Does Han Zhe really want to do something?

The answer is: Yes!

James is also an arrogant master, since Han Zhe wants to "strengthen" him, he is naturally not to be outdone, and takes the initiative to meet him.

Han Zhe slowed down slightly, and then a small line change dangled to James's side and was about to jump and dunk, but James reacted very quickly, and he was already prepared for a side span just stuck between Han Zhe and the basket.

When everyone thought that Han Zhe would choose to adjust to break through or pass again, Han Zhe actually jumped directly.

Of course, James would not let Han Zhe be a bully in front of him, and almost jumped at the same time as Han Zhe to give him a big hat.

Next, everyone finally knows what super bounce is, the 2.03-meter-old James is actually half a head shorter than Han Zhe after jumping, and he can't reach Han Zhe's ball with his hands.

Seeing this, James decisively chose to foul the beater, ready to sabotage Han Zhe's attack, this ball Han Zhe dunked is a dunk, he can't afford to lose this person.

However, the next scene made everyone stunned.

Han Zhe originally raised the ball with his right hand and was about to split the dunk, but after being hit by James's arm, the ball fell out, and when they thought that this attack and defense would end in a free throw, Han Zhe's reaction startled everyone.

The ball that had been taken off was grabbed by Han Zhe with his other hand, and then he forcibly dunked the ball in through James, who was about to fall to the ground, and when James landed, the ball just hit his back, and the referee also blew a 2+1, James was simply embarrassed.

"Block! Han Zhe actually dunked James, and the ball was fouled in the air, and the dunk after the change of hands, Han Zhe's bounce, air stay and reaction ability were undoubtedly revealed, who else dared to question Han Zhe's title of genius!" Su Qun roared excitedly.

Zhang Weiping also slapped the table excitedly, and said quickly: "Han Zhe's strength has grown too fast, and his self-confidence is also very high, he has no stage fright in the face of James, this goal is too classic!"

Netizens also blew up:

"I'm domineering, and I'm forced to succeed by pretending to be James!"

"This 2+1 bunker is here!"

"Emperor Zhan's heart is probably collapsed at this moment!"

"Han Zhe is really getting stronger and stronger, and he didn't suffer at all in the confrontation!"

"Look at James's bitter expression, it's so cool, hahaha...

The audience also fell into a short silence, Zhan was a god-like figure in their hearts, but they didn't expect to be forcibly humiliated by Han Zhe, which made them a little unacceptable!

"The first quarter is just a warm-up, it's before, you'd better fire up today, or I'll make you cry!" Han Zhe pretended to be forced to finish and then went to the free throw.

This kind of ball Han Zhe won nine out of ten, and it was easy to score.

"James, are you alright?" Seeing that James was a little stunned, Bosh came over and patted him on the shoulder.

James came back to his senses, and after glancing at Han Zhe's back, he was not as angry as everyone imagined, and turned his head to Bosh and said lightly: "What can I do, I was just careless just now, and then I will make this kid look good!"

The Heat players were also relieved to see this, they were not afraid that James would be hit, after all, James was already an NBA veteran, and he had never seen any scenes, and it was impossible for one or two balls to hit his confidence.

They are just afraid that James will fight with Han Zhe impulsively, if they can't beat Han Zhe, it will be miserable if they are suspended, they still want to defend the championship, how can the Heat lose James, and their strength will have to be greatly reduced.

When the Heat attacked, their teammates all wanted to play for James, and they all knew that James had suffered such a big loss, and they knew that he must want to get back on the court.

However, Han Zhe has been sticking to James very tightly, and it is very difficult for the Heat to pass the ball to James.

Half of the offensive time was consumed, and James finally received the basketball.

As soon as James took the ball, he tentatively bumped into Han Zhe again, but where would Han Zhe, who had suffered a loss, always fall in a pit, this time his footing was very stable, but he shook it slightly and was not bounced away.

James is not surprised by this, and Han Zhe will not be able to become the best defensive player in the league if he is so good at cleaning up.

After a few slaps on the spot, James suddenly leaned and leaned on Han Zhe, and then his legs burst out with amazing power and began to push Han Zhe down the basket, and the speed became faster and faster!

"Damn... Don't be so exaggerated!" Feeling this familiar scene, Han Zhe couldn't help but scold in his heart, you must know that his current strength is violent, and he can't stop the car at all, no wonder this thing is called a gorilla!

In fact, it wasn't that James's strength crushed Han Zhe, just now Han Zhe was a little careless, the first step was not resisted, and it was difficult to exert force after moving, so he could only be carried by James and kept walking.

James bulldozer directly squeezed Han Zhe to the basket in one breath, James made an emergency stop, Han Zhe was directly pushed out of the bottom line by inertia before braking the car, James suddenly turned around and stepped after the emergency stop and shook over the Ibaka who was making up the defense, and turned sideways to dunk the ball with one hand.

James pounded his chest and yelled after landing on the ground, this ball almost vented all the frustration just now.

The suppressed fans at the scene also broke out instantly, and the sound was higher and higher, shaking the whole stadium a little trembling!

James is happy, the Heat fans are happy, but Han Zhe is not happy, and his heart says is this retribution?

Gang forcibly pretended to be a wave of force, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face immediately, this ball Han Zhe is also very embarrassed, he was pushed directly out of the bottom line from near the three-point line, enough to fuck up, James has had such a road before, Han Zhe was still happy to watch it at the time, but he didn't expect to become a victim today!

However, Han Zhe, like James, is a very confident person, he doesn't care about the gain or loss of a goal, he shrugged his shoulders and signaled his teammates to kick off, just hurt each other, who is afraid of whom!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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