When he got home the next day, Han Zhe took a stack of newspapers and read it, and as expected, as expected, as long as it was related to sports, it was all reports of magic and heat.

This time, the media did not agree on the same opinions, each said its own thing, and the focus of attention was also different.

"James is suspected of entering the Zone state and blowing up Han Zhe"

"Han Zhe singled out James and scored the best"

"Han Zhe humiliated himself, James was powerful"

"The clash between two generations of strong men, the magic regrets"

"James proves his unshakable position in basketball with his strength"

"Han Zhe performed well, scored to suppress James, and lived up to the name of the strongest"

"Han Zhe shouted that the double kill became a joke"

"The last throw touches people's hearts"

Although the newspapers are basically written around Han Zhe and James, the focus is different, and to Han Zhe's surprise, there are not many media that jump out to ridicule him, but some media praise him for his performance.

In fact, this is normal, everyone's eyes are not blind, although the Magic lost the game, Han Zhe's performance was not bad, he was able to score with James in the Zone state, and also won the highest score in the game, but there are really not many black places.

Even the media of Hei Han Zhe can't find problems from the technical point of view, they all say that he was arrogant and slapped in the face.

Han Zhe, a first-year rookie, can force James like this, which is already very rebellious.

For example, although the Magic lost this game, the senior management was very happy, Han Zhe surprised them again and again, and some of the senior executives who were a little distressed by Han Zhe's high salary before have now shut up, Han Zhe feels that it is worth the price, if they are willing to trade Han Zhe now, some teams are willing to help them pay their salaries.

Han Zhe can play like this with James at the age of 20, I don't know how many teams are envious, jealous and hateful, not to mention that Han Zhe still has a lot of room to grow, which is the most frightening.

Now no one can imagine what level Han Zhe will be at his peak, of course, some people say that now may be Han Zhe's peak, he just developed his potential early, and he has now reached the top.

After the next two rounds, Han Zhehe was hotly discussed by everyone, because Han Zhe did not seem to be affected by the rumors in these two rounds, and his performance was as stable as ever, and he won two consecutive victories.

The Magic has a record of 340 losses at this time, and with 20 games left in the game, it can be said that they have basically locked a playoff spot, because the Magic will be stable as long as the winning rate in the game reaches 1/3, and with the current strength and state of the Magic, everyone knows that this is not difficult.

If the Magic start to collapse and lose streaks, it will make everyone wonder.

On the Heat's side, on the contrary, they lost both games and yesterday gave the Suns, who are already at the bottom of the league

Everyone quickly analyzed the reason, this is the magic pot, or Han Zhe's pot.

When the Heat played Magic, they obviously fought too hard, and the overall state exploded, but the latter games began to fall.

Especially James has obviously withered in these two games, not to mention the poor state, and there are serious problems with physical fitness, the first game was played and cramped for more than 20 minutes, and the second game was only played in two quarters.

Insiders know that this is the sequelae of James forcibly extending the zone time, and there are big problems with mental and physical fitness.

However, the Heat is now in first place in the East, and even if they lose all the next games, they will properly enter the playoffs, and it doesn't matter if they lose two games.

In fact, it was also very difficult for the Magic to win these two games, they were the same as the Heat, they were too strong before, and the whole was a bit sluggish.

At this time, Han Zhe's role as a star was reflected, his teammates couldn't stand up decisively, scoring 35 points in the first game and 29 points in the second game, which is the key to victory, and it is also the reason why obvious players like them can get high salaries, and the role on the court is huge

Han Zhe himself also smiled bitterly, maybe it is also good not to be able to really enter the Zone, his consumption belongs to the normal category, and he will not become a dead dog after a punch man like James

Next, Han Zheyou successively received several endorsements, the largest of which was Audi's $4.2 million a year.

Originally, in terms of automobiles, Mercedes-Benz was the first to take Han Zhe, and the price was not lower than that of Audi, but they were not willing to sign a contract once a year and wanted to sign a long-term contract.

After Luthor asked Han Zhe for his opinion, he chose the Audi that he was willing to sign alone.

Therefore, now Han Zhe's Ferrari can only be permanently stationed in the garage, but it is cheaper than Shen Xuefei, and this car is basically driven for him to play.

And Han Zhe, the car was naturally replaced by the R8 sports car provided by Audi for free, Han Zhe is still more satisfied with this car, the comfort is good, the lines are gorgeous, the key is not afraid of playing blindly, scratched, bumped and touched by the other party, even if (good) play scrapped, you can also change the car for free.

Of course, Han Zhe will not drive this car as a bumper car, he doesn't feel sorry for the car, he still feels sorry for himself

Coupled with other miscellaneous endorsements, Han Zhe has a total income of about 8 million US dollars, plus the previous all-star income, he is now a proper multimillionaire, of course, US dollars

Han Zhe himself was taken aback by the speed of making money, but he didn't expect that he would be worth nearly 100 million RMB in less than a season in the NBA, which he had never thought of before

However, Han Zhe has already told Luthor that this is the end of the endorsement at present, and he will not take it again in a short time, just talking about these endorsements will delay him a lot of training time, and there will be some follow-up advertisements to shoot later, otherwise he will not be busy!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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