Although Han Zhe can also break through James when attacking, he also said that he is incompetent on the defensive end, and James who opens the zone can use his own skills and physical advantages more perfectly, combining the two, and Han Zhe, a defensive expert, has no way.

So, as before, the two entered the mutual explosion mode, fighting to see who had the stronger scoring ability.

Originally, at the beginning, Han Zhe thought that his scoring ability was superior, because he had more scoring skills, three-point, amorphous, and dunks were perfect, but after playing for a while, Han Zhe knew that he was wrong, James' scoring ability is no worse than him now, and even three points are also accurate!

Han Zhe quickly figured it out, this may be what the old hooligan Jordan described, after entering the Zone, he felt that the basket was as big as the sea, and he could shoot it no matter how he threw it!

In the second half of the fourth quarter, the Magic was overtaken by the Heat, not because Han Zhe and James suffered a loss alone, after all, this is a five-person sport, and it is impossible for James and Han Zhe to complete the last shot of each ball.

The reason why the Heat is strong is not because James alone, their Wade and Bosh are all bigwigs on any team, and their strength is undoubted, and they are enough to be the pillars of the team.

Although the Magic players are also very good, they are still a little worse than the opponent, and in the end, when they all start to exert their strength, Walker obviously can't prevent Wade, and Bosh, who is on the court again, also plays more fiercely, and begins to control the initiative under the basket.

In terms of overall offensive success rate, the Heat are now higher than the Magic, which is why they have been able to turn around.

Vaughn on the sidelines saw that there was not much time for the game, and they were currently behind in the score, so he was naturally a little anxious, he originally wanted the players to simply give him the right to shoot around Han Zhe, but when he saw that Han Zhe, whose clothes were already soaked, he still shut up.

Letting Han Zhe shoot more will naturally improve the team's hitting rate, but in this way, Han Zhe's physical consumption will be greater, and Han Zhe, who is already very tired, is estimated to be unable to bear it

This is also the main reason why Kobe Bryant scored 81 points and shocked the world, it's not that your teammates feed you the ball, and you can be in good shape, and the more you have the right to shoot, the physical requirements will become greater, and the whole court is rushing left and right, where can you stand it, this can only prove that Kobe Bryant was also a super physical monster back then!

With nearly four minutes left in the game, the Heat led by five points at 96-91, at which time Han Zhe once again forced the basket and scored the ball with a big hook in front of Bosh, narrowing the gap to 3 points.

"Han Zhe's offensive methods are becoming more and more diversified, this goal is scored very beautifully, and he actually uses a sideways hook hand, this action is generally used by excellent interior players, and there are very few players who use it well!" Su Qun was also very excited to see Han Zhe score again, and Han Zhe's score today was very exaggerated!

Zhang Weiping continued: "Han Zhe's offensive ability is true, but today James should be in the zone state, whether it is a breakthrough or a shot, it is much more powerful than usual, the two will meet good talents, chess opponents!"

Zhang Weiping's expression was very self-conscious when he said this, for today Han Zhe can be said to be rebellious enough, James was suppressed by Han Zhe before opening the Zone, and now even if the Zone is opened, he is comparable to Han Zhe Qihoo, how strong Han Zhe is can be imagined!

Of course, everyone has subjective and objective opinions, Han Zhe's supporters feel that Han Zhe seems to be stronger than James, but James supporters feel that James is much stronger than Han Zhe, and now as soon as James makes a force, the Heat will immediately surpass the Magic is proof!

In fact, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment on the strength of the two players on the court, and there are too many factors, such as different positions and roles on the court, different heights and weights, different positions in the team, ups and downs in state, etc., which affect the judgment.

It would be unfair to judge only by the number of wins and losses in a game or the number of points!

Therefore, the strength of a player is not only based on his usual performance, but also at the overall performance of the team he leads.

Why James can be crowned king, because he led the Heat to win the NBA championship, and he has also won several regular season MVPs and a Finals MVP, this is the difference between him and Durant, if the Thunder defeated the Heat last year to win the championship, it is estimated that many people will say that Durant is better than James!

This is also the reason why many players yearn for championship rings, because only by winning a championship can they really prove themselves!

This season, the Heat finished first in the East in the regular season, and the Magic only finished sixth in the East, which seems to be a bit big.

Of course, Han Zhe's supporters don't admit this account, they will say that Han Zhe joined the Magic halfway, and the Magic played shit in the early stage, and it is already awesome to be brought to the sixth by Han Zhe, and the Heat have two giants in addition to James, and it is unfair to compare the team's results!

Anyway, this is what the public says is reasonable, and the mother says that the mother is reasonable!

The game continued, and the next ball James was also very unreasonable, squeezing Han Zhe with his body to get a gap and then pulling out a three-point shot, and the difference between the two teams widened again.

James's violent state has kept the fans in a state of excitement, and the cheers have not stopped, they have actually not seen such a crazy Zhan Huang for a long time!

"What the hell, is the damn Zone really so strong?" Han Zhe also frowned, and James had improved a little too much.

Han Zhe has never entered the zone state, so he is unfamiliar with this field, and he just peeks at the leopard from James and Durant, who have played against him!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Purple Fireworks Easy to Cold] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Imperial Ensign] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Purple Fireworks] for rewarding 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Pingshui Meeting] for rewarding 100 points. _

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