"Do you dare to PK with my family Tianwu, do you know how to write dead words!"

"There is no pressure to step on this kind of little anchor!"

"Many big brothers in my family haven't made a move yet, and this green tea is kneeling!"

"People may be stealing fun now, this kind of little anchor probably hasn't seen so much gift money in his life!"

"Little ears don't cry, my brother brushes a lollipop for you, haha..."

Seeing such a big gap between the two, Tianwu's fans naturally began to ridicule each other, and although the fans of Little Ears were also spitting at each other, they were not very confident in terms of number or confidence, they all knew that it was already a miracle that they could brush 100,000 yuan, and it was impossible to have more gifts, and the other party could not have made any effort at all!

After Li Tingting finished singing, the gift basically did not change, and Li Tingting also knew that it could only be like this, so she did not continue to forcibly canvass for votes, but kept thanking friends who swiped the gifts.

Han Zhe saw that there was still a minute left in the time, and knew that he couldn't play anymore, if he really brought his cousin into the pit, it would be a sin.

Seeing Han Zhe's head starting to poke over, Li Tingting pushed him and said, "Don't make trouble!"

"Yo, Sister Little Ears, who is she talking to?, isn't there a handsome guy hiding at home?" Tianwu asked pretending to be surprised, and her words made people think about it.

"I thought there was someone next to her before, tsk, she usually pretends to be like a saint, but I didn't expect it!"

"Maybe it's someone's mother!"

"Fart! I saw the side just now, it's obviously a man!"

Seeing that Tianwu fans were hacking their own anchors again, the little ear fans immediately began to spray, and they knew that the one next to them was the "Little Demon King", who was someone's younger brother!

"Xiao Zhe, don't make trouble, sister admit it!" Li Tingting didn't let Han Zhe show up, she felt that this was her own business, and it was a little bad to let Han Zhe come out, the key was her strong character.

"Okay sister, let me also have the addiction of live broadcasting!" Han Zhe grabbed his phone after finishing speaking, and pointed the camera at himself.

The audience in the room only felt that the camera flickered, and then the anchor was replaced, seeing that it was a man, Tianwu fans were about to say something obscene, but after seeing who was in front of them, everyone was stunned, and the subtitles that were scrolling the screen suddenly stopped.

After a short silence, the room exploded with a "boom":

"Damn! What's the situation! Is it because I'm dazzled, why does this person look so much like Han Zhe!"

"It's not like this, it's supposed to be me!"

"I'm confused, why did Han Zhe come to the live broadcast, and this is Little Ear's room!"

Tianwu on the wheat also swallowed his saliva and widened his eyes and asked, "Are you Han Zhe?"

Han Zhe saw that the PK time was running out, so he didn't pay attention to Tianwu at all, and said directly: "I'm Han Zhe, hello everyone, Xiao'er is my cousin, I happened to have a party at home today, I knew that she was in the live broadcast, I came over to take a look, I didn't expect it to be very lively, the boss seems to be a lot, an ordinary PK can brush hundreds of thousands of people, let me see it!"

"Damn! It's really Han Zhe's own deity, and his voice is not wrong, Nima, a PK exploded such a great god, scared the baby to death!"

"Poof! The little ear is Sister Han Zhe, Tianwu has stepped on it enough, haha... Look at the expressions of the Sky Dance!"

"It's fun, Tianwu pretends to be forced to hit the iron plate this time!"

"Sister Little Ear, you are not kind, the little demon king is actually the great god Han Zhe, I said it earlier, even if the family is bankrupt, you must top the little ear!"

"Brothers, gift walking!"

"Han Zhe appeared in YY, come and see God!"

Li Tingting was soon stunned, she really realized the influence of her cousin, Han Zhe didn't ask for a gift or anything at all, but the screen lollipop had already begun to brush frequently, and she also found that many people wearing Tianwu family vests were also brushing lollipops, this is the rhythm of the second mutiny!

The number of people in the room really exploded this time, and the news of Han Zhe's appearance spread like a plague, and there were so many people pouring in that it almost didn't blow up the room!

Seeing that the blue PK progress bar began to explode, Tianwu was obviously panicked, and it was Han Zhe who opened the PK opposite, she was not stupid and knew that she was not playing, although she was also a character in YY, but there was no comparison with Han Zhe at all, Han Zhe can be said to be a national idol, and their popularity cannot be compared at all.

"Brother Han Zhe, don't bully my little sister, Sister Er and I are joking!"

Seeing that Tianwu is sister and brother as soon as she opens her mouth, many people are happy, the live broadcast platform is actually popular, Tianwu is only 19 years old, but she has always been called Sister Little Ear before, which is actually nothing wrong in the eyes of most people, but now it is different, Han Zhe is clubbing here, who dares to call himself "brother and sister" here!

"Don't, PK is very fair, there is no one who bullies whom, and the punishment game is also set by you, I definitely respect it, and there are more than ten seconds in the end, it seems that I am going to lose!"

As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, there was immediately another wave of lollipop rain, although Tianwu's iron fans also began to help her top, but she couldn't stand it at all, and Tianwu was not stupid, after a little consideration, she privately chatted with her eldest brother not to be stiff, whether she could win or second, the main thing is that she didn't dare to offend Han Zhe to death, although Han Zhe is not in their line, but with Han Zhe's popularity and relationship, it is easy for her to be unable to get involved!

When the PK time comes, many people are dumbfounded, there are 400,000 gifts on Tianwu's side, and 600,000 on Xiao'er's side, if it is an annual PK, this money is really nothing, but now ordinary PK, it is a million dollars, which is very exaggerated, mainly because Han Zhe has a big face, and as soon as he showed up, many tourists also swiped a wave.

Now there are more than 300,000 people in the room, and even one dollar per person is a big number!

Tianwu then sold it again, but Han Zhe didn't buy it at all, just said, "I am willing to lose the bet!"

Han Zhe is not a generous person, he remembered Tianwu's face just now, and this punishment was also set by her, so it can be said that he reaped the consequences.

Except for a few fans of Tianwu, they all began to yell at the mountains and flowing waters, and the anchors of this level of Tianwu usually don't play this kind of game, but now that everyone has eyes, they are naturally impatient!

Tianwu was also dumbfounded, and could only say that he guessed the beginning, but not the ending, and seemed to have dug a pit and buried himself!


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Instant Noodles] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Echo] for tipping 588 points.

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