage, the first is the court, the Heat players are extremely accustomed to here, and they must have an advantage.

Second, the referee, in some controversial decisions, the referee will take care of the home team, this is an unwritten rule, everyone knows.

Thirdly, and most importantly, of course, there are fans, with a large fan base waving the flag, it is naturally very morale-boosting, the players will be a lot excited, and the shouts of the fans will also cause a lot of psychological pressure on the away team.

However, the biggest factor in basketball is strength, if the strength is strong enough, the others are all imaginary, it can only be said that in the case of similar differences, other factors can affect the outcome of the outcome

As soon as the players from both sides met, they were also full of gunpowder, James shook his finger at Han Zhe with a disdainful expression, and Han Zhe also replied with a thumbs down

The fans at the scene were lively at once, some cheered to encourage the Heat, and some booed Han Zhe, and there was a lot of chaos.

Media reporters are also cameras, and cameras are constantly filming at the two of them.

The audience who ate melon seeds in front of the TV was also energetic, which was a little interesting, and it was very exciting before it started

The only unhappy thing is the referee, of course they saw the actions of the two, this is all the action of eating T, but the game hasn't started yet, is it possible to give the core on both sides a T as a warm-up?

The referee reluctantly called the wide-eyed James and Han Zhe together, and then solemnly warned them, telling them to stop and not do things, especially when playing for a while, no malicious fouls are allowed, and no provocative actions are allowed, otherwise he will not hesitate to punish them out

Han Zhe and James ignored the referee, turned around and walked away, love to punish or not, warn your sister

They all know that the referee is just scaring them, this game has such a high level of attention, I don't know how many TV stations have bought the broadcast rights, and the referee dares to easily punish them, and it is estimated that they will be killed

If you don't need the TV station to do it, the league boss will have to kill him, isn't this a way to cut off money, everyone just watches James and Han Zhe fight each other, and everyone still looks at Mao if you are punished

Moreover, players of Han Zhe and James' level, even if there are no special circumstances like today, the referee cannot easily move, so as long as James and Han Zhe are not too excessive today, the referee will never dare to find fault

The referee could only shake his head and smile bitterly when he saw that the two of them didn't give face, what could he do, it was not easy to mix in any line_

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