The two teams then entered a stalemate, and Han Zhe and James did not play many singles, after all, they were not playing children's games, and the primary goal of both teams was to win.

In terms of the overall lineup, the Heat must be stronger than the Magic, but the Magic is not without advantages, Han Zhe and Afflaro on the outside are very accurate, and Vucevic and Ibaka on the inside also have a height advantage, so the scene is relatively balanced for the time being.

The main reason why James and Han Zhe are not competing too much now is that this has just started, and they have to save their physical strength as much as possible, even if they have to fight, they have to wait for the decisive time to fight again.

If you fight too hard now, it will be more difficult to drop the chain at the last critical moment, in fact, this is also a manifestation of Han Zhe's maturity, if it was before, he would definitely pester James to hurt each other endlessly at the beginning.

After the first quarter, Han Zhe and James didn't score much under each other's containment, and the current highest scorer on the court was Wade, who scored 12 points in a single quarter.

However, the Magic are not bad, they score more evenly, the inside and outside players have scored, and the scores of the two teams are also tight, and the Heat lead by one point at 26-25.

Vaughn is still very satisfied with everyone's performance in the first quarter, it is a good phenomenon that the team can bloom more, if there are only one or two scoring points, it is easy to collapse as soon as it is suppressed.

"Han did a good job, then you continue to stick to James, don't seek to prevent death, as long as you don't let him score easily"

"Afflalo, you stick to Wade tightly, don't give him an easy chance to shoot three points, even if he breaks through, you have teammates behind you to make up for it, and you are too loose on the outside in the first quarter"

"Vucevic and Ibaka, you two pay attention to cooperation, regardless of offense and defense, you must pay attention to cooperation, your physical condition is superior"

"Harkless, you might as well keep an eye on Chanmoss. "

Vaughn started to arrange one by one, and although everyone played well in the first quarter, there were still problems.

Avlalo's defense against Wade is a bit loose and has to be strengthened, Vucevic and Ibaka are also a little inexperienced compared to their opponents, and they are often led away from singles, and the two of them are actually much more powerful in working together, and singles are at a loss

After the start of the second quarter, Wade, who was about to shoot from a distance, noticed the change in Afflalo and stuck to him and didn't give him a chance at all.

Wade has a lot of experience in the game, and he changed his style of play as soon as he saw it, first pulling away from it with his head low, and then running out of a straight "L" line to pass the ball down.

Bosh received the ball and turned to face the basket, but Vucevic immediately stuck to it so that he didn't dare to shoot easily.

Bosh immediately turned around and hit his back, but Vucevic resisted hard, and it was difficult for him to resist Vucevic without being physically superior, and then Ibaka next to him came over with a stride to grab the ball.

Bosh continued to dodge the ball, and when he saw James running to answer from the gap, Howe did not hesitate to pass the ball, but Han Zhe, who was sticking to James, accelerated and took the ball first

Vaughn, who was on the sidelines of the "beautiful", got up excitedly and waved his fist, every steal in this kind of game against a strong team is extremely precious, not to mention that this steal is actually a beautiful team's coordinated success, as long as they continue to play like this, they may win the game.

Han Zhe didn't rush after breaking the ball, raised his hand to press down to signal to stabilize and take his time, and then slowly advanced with the ball.

James didn't wait for the backcourt when Han Zhe dribbled the ball, because he had tried countless times before, and he couldn't break Han Zhe's ball one-on-one, wasting his physical energy in vain

Until he approached the three-point line, James leaned over again, and the three-point shot was stupid again, and now the whole league knows that letting Han Zhe empty three points is equivalent to giving away points

Han Zhe didn't pass the ball this time, and when he saw James coming, he made a dry three-point shooting posture very chicly.

James raised his eyebrows and had no choice but to jump and block, but James had expected it, that is, Han Zhe rushed past him as soon as he lowered his head after receiving the ball.

James is also helpless, Han Zhe used to fight with him for physical fitness and skills, but now it's good, as soon as he goes up to Han Zhe, he will do shooting actions, and he will almost be passed by jumping, and if he doesn't jump, Han Zhe will really shoot.

James is actually most puzzled by how Han Zhe knows if he will jump or not, every time he makes a mistake anyway, it is simply disgusting

Han Zhe is another dragon after cutting inside, and the advantage of being the team's eldest brother is that as soon as Han Zhe breaks through, the first reaction of his teammates is not to reach out for the ball, but to make the ball for him.

Ibaka and Vucevic moved the double block very tacitly, and Han Zhe took advantage of the position and sight of the opponent's interior player to be blocked, and took two big steps to bypass and score.

"You can't stop me alone, I can fight five like you" When passing by James, Han Zhe said very domineeringly.

Ibaka, who was running back next to him, just heard it and couldn't help laughing, Han Zhe's words are awesome enough, it is estimated that only Han Zhe dares to say this, or brag about it!

"I can hit 10 like you," James also opened his mouth to blow.

"Lao Tzu can fight 15"

"Lao Tzu can fight 20..."




When the players on both sides saw the two of them standing on the court, they started to quarrel 50 or 100, and they were speechless for a while, if they were so naïve, they could destroy a country by one person if they blew it down

"Okay Lebrand, let's give this bastard a little bit of a look" Wade pulled away James, who was still chattering and competing with Han Zhe, otherwise the trend would have counted the two heads to the end of the quarter

"Coercing" Han Zhe took a sip and quickly returned to defense.

James was obviously also stimulated, this time he went to the front court to ask for the ball, and then began to single Han Zhe.

James seemed to be planning to return the favor with him, and as soon as Han Zhe stepped forward, he made a gesture and threw three points, but Han Zhe stood in front of him and looked at him with stupid eyes, and he didn't move at all

James was simply hurt by critical hits, and he was a little skeptical that he didn't have the talent to fake moves, was it so obvious?

In fact, it's not that James' feints are not in place, but that Han Zhe's Heavenly Emperor's Eye is too accurate in judging whether the opponent jumps or not, and this kind of action is not effective for Han Zhe at all

Of course, Han Zhe didn't explain, and said with a look of contempt: "Don't be funny, your fake action is too retarded, I did better than you when I was eight years old, you can only deceive fools"

As soon as James gritted his teeth, he stopped playing false, and began to strengthen himself with Han Zhe with one hand to protect the ball and the other hand.

Han Zhe, who had suffered a loss, was smart this time, and he didn't wrestle with him as soon as his body let him go, and just ran close to him after letting him go.

When James ran to the basket, a continuous speed change made Han Zhe also uncomfortable to follow, and his pace was half a beat behind, and James took the opportunity to jump to the basket.

Ibaka made up for the defense, James paused obviously in the air, and when Ibaka hit him and his body had begun to lose balance, he threw the ball and the ball went in

And the referee's whistle also sounded, Ibaka fouled, 2+1

Listening to the cheers of the fans, James fell to the ground, but after getting up, he proudly bumped into Ibaka next to him before walking to the free throw line

Han Zhe also admitted that a player like James can't be in vain, and the experience, skills, and control of the body just now are undoubtedly reflected.

In fact, most offensive players will make fouls, but it is difficult to make fouls and score 2+1, Han Zhe actually does not succeed in 2+1, after all, when he is fouled, his body will generally lose control, and it is very difficult to score goals.

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