After the start of the second quarter, the opponent still bloomed more, and the magic began to disperse the firepower, as long as Han Zhe was trapped, he rarely broke through, but chose to share the ball, which is to save physical energy.

Correspondingly, other players have more opportunities to shoot, in fact, whether it is Walker, or Ibaka and Vucevic on the inside, the offensive ability is very reliable.

After Han Zhe's main force attracted firepower, they played quite easily, but the shooting rate was correspondingly lower, Walker's mid-to-long range shooting could not compare to Han Zhe, and Ibaka and Vucevic also shot a few meters away from the basket, because Chandler and Xiao Si were stuck under the basket for a long time, and they struggled to play alone.

Seeing the scores of the two teams rising alternately, the players didn't feel anything, but everyone was sweating a little, this game was so crucial, and supporters on both sides were naturally afraid that the team would lose.

Domestic water friends:

"It's so easy to play against the Knicks, why are you so entangled today!"

"It's the Knicks who are not in good shape, and you really think the Knicks are fish belly?"

"It's good for the Magic to be able to take a 3-2 lead, and to be honest, a few people before the game would have expected the Magic to play like this!"

"That's right, although Han Zhe is very strong, the three big guys of the Knicks are not easy to mess with, and it is already very hanging to be able to force the Knicks to the brink of elimination!"

"Why does Han Zhe feel a little soy sauce in the second quarter?"

"You know the yarn, this is to preserve the living force and prepare to amplify the one-hit kill in the later stage!"

"Ibaka and Vucevic feel pretty good at playing the Pacers, how can they hit the Knicks and find some dishes?"

"There is no harm if there is no comparison, anyway, Anthony is awesome, isn't it the same as being forced by Han Zhe!"

"Poof... The little melon means lying down and taking critical damage!"

Not only domestic netizens discussed, but also discussed a lot in other countries, and the game between the Knicks and the Magic made everyone a little incomprehensible.

Before the game, most people thought that the Knicks could easily eliminate the Magic and advance, but the two teams found that they seemed to be evenly matched.

The last game was the most unexpected, the Knicks were directly defeated by the Magic, when people thought that the Knicks lacked stamina, and this game might also be easily killed by the Magic, but the Knicks played at a level, and the scores of the two teams were also you leading for a while, and I was overtaking for a while, and no one could see the trend of the game clearly!

Looking at the excitement, most of them actually want the Knicks to win today, it became 3-3, the battle of Tianwang Mountain is the most intense, and the thief must be good-looking!

In the second quarter, although Han Zhe did not have many opportunities to break through and make shots, his contribution was also great, and if he didn't attract firepower, his teammates would not have so many shooting opportunities.

Moreover, Han Zhe also relied on the Eye of the Emperor to accurately break the point and get two rebounds, which can be regarded as helping Ibaka relieve some of the pressure.

Of course, Han Zhe also knows that in the case of a small gap in strength, rebounding can be the key to determining victory or defeat!

When the whistle blew in the second quarter, Han Zhe raised an eyebrow as soon as he saw the score, because now it was 54-51, and the Knicks were three points ahead of their Magic.

Although the score gap is not large, who is ahead and who is behind still has a certain impact on the mentality of the players.

Han Zhe maintained his physical fitness well just now, and after halftime, he was alive again, but just now the inside line was a little fierce, and Vucevic and Chandler also had more physical confrontations, plus his body was the one who suffered more, so Vaughn temporarily let O'Quinn go up to the top and let Vucevic continue to rest for a while.

The Knicks kicked off, Felton pulled Harkless to the inside line and gave the ball to Chandler, who had an absolute height advantage in the face of O'Quinn, but Chandler did not eat hard with his height.

After receiving the ball, two consecutive turns and feints shook O'Quinn a little dizzy, and then deliberately circled behind him one more time before stepping into the basketball, at which time O'Quinn turned around a little awkwardly and looked very stupid.

"Old guy, are you bullying our little pot friend!" Han Zhe raised his eyebrows a little angrily and said, because this ball Chandler is too flirtatious, and this is to make O'Quinn ugly.

Chandler grinned, "If you're not convinced, you can come!"

"Okay, meet you!" Han Zhe patted O'Quinn on the shoulder to comfort him, and then motioned for Harkless to kick off the ball, and he ran to the frontcourt.

After Harkless sent the ball to Walker, Walker quickly advanced to the opponent's half, and Han Zhe heard the conversation just now, so he naturally handed the ball to Han Zhe who reached out for the ball for the first time.

As soon as Han Zhe received the ball, he burst forward with speed, and Shampert, who had just caught up with him and was about to defend, was startled, because Han Zhe looked like he was hitting him.

However, in the moment when Shampert was stunned, Han Zhe had already turned around the other party with a dashing turn and walked around behind him, and then continued to protrude inward.

Anthony was just about to intercept, but Han Zhe was like an unpredictable prophet, changing direction from Anthony's other side to break through, making Anthony look like a stupid fork and posing alone!

After breaking through Anthony, Han Zhe faced the opponent's last line of defense, Chandler, seeing Han Zhe rushing violently, Chandler's eyes narrowed, and he became cautious, he knew that Han Zhe was preparing to show him a wave of revenge for his teammates.

But he is confident that he is not O'Quinn, Han Zhe wants to show that he is still too tender!


PS: I recommend a basic friendly book "Turning Myths into Reality".

Thanks to the boss of [zrk921230] for tipping 588 points. _

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