
The whole Magic team went to the Pacers' home life arena, and Han Zhe's playoff debut was about to begin.

"Han, I'm a little nervous, what should I do" Vucevic fidgeted a little in the break room.

Walker was similar, and his sudden reticence showed that he was not in a calm mood.

Han Zhe is actually a little nervous in his heart, they all know how important the playoffs are, and Han Zhe still wants to complete the task, he used to think it was nothing, isn't it just 40+ pairs, it doesn't seem to be very difficult.

After watching the Knicks play the Hawks, I was not very calm all of a sudden, and the gap between the playoffs and the regular season was indeed a bit big

And Han Zhe also checked the record, in the entire history of the NBA, there are few players who can cut 40 points in the playoffs, not to mention 40+ pairs, Han Zhe now finally knows that this task seems to be a bit of a pitfall

Although Han Zhe was also a little apprehensive, he knew that he couldn't mess up before he was the leader, so he pretended to be disdainful: "You just have this point, just beat him in the regular season on the spot, and the Pacers are a rookie team, you can get them in just two clicks."

Everyone laughed out loud when they heard it, although they all knew that Han Zhe was bragging, but the tension was indeed eased a little.

Head coach Vaughn also nodded with satisfaction, he also knew that his team lacked this kind of major tournament experience, and nervousness was inevitable.

Vaughn said: "Although the intensity of the playoffs will be much greater than that of the regular season, it is not as terrible as everyone's phenomenon, just keep a normal heart, what you need to pay attention to is the reasonable distribution of physical energy, and the marking must be important, and the opponent must not be given the opportunity to shoot easily"

Everyone nodded, in fact, the tactical arrangements and precautions Vaughn had naturally been arranged a long time ago, and now it was just a matter of emphasizing it again.

Then Vaughn deliberately patted Han Zhe on the shoulder: "Play well, as long as you play your own normal level." "

After seeing Han Zhe nodding, Vaughn finally said to everyone: "Don't put too much pressure on everyone, after all, it's not a game to win or lose, we must definitely go all out to win every game, but even if you lose this time, you can get it back, you have a more peaceful mentality." "

Vaughn knows that what the team lacks now is not the squad and strength, there are too many young players in the team, what they lack is experience, if everyone is too nervous, they will definitely not be able to play at a normal technical level, which is the most worrying

After encouraging everyone, Vaughn saw that the time was almost up, and led the team into the court.


As soon as they entered the stadium, there were overwhelming boos, which taught Han Zhe another lesson, the home court of the playoffs is the real devil's home field, and these fans are also doing everything, not only booing, but also mixed with countless scolding and ridicule.

Players with poor psychological quality are either bluffed or angry when they encounter a situation, but the Magic players have a good mental quality and are not affected much.

Barkley and Smith at the scene, he was used to seeing this kind of scene, and he still had a smile on his face.

"Barkley, everyone is not very optimistic about the Magic promotion, what do you think?" Smith asked.

Barkley said: "It's a weak team to enter the postseason, and you don't know who wins or loses, although on the surface it seems that the Magic players are really inexperienced, but their overall strength is not weak, and they definitely have the strength to fight with the Pacers." "

Smith nodded, then said: "This kind of game generally depends on the play of the stars, and the advantage of the Pacers is that Hibbert, West and Granger are all experienced veterans, and the Pacers' rise in the East is also their credit."

Of course, the Magic also have advantages, and the young people must have a lot of physical fitness and momentum, but it depends on how well they can resist pressure, especially the Magic leader Han Zhe, you must know that he is only a 20-year-old young man, but now he has to lead the Magic to the playoffs as a leader, and the pressure must be quite large. "

Smith's words also made many viewers in front of the TV sigh, Han Zhe's performance has made many people forget that he is a rookie this season and his actual age.

It's scary to think about it now, and being the leader of a playoff team at the age of 20 is unique in NBA history.

Even talented players like Jordan and Kobe Bryant only emerged in the NBA for several seasons, and Han Zhe's situation is indeed an anomaly.

This is actually two reasons, Han Zhe's violent strength is naturally the focus, and the madness of the Magic high-level cannot be ignored, even if the average team encounters a rookie like Han Zhe, they don't dare to use it like this in the first two seasons, but the magic does.

At present, it seems that the Magic's choice is the right one, because Han Zhe did not drop the chain, played a central role well, and led the Magic to the playoffs in his first season.

The number of people watching the game in China has reached a terrifying number, whether they like basketball or not, they have been in front of the TV, and even some companies have deliberately postponed the working hours of employees to give everyone time to watch the game, which is also unique.

The main thing is that Han Zhe's performance is too good, every Chinese person has a sense of pride, his own national player will be the leader of the team at the age of 20 to play in the playoffs, this is not only support, of course, but also support, the domestic basketball style is also prevalent, if you don't know the NBA, you don't know Han Zhe, you are embarrassed to say hello to others

Of course, CCTV has long been ready for the live broadcast, Su Qun said excitedly: "After commenting on the game for so many years, I am actually a little nervous today"

Zhang Weiping immediately smiled, "It's normal to be nervous, I estimate that there may be tens of millions of pairs of eyes staring at us in front of the TV now."

Su Qun was also amused all of a sudden, but he knew that Zhang Weiping was really not joking, now that the game has not officially started, their statistics are tens of millions, which is still a lot of online live broadcast platform diversion, and the number of people watching basketball today is estimated to be hundreds of millions, which is a super terrifying number

This is the first time that CCTV5 has come somewhat close to the exaggerated ratings of the news broadcast...

In fact, many viewers don't understand basketball at all, but they just heard that the playoffs are very awesome, and they simply want to see if Han Zhe can win, and they can also interject when they chat with friends after watching the game, right?

When the two teams warmed up, Han Zhe and West made a few uncivilized gestures to each other, the two did have some gaps last time, and the media hype during this time was extremely unpleasant to look at each other. The few Magic and Chinese fans who came over heard the Pacers fans booing Han Zhe again, and they also scolded and scolded nearby fans, and it was very lively inside and outside the court

After the players of both teams came off the field and made final preparations, the referee looked at the watch and signaled both sides to come on the field.

When jumping the ball, the 2.18-meter high school striker Hibbert easily gave the racket to his teammates, and if it was usual, this kind of ball was estimated to be scored by the opponent with a fast break.

But today is different, neither side will let the other side score easily, as soon as the opponent gets the ball, the Magic players quickly return to defense, and Han Zhe also pressed Hill who controlled the ball for the first time, disrupting the opponent's offensive rhythm.

Seeing this, the Pacers decisively gave up the fast attack and began to pass the ball steadily, and the Magic also formed a two-three defense to stand by, and the first offense and defense of the two teams officially started_

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