Although Han Zhe's goal is beautiful, the Knicks are not a team that can be easily defeated, and they are very strong and confident, and they will immediately fight back again.

This time, the baby-faced Anthony also showed off, first using his physical advantage to knock away Harkless, and then playing a lost step under the basket to completely stun Vucevic and score the basketball.

Then the Magic attacked Ibaka, not to be outdone, Chandler scored one, which made the Magic fans in front of the TV also excited, and now both teams are a little bit competitive, and the game is beginning to show off individual skills.

After playing for a while, Han Zhe carried the offensive banner of the Magic again, not that Han Zhe didn't give his teammates a chance to perform, but that the Magic players' singles ability was really not as strong as the other party, and they had to play like this.

When Han Zhe hit another wonderful irregular shot, Barkley couldn't help but sigh: "Han's shooting skills have obviously improved qualitatively again, and now it is difficult for the Knicks to limit Han's scoring, and they can only fight with the Magic to achieve 813 power."

Smith said: "Today, the Knicks are in good overall shape, they still have an advantage, although they can't prevent Han, but their overall strength is better than the Magic, and the bench lineup is much stronger than the Magic, so the Knicks as a whole are not at a loss." "

Smith said well, although the Magic has a strong Han Zhe, basketball is a five-person sport, and the other positions are dominated by the Knicks, and Xiao Si and Chandler are not comparable to Vucevic in terms of skill and experience.

Another point is the problem of the bench lineup, it was relatively easy to play the Pacers before, and the bench problem was not obvious, but when playing a team like the Knicks, every goal and every minute is very important, and you have to be careful when you rotate

At halftime, the Knicks recovered four points and trailed the Magic by two points, and the atmosphere of AIAE fans was back up, because their home team played well today, and as long as they continue to keep up, they have a good chance of winning their first game

At the beginning of the third quarter, Vaughn decided to rotate the bench after careful consideration, after all, there are few high-intensity games like the playoffs that can play the whole game except for a few physical monsters.

However, Vaughn did not play blindly on the bench, but left Han Zhe and Ibaka on the field for mixing, especially Han Zhe, as long as he is on the field, he can stabilize the morale of the army.

The Magic bench is also very messy about their positioning, they are now not seeking merit but seeking no fault, and the first priority is not to score, but to make sure that they do not make mistakes and do not concede goals.

Han Zhe controlled the ball and came to the front court, and Shampert immediately defended it, but Han Zheyu pulled out his hand against the opponent, although Han Zhe's arm was touched by the opponent, and it was scored after a few turns in the basket

"Damn this bastard is too accurate"

"I used to hear people say that he was the most king of all time, but I didn't believe it, but now I believe it"

"We Knicks don't seem to be able to keep an eye on Han, huh?"

"It's not a problem with defensive players, it's that Han's projection ability is too strong, and his actions have been a little deformed under the influence of Shambert just now, but he still threw three points in."

Seeing Han Zhe scoring this kind of unreasonable three-point goal again, Knicks fans suddenly sighed and started talking, and even some hated Han Zhe so much, because they could see that if the magic hadn't had Han Zhe's various sudden shots, it was estimated that they would have been defeated by them

Most of the main forces of the Magic are now down, although it is not difficult to have Han Zhe and Ibaka on the offensive end, but the defensive end is completely exploded, if Han Zhe stares at Anthony, Chandler and Xiao Si will eat the basket, if Han Zhe goes to the basket to protect the frame, the opponent will be shot by Anthony or Humppert from afar, even if the iron is hit, the probability of the Knicks catching the board is also very great.

Therefore, in the past few minutes, the Knicks have rushed very fiercely, and the success rate is very high, and the Magic have been overtaken by four points despite being led by Han Zhe.

Fortunately, at this time, the Knicks also asked for a rotation, and Vaughn originally planned to let Han Zhe take the opportunity to rest for a few minutes, although their bench was a little worse, but it was not so bad that the opponent's bench collapsed.

But Han Zhe said that he has no problem with his physical fitness, and he doesn't need to get off the court, this is not Han Zhe's hard support, he is no longer a rookie who has just entered the NBA, and now he knows the importance of reasonable distribution of physical fitness, but today he has two more blocks in hand, and now he can really hold on

Seeing that Han Zhe insisted, and he couldn't see how tired he was, Vaughn nodded and agreed to let him play for a few more minutes, in fact, Vaughn also wanted Han Zhe to take the opportunity to chase some points back.

Han Zhe did not disappoint everyone, and after kicking off again, a steal and two goals instantly tied the score again, so that the Knicks players who had just sat on the bench almost didn't jump

Can this Nima still make people rest at ease for a few minutes, it's too violent, right?

If Han Zhe's main force against the Knicks is the tigers against the wolves, then now it is the feeling of the tiger entering the flock, and the Knicks bench was completely beaten into a sieve by Han Zhe at both offensive and defensive ends.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this doesn't feel like a level of battle.

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