Han Zhe really didn't know that there were sequelae when he drove the Zone, but after thinking about it carefully, he could still understand that the Zone is to put the human body into the limit state, just like a car, the engine has been running at maximum power, and there will definitely be problems.

After the start of the second quarter, the fans at the scene were in an uproar, because James actually sat on the bench, a player like James, unless he encountered an injury, it is basically impossible to rest after playing a quarter.

Many people began to discuss what was going on with James, but very few people knew about the sequelae, and they all estimated that James was not in good shape, so let him slow down first.

As for the Magic, it is not surprising after listening to Vaughn's explanation, James's cheating state today is not of much use on the court, it is better to let him rest for a while to see if he can find his form.

Replacing James is Battier, who scored a goal as soon as he came on the court, and seems to be in good shape, which is also the advantage of the Heat, most of their substitutes are experienced veterans, and they have played a lot in the playoffs, and their performance is generally more stable.

However, Battier certainly doesn't compare to the in-form James, and the Magic did play much easier than the first game.

In the second quarter, under the leadership of Han Zhe, he has always maintained the lead in the score, although Bosh and Wade are in good shape, and the difference between points has not been stretched too much, but it is also very difficult to chase points, the reason is very simple, Han Zhe is as vigorous as ever, especially the shooting rate has been high.

This is also the reason why Han Zhe is popular, in fact, many players in the NBA occasionally perform very well, but it is difficult to last, but Han Zhe rarely has accidents, and his performance on the court is stable, which is the most commendable.

James and coach Eric on the sidelines looked at Han Zhe's expressions of helplessness, and scolded the pervert in their hearts, fighting so fiercely with James in the last game, and continuing to play after only one day, it didn't have much impact.

It can only be said that Han Zhe's physical fitness has indeed not fully recovered, and the number of breakthroughs in singles today is much less than in the last game, but as long as Han Zhe shoots, he is still very accurate.

In the second half of the second quarter, Bosh suddenly came into play, scoring two goals in a row and completing a block, which suddenly narrowed the gap a little.

Just when the Heat fans thought they could turn the tables in one go, Han Zhe made another move.

After receiving the ball, he started to explode, and then continuously changed the line to shake off Wade and scored a dunk, which severely suppressed the arrogance of the Heat.

The Heat attacked, Wade was followed by Han Zhe in front of the ball control, and Han Zhe was of course responsible for defending Wade when James was not there, and now the two are in opposition regardless of offense and defense.

"Difficult guy!" Cheng De couldn't help but curse in his heart after getting rid of the breakthrough several times in a row, his speed can't get rid of Han Zhe now, and his skills can't be accounted for, every feint will be seen through, and I really don't know how to play.

In the end, Wade could only share the ball with his teammates, and Chanmos forced a shot under Walker's marking, and the rebound was picked up by Ibaka to launch a counterattack.

Han Zhe received the ball and was just about to attack quickly, but he was stuck by Wade, and when Han Zhe came out, the opponent had already returned to the defense in place, Han Zhe saw this, and he divided the ball Walker, and slowly ran to the front court to wait for the ball.

When Walker dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, he made a fake pass to Han Zhe, and when the defending Qian Moss was fooled, he broke through with a burst and easily scored in the basket after Vucevic blocked and dismantled.

Su Qun smiled: "Walker missed the last game, but he was scolded a lot, but no one will definitely scold him today." "

Zhang Weiping also smiled, "Indeed, Walker can be said to be the most active player in the Magic today, saying that he is playing point guard, but Walker is playing more like a point guard today, and Han Zhe is more like a point guard." "

The two said well, Walker broke through and scored a lot today, and Han Zhe often organized offense in possession, so it can be said that the Magic played a double control or double quarterback today.

In the entire NBA, only the Magic can play like this, because both Walker and Han Zhe are very good two-way guards, and the positions of the two of them can be switched back and forth, which is called a chic.

Towards the end of the second quarter, Han Zhe and Walker played a coordination that made the major commentators laugh and bend over.

Vucevic shot the iron, most of the people were crowded under the basket, Walker picked up the leak and got the ball under the basket and jumped to prepare for a layup, at this time Han Zhe, who was standing behind him, held his waist with both hands and lifted it hard, coupled with Walker's own jumping momentum, he directly rose into the air to avoid Bosh's interception and dunk.

After the ball was completed, not only Han Zhe and Walker themselves laughed, but even the Heat players couldn't help but be happy.

"You're a weird guy!" Walker grinned.

"How does it feel to dunk in a helicopter?" said Han Zhe with a smile.

"That's a good thing to say, it's pretty cool!" Walker laughed, he can dunk too, but he needs to run, like this kind of jumping, he can't do it himself, not to mention someone to defend.

Su Qun laughed and said, "What is the strongest auxiliary, this is it!"

Zhang Weiping was also very happy, "Han Zhe is really good at playing, but this is a good phenomenon, which proves that he is very relaxed today!"

At the end of the second quarter, the score became 56-46, and the Magic just had a double-digit lead, and the trend of this game was a bit unexpected by everyone, and the Magic had always held the initiative in the game.


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Maple Red] for rewarding 200 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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