At the end of the meeting, Han Zhe of course accompanied the relatives and friends who came to help in the evening, and played until about eleven o'clock before everyone went back to the hotel to rest together.

As soon as Han Zhe arrived in the room and was about to wash and sleep, someone knocked on the door, opened it and saw that it was Guo Allen standing at the door.

After Han Zhe let him into the room and sat down, he asked, "Is there something?"

The two used to have a good relationship, and Han Zhe often had phone contact after going abroad, so he didn't have any scruples about talking.

Guo Allen also got straight to the point and said: "Brother Zhe, do you think I can go to the NBA under these conditions?"

Han Zhe was stunned, "Do you want to go to the NBA?"

Guo Allen nodded and said with a wry smile: "Who of us who plays doesn't want to go to the NBA, but in the past, except for Brother Yao, almost no one could make a name for themselves in the NBA, and everyone gradually gave up this thought, and the domestic card is relatively strict, and many times even if you want to go out, you can't leave!"

"Then it's not stuck tightly now?" Han Zhe said.

"You're thriving in the NBA now, and a lot of leadership thinking has changed a little, I took a look, if you want to go, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

After a pause, Guo Allen continued: "We know that you are very familiar with the NBA now, and you also know the abilities of several of our old teammates, so I want to ask you if my current strength is enough to play in the NBA!" Han Zhe and they are a group of players, and they are also teammates of the former national youth, and they really know their strength and technical characteristics very well.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zhe said bluntly: "I won't talk about it with you, if you want to go, don't say anything else, I can help you get a tryout and a second-round draft pick, but to be honest, NBA and CBA are really not the same concept, if you go now, you will have a hard time playing." "

After hearing this, Guo Allen said that he was not surprised at all, he knew what level he was about, and Han Zhe's promise to let him be involved in magic was already very moral.

Guo Allen thought for a while and said, "Brother Zhe, just say it directly, I'll see if I can make up for it if I can make up for it." "

Han Zhe said: "Your ball control and breakthrough have reached the NBA level, but the NBA guard is very demanding, your physique and strength are not good, and the physical confrontation is very disadvantaged, and the second is that the NBA guard is now very comprehensive, your three-point shooting rate is too low, and the mid-range shooting is not very stable, which is a big problem." "

Guo Allen was silent for a while after hearing this, he knew that Han Zhe was telling the truth, he knew that his shooting was a little crazy, and when he was in a good state, he could cut two or three points a game, and he played a highlight performance, and he couldn't bear to look at the shooting rate when he was in a bad state.

But Guo Allen's eyes then became firm, because he thought that Han Zhe was not very strong before, isn't he practicing now, both physical fitness and shooting skills are off the charts, even if he doesn't have Han Zhe's talent, his mid-range shooting and physical fitness can definitely be improved through training!

"Or have you decided to go to the NBA?" Han Zhe knew as soon as he saw his expression.

Guo Allen nodded, "If Brother Zhe gives me a chance, I will definitely want to break through, I know that my strength is definitely not enough now, but I can occasionally play as a substitute, anyway, I am still young, so I should learn and accumulate experience, ordinary people do not have this kind of learning opportunity!"

Guo Allen said this from the bottom of his heart, he knew that if Han Zhe didn't help, he would probably lose even if he participated in the draft, but with Han Zhe's current status in Magic, it was really not difficult to bring someone into the team.

"Okay, then you prepare, the draft date is almost here, and I'll go with you when the time comes. Han Zhe patted him on the shoulder and said, he is definitely willing to help if his friends can help, and he also wants to see more players in China go out.

Of course, Han Zhe also knows in his heart that Guo Allen's current strength is definitely not enough, it just depends on whether he works hard enough in the future and whether his talent is strong enough, he can only give him a chance, and whether he can gain a firm foothold in the NBA depends on himself.

But this opportunity is already rare, Guo Allen got up and solemnly thanked Han Zhe, but he slapped Han Zhe and said that there was no need to fix this between them.

Guo Allen looked excited and was about to leave, but he turned back halfway through, clasped his head and said, "By the way, I almost forgot about business when I was excited!"

Han Zheqi said: "What else is going on?"

"That's right, Coach Gong Luming knows that I came to you as a guest, and he also knows that we have a good relationship, so let me come over first to blow the wind, I want you to participate in this Asian Championships, the qualifiers will start in two months, and the list will be reported soon!" Guo Allen said.

Han Zheyi waved his hand, "I'm not a domestic registered player, what kind of Asian Championships do I play!"

Guo Allen smiled bitterly: "So ask me to blow the wind first, otherwise I can just recruit you into the team, the above has already been discussed in a meeting, and the determination to recruit you into the team this time is very big, this is the basketball boss who slapped the table and spoke!"

Then Guo Allen continued: "Anyway, the official invitation will be issued soon, you think about it carefully, as a friend, I still hope that you can join the national team, this is not only the leader wants to pursue results, this is also the wish of all the people, of course, our old friends also hope to fight side by side with you again!"

"Get out of here, you kid has learned to represent the people of the whole country!" After Han Zhe scolded with a smile, Guo Allen slipped away with a smile.

Han Zhe was the only one left in the room, and lying on the sofa was also a headache, he was not disgusted with joining the national team, after all, he couldn't blame it all when he was kicked out, but after joining the national team, the constraints were too great.

For example, Dazhi back then, he was almost abolished by the national team, and when he was in the NBA, he would be called back to China to disrupt the game in three days, and if he didn't come back, he was unpatriotic, he couldn't stand this!

Han Zhe was entangled in this matter, as a person from the Celestial Empire, of course he was willing to wear a robe to serve the country, but he was afraid of being restrained by various constraints, and he knew that no matter basketball or football, there were a lot of things in the national team, and he was very annoyed by this!

Then Han Zhe didn't want to think about it, wait for the above to officially send someone to talk, and then it will depend on the situation!

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