Taking advantage of the short break, netizens from all over the world discussed it.

"Today's game was so intense, I don't know who will win!"

"It must be the Heat, the first few games the Magic can win because James is not in good shape, today James is in good shape, and the Magic will definitely be finished!"

"Shit! Sure our Magic can win, the Heat have James, we have Han!"

"Shut up, can Han compare with James, although I also admit that Han is very powerful, but compared to James, it is still much worse!"

"Upstairs should shut up, don't forget that this season's scoring champion is Han not James, why is James better than Han, and the direct confrontation between the two of Han has not fallen behind at all!" As for the country, it must be one-sided to support Han Zhe:

"I see that this baby is so nervous, and I don't know if Han Zhe can lead magic to create miracles!"

"Han Zhe's advertising words have said, everything is possible!"

"My Zhe is the strongest, with him in the Magic, he can definitely take out the Heat and get close to the Finals!"

"You're too optimistic, the Heat is not muddy, how can it be so easy to solve, especially James, who can't afford to mess with him if he doesn't agree with him!"

"Anyway, I really don't know if James will open the Zone again today, James in the Zone state really can't be provoked!"

Soon the second quarter of the game began, and everyone stopped arguing for a while and began to concentrate on watching the game.

The Heat took the lead in kicking off, and when Wegand controlled the ball a few steps past half court, Walker leaned over, squatted slightly, spread his hands wide, and slowly stepped back while staring at Wade.

Wade suddenly exploded and accelerated when he saw this, but Walker was also a very fast player, and instantly stepped up, Wade then stopped and changed direction, but Walker barely followed, forcing Wade to give up the breakthrough and choose to pass to Chanmoth, who came out to answer.

"Beautiful!" the Magic fans gathered at the bar were cheering for Walker in the air, and the ball was indeed watertight.

Han Zhe also gave Walker a big shot

When Chanmos dribbled the ball to the right wing and was about to give it to James, he quickly inserted it between the two, allowing Chanmos to turn the ball back and make a mistake.

But by this time Bosh had already run out of a position to raise his hand to ask for the ball, and Chanmos immediately hoisted in, Bosh received the ball and turned to shoot, and when Vucevic jumped up to block, Bosh received the ball and crossed low to Haslem who was inserted inside, who grabbed the layup before Ibaka intercepted.

Bosh grinned and Haslem slapped each other's hands, complimenting them on their timing.

Eric on the sidelines also nodded with satisfaction, although Haslem is a defensive power forward, it does not mean that he will not attack, if there is a chance to score, he will still take advantage of it.

The ball changed hands, Harkless's baseline serve, Walker dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, and after two tentative steps, he suddenly burst into action and broke through from Moneymos's side to the left wing.

At this time, Han Zhe had a good grasp of the timing, and he had already started to cut inside, and when he rushed to the three-second zone, Walker's ball arrived in time.

Wade, who was already a step slower, couldn't catch up with Han Zhe at all, Haslem under the basket was just about to make up for the defense, Ibaka had already dodged the card position to block and dismantle, Han Zhe seized the opportunity to slip past the two of them like a loach and jump and dunk to score!

"Yes! Let them see the power of the dunk king!" The magic fans in front of the TV were excited, and Han Zhe's breakthrough dunk was their favorite.

The next round of offense Heat is not to be outdone, this time James took the ball, Han Zhe was just about to step forward and was blocked by Chanmoss, James rushed to the basket like a bison, and after pushing Vucevic away, he blew up a ball with both hands.

This time, it was the turn of the Heat fans to get excited, and the scene suddenly erupted in cheers, and the momentum could not be weakened at this time.

The Magic attacked again, and Walker was just about to give Han Zhe a three-point shot from the outside, but he was immediately squeezed away by Qian Moss, who was supplementing the defense, and Wade also took the opportunity to stick to Han Zhe.

Magic fans lamented, because the Heat's defense against Han Zhe's three points is like a flood prevention beast, and they have already gained experience in preventing their outside blocking and dismantling, and they will follow the slightest move of the Magic.

However, Han Zhe is no longer what it used to be, in the face of Wade's defense, first when the ultra-fast low-frequency dribble made Wade nervous, he suddenly started to break through, but he only took one step and immediately retreated, when Wade was a little reluctant to keep up, Han Zhe had already leaned back to shoot a three-point shot, and Wade didn't touch a single hair when he jumped off and blocked the hair, and watched the three-point shot go in.

"Damn, this kid is so hard to guard!" Wade complained a little embarrassedly, not knowing if it was his teammate next to him.

As a veteran superstar in the league, in the face of Han Zhe, a hairy boy, he was the one who suffered in several games, and Wade naturally couldn't get off the stage.

"Although this kid's mouth is cheap, he is really powerful!" Bosh came over and patted him on the shoulder, which was regarded as giving Wade a step, and they did understand that Han Zhe was too comprehensive, and it was indeed a chore to prevent Han Zhe.

The second quarter ended in a fierce battle between the two sides, and the score was still comparable, currently 47-45, the Heat only led the Magic by two points, which can be said to be no advantage, and the two teams were basically on the same starting line. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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