Han Zhe's shot can be described as a lot of attention, everyone's eyes are moving with the flight trajectory of the basketball, of course, those who support the Magic are looking forward to being able to get in, and those who support the Knicks pray that they don't go in!


After the ball flew over a long distance, it smashed the rebound and made a loud noise, and everyone's hearts trembled!

If you just listen to the sound, you think it's iron, but after hitting the board, the ball bounces to the inside edge of the basket, and the ball naughtily circles the basket many times before falling into the basket!


After a short silence, the stadium erupted in loud shouts, and many Magic fans hugged each other excitedly, shouting and shouting, some were thanking God, some were shouting Han Zhe's name, and some were cheering for the team to advance.

Barkley was relatively fair when he commented, but now it is known that he is a fan of Han Zhe, and he couldn't help jumping up at this time and shouted: "Lore, Han used super 14 points to beat the Knicks, and the Magic got the ticket to the finals in the East!"

At this time, Smith pulled the excited Barkley, and then pointed to the referee who was still watching the video next to him, Barkley was stunned for a moment and calmed down.

Woodson now rushed to the referee and yelled and gestured that the ball was invalid, saying that the game was over when Han Zhe shot, and Vaughn angrily scolded Woodson for being unreasonable and righteously saying that it was a good ball.

Seeing that the two of them were squirting wildly and almost didn't fight, a referee had no choice but to separate the two and tell them to calm down.

Whether it is the players of the two teams or the audience, they are all waiting for the referee's decision, and the most nervous is of course the Knicks players.

Seeing that the referee did not announce the verdict for a long time, the fans at the scene were all talking:

"Why is it so long, this ball should not be ruled invalid!"

"Shut up, this must be a good ball, I can see it clearly, it's only time for Han to go out. "

"Come on, I look at this ball, I can't tell with the naked eye whether it is effective or not, I remember that Han's shot and the ending note are together!"

"It's a shame to kill such a beautiful ultra-long shot!"

"If the referee dares to blow it invalid, I'll go down and kill him!"

Then the fans began to heckle wildly, all shouting that this was a good ball, and many people even began to celebrate the promotion directly!

Major TV stations are also playing replays, and TV is naturally watching slow motion, and after the replays, they quickly know why the referee's decision has not come out for a long time.

In the first slow motion, they didn't even see whether Han Zheqiu left his hand first or the game ended first.

After a multi-angle playback and a subtle pause in the director's comparison, they finally knew what the result was.

Su Qun said excitedly: "This ball is too hanging, and it is almost impossible to tell whether the game ended first or Han Zhe shot first, however, after the playback of the director, we can clearly see from the side of the 90-degree lens that the moment before the timer becomes zero, the ball has left his hand, this should be a good ball, it depends on how the referee decides." "

The audience in front of the TV is also in a cold sweat, this ball is really hanging, when the timer is zero, the ball is just a small slit from the hand, if it is not slow out frame by frame, and from the side angle, it really can't be judged.

Other countries are naturally replaying, and when they saw this result, they all exclaimed that it was dangerous, and they admired Han Zhe's shooting this time.

After calculation, Han Zhe's shot point was about 24 away from the basket, which was originally an unscientific category for shooting, not to mention that Han Zhe still didn't have any adjustments, which was even more rebellious.

Not to mention the accuracy, you must know that the empty hand is much more uncomfortable than the down-to-earth, there is no borrowing point in the air, it all relies on the swing arm to boost, not to mention the accuracy, most players can't throw the ball so far in the air, this ball can prove that Han Zhe's arm strength is amazing.

However, no matter who it is, they all know that this ball Han Zhe is also Meng, it can only be said that ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to be Meng, but Han Zhe seized this opportunity that is not an opportunity.

The referee didn't mess around, and after repeated screening, it was finally declared that the goal was valid, and the magic won!

Woodson's expression was gloomy for the whole 980 people, and the grass and mud in his heart rolled by, and he watched the video, and it was almost a little bit, and their Knicks almost won a little bit, so depressed!

Vaughn cheered and rushed onto the pitch and hugged the players wildly to celebrate the hard-earned victory.

Han Zhe, who is the biggest hero, was lifted up by his excited teammates to "parade through the streets"!

The scene was also completely boiling, and all Magic fans shouted and celebrated wildly, not only celebrating the defeat of their opponents in this game, but also celebrating their long-lost Eastern Conference Finals again!

The Knicks players were sitting on the ground dejectedly, some were in a daze, some were silently watching the celebratory magic, and some were already wiping their tears, to this point, no one wanted to go home early!

Anthony was also a little distracted, thinking that he was a key three-point lore game, but where did he think that Han Zhe would immediately give them a heart-wrenching classic lore!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Flying Fat Man] for tipping 100 points. _

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