After the Magic game, the whole Orlando was in a carnival, and many restaurants and bars sold out of beer, no wonder they were so crazy, after all, the team was in a good situation, and it was very likely to break into the finals, and the huge fan base in Orlando was sleepless tonight!

Some Chinese who have just arrived here are surprised and proud, because wherever they go, they can hear these foreigners talking about Han Zhe in half-baked pronunciation, and adults and children wearing Han Zhe's No. 10 jersey can be seen everywhere, and Han Zhe is so popular that you can imagine.

In fact, many Chinese people think that Han Zhe is only popular in China, but they didn't expect it to be popular in Orlando to this extent, they don't think that foreigners have no vision, but that there is a strong xenophobia on the side of the United States, and they don't know how well these people recognize Han Zhe.

Even if it was often reported that Han Zhe was as popular abroad, no one knew the urine of the media, and they all thought that it was mostly advocacy!

It wasn't until they came to Orlando that they really knew Han Zhe's influence, it can be said that Han Zhe has become a household name here, and he is also a lot more friendly to them Chinese, which can be said to be a miracle.

As for the country, needless to say, now Orlando often has a lot of black-haired and yellow-skinned faces, which is very telling, and now when you travel to Orlando to watch Han Zhe play a game by the way, or come to see a game of Han Zhe's ball by the way, it has become fashionable and a dream for many people.

Han Zhe can be regarded as making an outstanding contribution to Orlando's economy, because according to statistics, the number of Chinese tourists in Orlando has increased by 30 percentage points in the past few months, and various taxes can be said to make the Orlando government smile crookedly.

"Do you have the confidence to go further?" At this time, Han Zhe was chatting with Yao Ming, the last time they met, the two naturally left their contact information, and now they often chat a few words.

Han Zhe said with a smile: "There must be confidence, but this kind of thing is not just confidence, the Heat is not a bone to gnaw on, and even if the Heat passes the level, there are spurs behind it, and it is not easy to reach the top." "

Han Zhe's words have already passed the Grizzlies who are still fighting with the Spurs, it's not that he looks down on the Grizzlies, but the Grizzlies are almost hanging, and the Western Conference Finals have also played three games so far, and the Grizzlies were beaten 3-0 by the Spurs, which is a miracle that it can also turn the tables!

So the Spurs have already got a ticket to the finals, waiting for his opponent to come out!

The other end of the phone also smiled after hearing it, "Okay, I'm afraid that you young people will be the second and third in the world if you have some achievements, the Heat is really not easy to play, and I have also fought against the three giants of the Heat, which is very difficult."

However, it's very good that you guys can make this a hit, and it can be said that it is completely beyond my expectations, and maybe you can really make up for my biggest regret!"

Han Zhe was silent for a short time after hearing this, of course he knew what Yao Ming's regret was, although Yao Ming won a lot of honors and money, but as the most important honor for basketball players, he didn't get any NBA championship rings, which is of course the biggest regret.

After a moment of silence, Han Zhe smiled again: "Actually, I didn't expect that my rookie season would come to this point, I can only say that I will do my best, strive to kill the Heat and then slaughter the Spurs, and Brother Yao, don't forget that I am still young, even if I plant it this year, I will come back in the future, I believe that the championship ring will not run out of my palm." "

Yao Ming on the other side laughed after hearing this, "If others say this, I will definitely slap him with big ears, it is so easy to win an NBA championship, but you have the qualifications to say this, I believe that you will come back sooner or later this day." "

Then the two chatted for a while, and finally Yao Ming told Han Zhe to pay attention to his body, it is a good thing to be active in the game, but he must learn to protect himself, if he is injured, it will be troublesome, the reason why Yao Ming decided to retire is not that he doesn't want to play anymore, nor that his physical fitness is not good, he is just plagued by long-term injuries, and his body will be wasted if he plays again.

Although Han Zhe knew that he could not encounter injuries on the court, he still appreciated it and thanked Da Yao very much for his concern.

After the two hung up the phone, Han Zhe thought about it alone, he was also thinking about whether there was a possibility for Magic to win the championship this year, and finally concluded that there was about a forty percent chance.

First of all, the Heat is not easy to solve, especially James, who is really fierce when he starts crazy, and James who opens the zone is really a bit invincible, and he can't expect him to be in a bad state every game.

Secondly, the Spurs waiting behind are also extremely difficult to deal with, with rich experience in the playoffs, strong players, stable playing style, and very scary bench depth, Han Zhe feels that the Spurs are even more difficult than the Heat.

Therefore, it is really not easy to win the championship with the Magic, which is not yet mature.

However, it's not easy to return, Han Zhe won't give up, he will do his best to fight.

Then Han Zhe didn't want to think about it anymore, it was useless to think about it, he still had to fight to know, what he can do at the moment is to actively prepare for the next round and fight for the next round, if they win the Heat, they will be one step closer to the championship!_

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