After the lottery, Han Zhe was a little hard to get up, like a child who had just gotten a new toy and wanted to play with it right away

However, it's crazy to run out in the middle of the night to play now, and they have a basketball hall here, but it's closed at night

Han Zhe is full of happiness now, I really didn't expect to be able to pull out Qingfeng Dahui this time, Qingfeng is characterized by explosive terror, super speed, perverted breakthrough ability, and amorphous shooting with a bull fork

The so-called amorphous shooting is that whether it is a throw, a hook, a jumper, a regular or an irregular shot, the ball can be scored.

There is also the fact that no matter whether you use a comfortable posture or an awkward posture, as long as you can throw the ball to the basket, you can basically go in, which means that with this infinitive shot, Han Zhe's shot is already unstoppable, and he can shoot in a posture that defenders can't think of at all

Of course, this infinitive system is explained very clearly, unlike the three points of the green room, it is not a 100% hit, and the shooting percentage is comparable to Han Zhe's ordinary shooting rate, but the shooting methods are diversified, but it is this diversification that makes Han Zhe's scoring ability definitely improve by a notch

Of course, Han Zhe is also very satisfied with Qingfeng's other two abilities, Han Zhe's speed is originally very fast, although it is not the top in the NBA, it is also relatively top-notch, and now with the 20% speed bonus of Qing970 peak, it is another qualitative improvement.

Don't underestimate 20%, this is already an exaggeration, for example, Han Zhe used to be 11 seconds in 100 meters, and now an increase of 20% is more than 9 seconds, which has exceeded the 100-meter trapeze record.

There is also the ability to obtain Aomine's extremely fast ball control breakthrough ability and explosion, which is also a very buggy existence.

NBA players can control the ball, but if they run a lot faster, they can't control it, and now, Han Zhe can control the ball smoothly at his 90% limit speed, which is very awesome.

As for the explosion, it is different from the usual concept of speed, the explosion generally refers to the start and instantaneous acceleration, Qingfeng's first step of the explosion is insoluble in the black basket, the starting speed is super fast, and the opposing player can't react at all, and now Han Zhe has only obtained 80% of Qingfeng's explosive ability, which must be very exaggerated

Anyway, after obtaining Qingfeng's ability, Han Zhe once again received a comprehensive enhancement, and even he couldn't estimate how strong he was now


When Han Zhe got up, he found that Shen Xuefei was already reading the newspaper, so he walked over and took a look, many of them were reports about them beating the walkers yesterday.

[The Magic momentum is strong, and the Pacers have a 3-0 lead and have the potential to sweep!]

[Han Zhe set another record, cutting a big triple-double, he is the youngest player to get a triple-double in the playoffs]

[Pacers fans call Han Chul the son of the devil]

[West angrily reprimanded: The Magic just took advantage of their main injury to steal the victory, and they will make the Magic look good in the next game]

[Celestial Dynasty and Han are also physical monsters?]

"Hehe... This West is lying on the hospital bed and does not stop"—watching the fun.

Shen Xuefei rolled her eyes, "I don't let people lie in the hospital bed."

"Hey, what kind of eyes is this, is it good for him to make a black hand first, I belong to the category of legitimate defense," Han Zhe said in a heartfelt manner.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you violent maniac," Shen Xuefei followed-newspaper.

Then Han Zhe pointed to the title of the Demon Son and asked, "What the hell is this?"

Shen Xuefei said impatiently: "Don't you have long eyes, you don't know how to look at yourself!"

Han Zhe was choked for a moment, feeling that Shen Xuefei had jumped a little in the past two days, I don't know which tendon is not right, you must know that it was relatively gentle some time ago, how to say that if you change your face, you will change your face...

Han Zhe still picked up the newspaper and read it, it turned out that this name was mentioned many times when interviewing Pacer fans, and many Pacers fans said that Han Zhe was a demon or a son of a demon, because their Pacers could be said to be planted in Han Zhe's hands

The biggest offensive and defensive role of the magic is Han Zhe, and this is not counting, his main team was made by Han Zhe to lie down and miss the playoffs, this is not what the devil is

You must know that the son of the devil (agbj) sounds cool, but it is definitely not a good word, the United States basically believes in God, and the devil is the eternal enemy of God, and it is also synonymous with bad factors such as disaster, disease, and chaos

Han Zhe didn't have much religious belief, so of course he wasn't interested in it, but after reading it, he smiled and said: "These Pacers fans are quite talented, and this name sounds quite high-grade."

Shen Xuefei: "..."

Then Han Zhe sat next to Shen Xuefei, and in her solemn protest, she ate the breakfast in front of Shen Xuefei, you must know that Shen Xuefei used to prepare breakfast for two people, but in the past two days, Shen Xuefei began to eat alone, and Han Zhe could only rely on grabbing

"Updated, updated" Shen Xuefei, who was really complaining about Han Zhe, suddenly pointed to the notebook and shouted

After Han Zhe took a sip of skim milk, he asked curiously: "The hair in your computer has been updated? Let me see, is there any good goods, infantry or cavalry?"

"Get out..."Shen Xuefei gritted her teeth in anger

Of course, Han Zhe was joking, he leaned next to her to take a look, and finally knew what the update was, this was an update on the official website of the NBA league.

The reason why Shen Xuefei is so concerned is because it is closely related to her career, and today's update is the announcement of various player data and various awards and lineups in the regular season this season

"Hey, it's boring, it's broken again" Han Zhe glanced at it and saw that his name was in a prominent position.

"Stinky beauty" Shen Xuefei said as she began to record quickly, she had to sort out the news and send it back to China as soon as possible.

Although Han Zhe said it didn't matter, he was still secretly happy in his heart, who doesn't like honor, the record he saw was a single-season three-point shooting record.

The league's single-season three-point shooting was 166 in a season held by Curry, which is already very powerful, you must know that this is a hit, not a number of shots, and it is really not easy to make 166 three-pointers in a season.

However, this is not easy for others, for Han Zhe, this thing seems to be simpler than a layup, Curry's single-season three-point record has been refreshed by Han Zhe, and now what has been announced is that Han Zhe hit 208 three-pointers in a single season, directly improving him by 42, which is a bit exaggerated

There is another one who is even more unlucky than Curry, who was broken, that is Lillard, because Lillard, a rookie, is also very awesome this season, and he also broke Curry's record with 185 three-point shots

Then Han Zhe also began to watch carefully, and the biggest focus at the end of the regular season is, of course, the MVP and scoring champion of the regular season


PS: Thanks to the boss of [vavav2012] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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