As soon as the player walked out of the court, he was stopped by reporters, and the Heat won today, so the interest was very high, and James Wade and others were interviewed by reporters.

As for the magic, it was not let go by the reporters either.

"Walker, is the last shot too psychologically stressful to not be made?"

"Is the final shot arranged by Coach Vaughn or is it up to you to decide, or is it just accidental?"

"Wouldn't you blame yourself for missing such a crucial goal?"

"If you make the last three points..."

Without waiting for the reporter to finish, Han Zhe directly blocked in front of Walker, pushed the reporter away, and said with a dark face: "There is no if, if you lose, you will lose, and don't keep talking about the last three points, the last ball was discussed by me in advance for Walker to throw!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he pushed away all the reporters who were in the way, and then left quickly with Walker, whose face had changed, and when these reporters still wanted to catch up, the magic staff blocked them all from behind.

"Han! thank you!" As he walked down the tunnel, Walker thanked Han Zhe for helping him clear the game.

Han Zheyi put his arm around his shoulder and smiled: "Thank you, thank you, you don't blame me for pushing you into the fire pit!"

Walker was amused for a moment, and Han Zhe said that it was right to push him into the fire pit, because this last shot was indeed discussed by Han Zhe in advance.

However, Walker only has gratitude in his heart and does not complain, this ball will definitely be sprayed to death if he misses the shot, but if he throws it, Walker will be the hero of the Magic, this is the coexistence of risks and benefits, and it is also Han Zhe's trust, and in the end, he can only blame himself for not being angry.

And Walker also knows that there is no way to do it, in the end, such a crucial goal, you don't have to think about it, you know that the other party will definitely look at Han Zhe, who has a few lore records, Han Zhe wants to make a shot It is extremely difficult, and it is the most reasonable way to deal with it by handing him over!

Back in the lounge, his teammates also comforted Walker, saying that this was not his pot, in fact, the game was still behind in the last few seconds, and it was not unjust to lose.

Walker also encouraged everyone and praised them for playing well, which is not a polite remark, the Magic and the Heat can fight until the last second to decide the winner, who dares to say that the Magic played badly?

What's more, James's hanging force also opened the zone, which is very unreasonable behavior, of course, they don't know that they also have a big hanging force in their team!

After returning to the hotel, Han Zhe's phone exploded as soon as he turned it on.

Little Lori Kolo was the first to come in:

"Han, aren't you crying?"

"Cry your sister, it's just a game, it's not the end of the world!" Han's scolded, although the loss made him very depressed, but it wasn't enough to cry, just one game, and there was a chance to take revenge!

"You're a girl, why do you always like to swear!" said Chloe, puffing out.

"Girl, you really didn't notice it if you didn't say it! A call came in, let's talk for a while, bye!" Han Zhe hung up the phone decisively after speaking, so angry that Kolo on the other end almost didn't throw the phone away!

Han Zhe didn't lie, there was indeed a phone call, this was a call from his friend and partner Luther, and there was nothing special, the magic lost, Luther just called to comfort and care, and after chatting for a while, he found that Han Zhe was in a good mood, so he hung up the phone with confidence.

Subsequently, relatives and friends in China also called one after another, and some former Bobcat's teammates called to greet or ridicule.

What made Han Zhe most depressed was that Anthony also called, he didn't comfort Han Zhe, the phone call was a burst of cynicism, in short, "I said that you wasted the promotion quota and you are still not convinced, now you see, you kneel when you go out, if you change us Knicks, the Heat will definitely be crying now!"

This time it was Han Zhe who was so angry that he almost threw the phone, and he held it for a long time and sent the goods away with the word "roll", this guy is completely gloating, and he is blowing loudly, as if they are much stronger than the Heat, Han Zhe estimates that if the Knicks meet James who opened the zone, they will definitely be beaten out!

After dealing with all kinds of calls, Han Zhe logged in to Weibo again to take a look, and as soon as the game was over, his Weibo was in the scrolling screen, and there were countless messages of all kinds.

Most of them are expressing regret and encouragement, many people feel that this game is wronged, it would be good if the last three points were scored, everyone said that Han Zhe should come to the last goal, so he will definitely be able to score!

Han Zhe couldn't cry or laugh after seeing it, he really thought he was a god, in this case, he could still score 100% of the three points, if he had the opportunity, he would definitely still play it by himself, but the facts have proved that in the end, this ball Walker is the most reasonable, because he is too dead, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get out of the ball when the time comes!

After looking at it for a while, Han Zhe's face was a little unsightly, because many people were leaving messages scolding Walker, thinking that Walker had wasted the last opportunity.

"The win or loss of a ball is not decided by one player or one ball, and in the end, I didn't have a big shot as Walker, so I decided to throw it to him, and we were three points behind in the last few seconds, and we didn't lose unjustly, everyone is reasonable, this pot is not Walker's!" Han Zhe said.

"Damn! Han Zhe is online, my wife is coming out to see God!"

"Han Zhe is right, I don't think Walker can be blamed for this goal, how can this kind of hasty shot be 100% scored. "

"People who can defend their teammates are worthy of respect, Han Zhe is good, support!"

"Han Zhexiong got up, his eyes were wiped with water, and the next time he will educate the gorillas!"

"Han Zhe, it's amazing that you can lead magic to this point, we are all proud of you, come on!"

"Anyway, Han, did James really enter the Zone, what the hell is that Zone?"

"Upstairs to be so stupid, Zero doesn't even know what it is!"

"Upstairs talent, Zone can be Zero, I think your IQ is Zone!"

Han Zhe looked at it roughly and didn't come back, he was tired after playing for a day today, so he rested early after washing, and he had to recharge his energy in the past two days, and strive for the next revenge!


PS: Thank you [I'm on the roof] boss for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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