Hearing Han Zhe's words, Bai Xilin's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, although Han Zhe did not directly agree to join the national team, Han Zhe's attitude was not bad, at least he was willing to talk.

For Bai Xilin, it is a good thing that Han Zhe is willing to talk, and what he is most afraid of is that Han Zhe vetoes it.

Bai Xilin is also quite helpless, how can ordinary players use him to condescend and condescend to the nobility, as long as a piece of paper is called, who is not a fart will come to report.

But Han Zhe is too different from ordinary players, Han Zhe's technical strength is not on the same level as other domestic players, this is not the point, the point is that Han Zhe has not joined the Basketball Association at all, and he is not a domestic listed athlete, he is a free man, so he can not bird them!

Inviting Han Zhe to join and wanting to pursue results must be a very important reason, and another point is that the people's call for Han Zhe to join the national team is too high, if there is no Han Zhe in the squad for this Asian Championships, then the public resentment must be not small, and the big guy of the basketball team cannot ignore it!

"You don't have to worry about the policy at all, we also hope that domestic players can go international, you are doing a good job now, we must support the attitude!" Bai Xilin said with a smile.

Han Zhe glanced at Yao Ming next to him, and said with a smile: "I definitely believe in the country, but you won't ask me for any training fees when the time comes, right?"

Yao Ming, who was drinking tea, almost squirted out, and Bai Xilin was also embarrassed, because Han Zhe was slapped in the face, and Yao Ming, who had paid the "training fee" back then, was also at the scene!

The so-called training fee means that the strength and achievements you can have now are all cultivated by the country, and now that you can earn money, you have to pay money to repay the country!

When Yao Ming went to the NBA, it was said that he had to buy out his contract with the domestic team first, which seemed to cost 10 million US dollars, and then the Basketball Association asked for 50% of his salary.

Although Han Zhe's words are sarcastic, he is really worried that he will also be treated like this after becoming a domestic affiliated player, saying that he is now not good at putting his own pocket with a salary of more than 10 million US dollars a year, and he has to pay half of the training fee for nothing?

Bai Xilin is really a little difficult to accept, because they did discuss asking Han Zhe for training fees, but there are also some leaders who oppose it, no one in this society is stupid, others are living well now, why pay a sum of money for nothing, ordinary players, you can also restrict him from going abroad or block and threaten to pinch it, but this trick is useless to Han Zhe.

People are not domestic athletes, you can't control it, and Han Zhe is very popular in the NBA, even if you block it, it's useless, maybe people will change their nationality directly when they are angry, and they will say goodbye to you!

Bai Xilin is secretly scolding the idiot of his predecessor, such a bullish player, why did you kick it out, are you blind? Now it's okay, you can't restrict others at all, if you want the other party to enter the national team again, you have to be there in person, isn't this a pit man!

"Ahem... Well... If you can have today's achievements, you must be inseparable from the country's training, as for the training fee, as long as 20% of your annual salary!"

Han Zhe was happy when he heard it, he must be willing to serve the country, but he has to pay for himself to join the national team to contribute to the country, isn't it funny, what kind of strange thinking is this?

As for the training fee or something, Han Zhe was speechless, he didn't pay for going to school back then, he didn't pay for going to a sports school, he didn't pay for his salary, he didn't pay taxes, did he pay this training fee a long time ago?

Yao Ming's face next to him was not good-looking, he was the victim of this inexplicable expense, and now he was extremely disgusted with Han Zhe coming to this show again.

"My ability is limited, I'm afraid of holding everyone back, Director Bai, I'm sorry, let me think about it again!" Han Zhe stopped saying nothing.

Bai Xilin's face changed when he heard this, he was not stupid, he couldn't hear what Han Zhe meant, he didn't have to think about it, so he almost said that he would leave or not!

Bai Xilin was about to go crazy, Yao Ming touched him lightly, Bai Xilin was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses, now it's not Han Zhe begging to join the national team, but they are begging others to join the team!

The key is that they have nothing to restrict Han Zhe, it's a big deal to make a ruthless move, and give a treason name like someone back then, but this really doesn't scare Han Zhe, Han Zhe is not someone, he has become popular in the NBA, and now if he wants to change his nationality, he must be rushed by many countries.

Also, from Han Zhe's usual behavior, it can be seen that he is a person who does his own thing, and he is not afraid of what outsiders say about him, so this trick is really useless!

Bai Xilin must have the decision-making power when he came over, and then tentatively reduced the commission, all the way to 10%, Han Zhe was also impatient, and said bluntly: "Director Bai, let me say it bluntly, it's okay to join the national team, it's incumbent on you to serve the country, and I don't even want a salary to represent the national team, but it doesn't make sense that I don't give money now, and I have to give you a commission when I join the national team, I can't do this, it's not that there is more money and less money, but a matter of principle, even if I have a 1% commission, I won't give it!"

Han Zhe said sonorously, politely and well-founded, Yao Ming next to him almost applauded loudly, he was actually quite envious of Han Zhe, because although he wanted to say this back then, he didn't have the confidence of Han Zhe, he had too many scruples, and he could only pretend to be a grandson!

Seeing Han Zhe's resolute attitude, Bai Xilin also knew that this conversation had reached a critical moment, either it was successful or explosive, and after careful consideration, Bai Xilin finally gave up the matter of collecting "training fees".

Bai Xilin retreated, and Yao Ming maneuvered around, and the originally stiff atmosphere returned to normal. Then the conversation went more smoothly, the big head was put down, and the details were easier to discuss.

The final result was that Han Zhe agreed to join the national team, but he would not pay any fees, and Han Zhe promised to only participate in the Asian Championships, the World Cup, and the Olympic Games.

As for the invitational tournaments of several countries, friendly matches, and warm-up matches, I don't know if I don't feel sensitive, he Han Daguan is not so idle!

When the matter was negotiated, Bai Xilin also smiled bitterly, this result said good or bad to the basketball manager, the good thing is, of course, that Han Zhe's participation has greatly improved the strength of the national team, and Han Zhe did not make any excessive demands, but just resolutely defended his own vested interests.

As for the disadvantages, Han Zhe has made a start here, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to find someone else to collect expenses such as "cultivation fees" in the future!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [ImYour, Prince] for tipping 100 points.

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