The interview continued.

Dong Qian asked: "What was your mood when you first came to the NBA to participate in the draft last year, I remember when I interviewed Yao Ming, he described it as "fear", do you feel the same way?"

Han Zhe also watched that interview with Yao Ming, and Yao Ming said that when he arrived in the NBA, he was full of fear, as if he was surrounded in the dark.

Han Zhe thought for a while and said truthfully: "When I first arrived in the United States, only my agent Luthor was by my side, plus it was my first time away from home, and everyone was not optimistic about my draft journey, so it can be said that the future is uncertain, and I feel a little confused and nervous." "

"So what was your mood when you were selected first in the second round?" Dong Qian continued.

"A little overwhelmed!" Han Zhe said without hesitation.

Dong Qian was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Why do you describe it as being at a loss, it stands to reason that this rank was not low for you at that time, after all, you can be said to have no qualifications before you went abroad." "

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "It's not for this reason, I was really a little confused at the time, because I thought I would be selected by the wizards, but I didn't expect to be selected by the Bobcat, so it can be said that I was not mentally prepared at all." "

Dong Qian suddenly laughed, and the audience was also laughing, because they had heard the rumors that Han Zhe was cut off by a lynx before, and now it seems that it is indeed true.

"Rumor has it that you left Bobcat because you were ostracized by the coach and players?" Dong Qian threw out another sensitive question.

Han Zhe shook his head with a smile and said: "I can't say that I have a good relationship with the players in the Bobcats, as for the coach, there are indeed some deviations in the concept, but there is not much contradiction, the most important thing is that neither I nor Coach Dunlap have decided that I have the right to stay, so your question is not valid." "

Dong Qian nodded suddenly, of course they understood what Han Zhe meant, his departure from the Bobcat was not an internal issue, but a personal decision of the boss Jordan.

Dong Qian's next question can be said to have made the ears of the national audience stand tall.

"I heard that after you were traded to the magic team, you immediately clashed with the team?" Dong Qian asked with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The director who was personally monitoring the filming next to him had a green face when he heard this question, they are CCTV, is this kind of question suitable to ask!

"Do you want to listen to the truth or lie?" Han Zhe asked rhetorically.

Dong Qian was stunned for a moment, and then said wittily: "You are free, we will listen to what you say." "

"When I joined the Magic, I had a little conflict with a few players, but everyone quickly reconciled, and now we all get along well!"

For Han Zhe's honest answer, both Dong Qian and the audience gave warm applause.

The director next to him also exhaled, although Han Zhe admitted it, he only said that it was a small conflict, and he didn't say anything about a fight, if he said a fight or something, wouldn't it be propaganda of bloody violence!

As for whether it was a skirmish, everyone knew in their hearts, they knew that O'Quinn had been lying in the hospital for a long time, and Afraro seemed to have been beaten up a lot!

Dong Qian actually wants to ask, how can you, a newcomer hairy guy, be so bold and dare to your teammates as soon as you go!

You must know that when Yao Ming went to the NBA before, it can be said that he was cautious, he was afraid of offending people when he spoke, and he seemed very modest, where would he be as unafraid as Han Zhe, but maybe it was this Han Zhe who would make everyone more fascinated.

Speaking of this topic, Dong Qian originally wanted to continue, because Han Zhe has not stopped in the NBA this year, has done many fights, and has also created a history of group fights with the Pacers in the modern NBA, that scale!

But Dong Qian was not blind, and when she saw that the director not far away was already staring, she swallowed the topic back.

After asking such a series of questions in a row, Dong Qian also motioned for Han Zhe to drink water and rest, and then the big screen behind them began to play some of Han Zhe's highlights.

Han Zhe also looked back, and the opening was when Han Zhe was sitting in the draft venue, and then Xiao Hua announced that he was selected by the Bobcats in the second round.

Next up was Han Zhe's spectacular goal performance at the Bobcats, followed by his post-trade performance and All-Star triple crown.

Han Zhe's various wonderful goals and elaborate soundtrack, everyone watched it with passion, and the whole process was thunderous applause.

In the last few games of the playoffs, the soundtrack was a little lower, especially when the Heat were eliminated in the end, which was quite a bit of a sluggish and cold taste.

After watching this short video, Han Zhe was also reminded of a lot of memories, and he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

After watching the video, Dong Qian began to ask questions that everyone was more concerned about, first mentioning Han Zhe's annual salary, and when she heard Han Zhe's confirmation, the audience exclaimed, the annual salary of more than 10 million US dollars a year is simply astronomical for most people.

Although Han Zhe explained that he could only get half of it after excluding various taxes and other expenses, everyone still coaxed, even half of it was seven or eight million US dollars, which was terrifying enough!

Dong Qian continued to ask: "This year, the Magic has reached the Eastern Conference Finals, but unfortunately they have not been able to go further, many people say that it is a lineup problem, can you tell us your opinion?"

Han Zhe pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, our team's lineup is not bad, Vucevic and Ibaka can fully support the inside line, Walker and Afflaro are also very good backcourt players, what we lack is just experience, of course, it would be better to be able to strengthen the bench depth." "

Dong Qian smiled: "You forgot to say that magic also has an all-round trump card!"

Dong Qian laughed all at the moment, and Han Zhe also laughed, "You are a bit suspicious of selling melons when you say this!"

The scene burst into laughter again.

After everyone laughed, Dong Qian said: "What are the plans and arrangements after returning to China, can you reveal them?"

"First of all, I will definitely go home to spend some time with my parents, and then I will shoot a few commercials, and then meet with the enthusiastic fans, by the way, I also plan to set up a charity fund, and I hope that everyone will support it then. "

Dong Qian's eyes lit up after hearing this, "What is the specific content of your fund, and how much capital do you plan to inject?"

"I initially plan to inject 2 million US dollars into this fund, and the scope of use is also relatively wide, poverty alleviation, education, medical care, sports, environmental protection, etc., try to help more people, our foundation is transparently managed, and every year I will inject new funds according to the situation, and I hope that more people can participate in charity. "

Han Zhe was not the result of a hot head, this was something he and Luthor had already discussed.

After Han Zhe finished speaking, the audience applauded both at the scene and in front of the TV, this is a good thing, no one will not support it.

As soon as everyone's applause stopped, Dong Qian asked a discordant question, "Now more and more people are starting to set up private funds, and the starting points are also different, some are based on social pressure, after all, everyone says that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, some really want to do charity, and some want to use charitable funds to exempt some taxes, can you tell us your starting point?"

As soon as this question came out, Luthor in the audience blackened his face on the spot, and many viewers also felt that this question was a bit excessive, wasn't this a slap in the face on the spot, and even the director of the station almost went crazy.

Dong Qian waited for Han Zhe to answer with a calm face, she was not targeting anyone, this was her style of hosting, no matter if the question was good or bad, she would ask if she felt valuable.

This question is indeed not easy to answer, and the establishment of a fund in general does have some incidental purpose, and it is not pleasant to answer honestly, and it seems too hypocritical to say that it is wholeheartedly charitable.

Lu Horde was worried that when Han Zhe answered the basket, how did he know that Han Zhe smiled indifferently, "Does it actually matter what the purpose of establishing the fund is, as long as this fund is beneficial to the society and someone can get help in this fund, then this fund has the value of existence!"

For Han Zhe's answer, Dong Qian applauded vigorously after being stunned, indeed, no matter whether the purpose of setting up the fund is good or bad, but the charity fund itself must be good, the more people set up a charitable fund, the better, why bother to get to the bottom of it!


PS: Thank you to the boss for rewarding 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Wind Reversal] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss for 100 points.

Thank you for the 100 points of the boss who said about the New Year's auspicious Shijiazhuang.

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