Li Xuelan and his wife finally calmed down Li Tingting's father, who was close to the rampant, but when Han Zhe's sister-in-law handed them a newspaper, Li Xuelan and his wife almost broke away again.

The other relatives present also had strange expressions when they saw it, some kept silent, some said indignantly that Han Zhe was not a thing, and some were obviously a little gloating.

Han Zhe took the newspaper and looked at it, his brows jumped, and then said, "Our relative is really the best!"

Li Xuelan was also so angry that she trembled, didn't Han Zhe's second aunt's family leave angrily yesterday, and Han Zhe's second uncle's family, last night they talked about borrowing money again, they didn't nod their heads, and left, but the two families went out and teamed up to find reporters to break the news, saying that Han Zhe's family turned their faces and didn't recognize anyone now that they were rich, and said that they used to take a lot of care of Han Zhe's family, and now Han Zhe is rich and powerful, regardless of family affection or something, anyway, disgusting and dead.

"I'm so angry, how can you say that this person can turn black into white, didn't we just borrow money and didn't promise to let his second aunt's daughter be a star, so we went to the reporter to smear my son, and said that we used to take care of us more? I haven't seen anyone once in a few years, and I haven't eaten and spent a penny on him, where is the care?

And you said that I will endure borrowing 30,000 or 50,000 yuan, after all, I am a relative, but as soon as I open my mouth, it is 1 million, and it is just an emergency, my family owes her? As for Xiaoyan, where is the material to be a star!" Li Xuelan almost cried angrily, she was so aggrieved!

Many relatives didn't know the amount of his second uncle's opening at first, and felt that Han Zhe was a bit picky if they didn't borrow, but now when they hear that they open their mouths, they will be millions, and it is just an emergency, which means that they will have to borrow again in the future?

The key is that everyone knows that his second uncle said that the business loss is just a pretense, and his family has opened a hot pot restaurant, which has been stable and stable, and there is no place to lose money if he wants to!

But they don't seem to know what kind of character I have, am I a person who is afraid of fishing boats, how others like to think and think, how they love to say and say, not to mention borrowing money, don't let them enter the house in the future, I don't have these relatives in my family!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking with a dark face, he helped the angry Li Xuelan back to the hotel room.

The other relatives looked at each other and were a little overwhelmed, only Uncle Han Zhe called over and scolded a few words, but after a while, the two quarreled on the phone and hung up the phone very unhappily!

This scene is a little embarrassing, Han Zhe's father is sitting on the side and smoking, his uncle is also sulking, other relatives take a look, come on, the time is not right, what ideas are not appropriate now, those who originally wanted to stay for a few days to wait and see the situation have all said goodbye.

But they didn't leave empty-handed, didn't Han Zhe come back with a lot of gifts, everyone has a share, and they are all relatively high-end things, mobile phones, cameras, brand-name clothes and bags or something, anyway, everyone is smiling when they leave!

Everyone is gone, only Uncle Han Zhe and Li Tingting are still there, Han Wenzhong, who has not spoken, spoke at this time, "It is said that family ugliness should not be publicized, this is good, the whole world knows it, and it is not ashamed, his second uncle is really too much, originally Xuelan has soft roots, and has already discussed with me whether to borrow some money from them, but fortunately I didn't borrow it, I really know people and don't know my heart! As for Xiaoyan's baby, it's really not the material to be a star, it's just nonsense!"

At this time, Li Tingting ran out very sensibly to beat Han Wenzhong's back, she knew that Han Wenzhong was an honest person, and he rarely complained, which was really angry!

"Hey! It's all about money, now we all know that Xiaozhe is rich, and people want to get a piece of the pie, just now I called them and said that they were on top of me!"

After Han Zhe comforted his mother, he went back to his room and looked at Weibo, most of which were discussing the matter of YY and Han Zhe's relatives.

Especially about Han Zhe's refusal to recognize his relatives if he is rich, the reaction is very big, the noise is very lively, some say that Han Zhe is not this kind of person, and some firmly believe it, after all, many people are indeed rich and powerful and will their tails, not to mention that Han Zhe's two relatives have stood up and spoken, and they feel that this matter is not far from ten!

This kind of thing is really hard to explain, and the more you explain, the more embarrassing it becomes, those who believe in you believe it if they don't speak, and the more people who don't believe it explain others, the more they say that you have a weak heart, Han Zhe only said one word in the end, "clear conscience"!

Han Zhe really has a clear conscience, they basically didn't move around before, and they didn't help when they really asked for help, but now they suddenly came out and said how good their relationship was before, take care of them more, it's disgusting!

The dinner at night is much cleaner, only Han Zhe's family and Li Tingting's father and daughter, during the banquet, Li Xuelan is concerned about whether her son's matter will have a great negative impact, Han Zhe signaled that it is okay, it is definitely impossible to say that it has no impact, but Han Zhe doesn't care about this impact, or that sentence, he is different from ordinary stars, he does not rely on fishing wheels and fans to eat, he relies on basketball skills, and off-court factors will not have much impact.

And not everyone is brainless, there are still many people who believe that there is something else hidden in it.

Luthor also called and chatted with Han Zhe in the afternoon, and finally decided that there was no need for public relations and explanation, this kind of housework became more and more chaotic the more explained, and it was unnecessary.

The family chatted and talked about the live broadcast again, his uncle said: "I think this industry is too messy, and the money earned is not practical, you see that yesterday this Nizi made hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, this money comes faster than robbing a bank, why do others give you this money, you all know what the neighbors will say?"

Li Tingting was still quite scared of her Lao Tzu, and she didn't dare to say anything at all, Li Xuelan's family hurriedly helped to speak, but in fact, they also knew in their hearts that it was not unreasonable for his uncle to worry, others would indeed chew the root of their tongues, and they felt that Li Tingting had done something unseemly that others would brush her so much money.

Now Li Tingting is often pointed at in her hometown, and the older generation is indeed a little unbearable.

Then Han Zhe diverted the topic and asked his parents to move quickly, first, he couldn't stand his relatives, and second, now that reporters know his address, it's too annoying to squat.

The second elder did buy another community house and renovated it, but he never moved, saying that he would be a new house for Han Zhe when he married his daughter-in-law, but where does Han Zhe care about an ordinary house now, it is good to be clean.

The second elder finally listened to Han Zhe and decided to move immediately, and after his second aunt's matter, they were indeed quite annoyed.


PS: Thanks to the [tt] boss for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Pingshui Meeting] for rewarding 100 points.

Thanks to the boss for 100 points.

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