The Heat attacked, and when James held the ball, the fans in the audience suddenly cheered loudly like a volcanic eruption, and they simply loved today's James

James also lived up to expectations, broke out on the outside, and then kept accelerating, decelerating and changing the line, so that Han Zhe couldn't grasp the timing of the shot, and finally burst to the basket, leaned on his shoulder to push away Ibaka, and then scored accurately after avoiding Han Zhe's block with a big hook

The goal gave the Heat a four-point lead with 37 seconds remaining.

Magic kicked off and attacked quickly, although the opponent was pressing all over the court, but when Han Zhe controlled the ball and advanced, even James only slowed down his speed slightly, and then quickly retreated on "920", and Han Zhe, who rushed up, couldn't prevent his current state

At this time, it is a matter of victory or defeat in the game, of course, everyone doesn't care whether it is heads-up or not, Wade immediately helped to defend and press Han Zhe to slow down the speed.

Han Zhe saw that the opposite side was wrapped again, and also chose to pass the ball to Walker, Walker saw that he had a chance, and in order to save time, he shot directly with three points.

Seeing the ball hit the iron, Walker almost didn't cry, although winning or losing this game is irrelevant to the regular season, but the meaning today is obviously a little different, they have been working hard, no one wants to lose, if he throws a key ball and loses the game, no need to say it, he himself is uncomfortable

However, Ibaka also fought hard, and after squeezing Haslem away, he forced Bosh to jump, and pressed Bosh to press the bouncing ball into the basket

"Well done" Walker was more excited than Ibaka, who scored the goal, rushed over and hugged him hard before quickly returning to the defence.

Han Zhe also gave a thumbs up to Ibaka as he retreated, and his teammates were very good today

With 26 seconds left in the game, the Magic trailed the Heat by 2 points, and this kind of score made everyone nervous, whether it was players on both sides or fans, it was a bit of pressure on both sides, and it was a pity for anyone to lose the game at this level.

The Heat now have a clear advantage, they only need to spend a time on this goal, and then score the ball to basically stabilize, even if they can't score, as long as they consume 24, they basically win, and they can score in 2 seconds, but this probability is similar to winning the jackpot

Wade controlled the ball, Walker stepped forward to force for the first time, and it would definitely not let them get their way, Wade wanted to break through, but Walker is also fighting now, not only is his attention highly concentrated, but he also began to use some small movements in his hands, which made Wade very uncomfortable

Wade doesn't dare to be careless now, if the ball is counterattacked by the opponent, it will be a sinner, so he did not hesitate to cross James.

Han Zhe judged the way the ball came from, and when he was about to step forward to break the ball, James Hu stepped with him at the same time, and also bumped into him, Han Zhegang was a little out of position, and James got it.

Han Zhe was very helpless, if it was James who didn't open the zone, he would definitely be able to steal this kind of ball, but now James's judgment and reaction are so good that he can do it

Han Zhe didn't dare to stick too tightly, but if he didn't stick it, it was easy to be on time, so he made a dozen gestures and changed guards

Afflalo immediately went over to grab James, and Han Zhe retreated from beyond the three-point line to wait.

Of course, Afflaro couldn't prevent it, and was passed by James who suddenly accelerated to start, but that's it, they just want James to speed up.

At this time, the Magic defense line was all in place, and when Han Zhe stepped forward to block James again, Afflaro had also returned to the defensive position.

Han Zhe finally began to rush at this time, James didn't dare to stand and play with Han Zhe technology, even if he was in his current state, he couldn't play Han Zhe with technology, the reason why he was able to single Han Zhe was because of his skill + body advantage, if it was only the same, even if he entered the Zone, Han Zhe could play him badly

James had no choice but to rush forward to the bottom, Han Zhe squeezed closely, trying to force him to stay away from the basket0.

Seeing that the inside line Ibaka was ready to help defend, James was not sure to hit the two hard, so he stopped and ran back.

This time it can be said to be very disgusting, although Han Zhe reacted very quickly and posted it again, but James obviously took time and began to turn around and pull outside.

Seeing this, Walker immediately came over to help defend and press, Afra Rome filled Wade, and then let go of Qian Moss, and now it's all like this, it's a big deal that James passed him to shoot outside, and if he can get in, he will have a chance.

James did not hesitate and gave the ball to Chanmos in an instant, but Chanmos estimated that he was not confident and did not choose to shoot, but continued to drag time and run sideways.

When Walker went to press, Chanmos saw that the time for the attack was approaching, and the task was completed, so he made a decisive move

Striking iron

Bosh, Vucevic, Ibaka, Haslem, James, and Han Zhe almost all rushed to the basket to make a 2.9 shot.

The ball didn't know who hit it, and it jumped in the air twice in a row but was not caught, and finally fell to the ground in the chaos

Everybody's buttocks were touching the ground

"Han" Vucevic made a forward pounce, called Han Zhe and poked the ball to Han Zhe on the edge.

Han Zhe picked up the ball and threw it directly to the opposite basket, the ball just flew over the middle line, and the prompt sound of the end of the court sounded, and everyone's eyes followed the super long flight path of the ball.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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