At the official start of the show, the big screen on the scene showed the players in the candidate area in turn, and the camera stayed in front of five of them for the longest time, they were Potter, McCallum, Knoll, Zeller and Rennes, these five people are the favorites of this year's top show!

This year, the knights were full of luck and drew the champion lottery again, which is also the second time they won the champion lottery in three years, it can be said that luck is against the sky, so when the host announced the opening, the knights were the first to choose, and everyone was waiting for the champion to fall.

"Who do you think is the champion this year?" asked Yao Ming, tilting his head to Han Zhe.

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know, this year's candidates seem to be scum, in my opinion, everyone is the same!"

Yao Ming sneered and laughed, although everyone knew that the gold content of this year's rookie was not too high, and there seemed to be no good seedlings, but only Han Zhe could say it so bluntly.

When the results of the Knights' Champion Show were announced, a black guy in the candidate area jumped up with excitement.

This is this year's top pick, striker Anthony Bennett from Canada.

However, when Bennett came to the stage, there was a bit of a cold scene, there was little applause, and there were a lot of boos, but there were still a few fan groups who were very excited, they were all from Canada, and Bennett got the first pick today, which means that their first player in Canada's history to be elected to the top pick was born!

Next up is the Bobcats, who finished last season at the bottom of the league, and instead of picking a few favourites, the Bobcats opted for the notorious defender Victor Oladipo.

It's not surprising for the Bobcats' choice, because Han Zhe left the multi-party trade last season, and after sending Walker, the Bobcats guard line really can't bear to look directly at the need for reinforcement, and it is urgent to cultivate a reliable defender.

The scout pick is in the hands of the Wizards, which is normal this time, and the Wizards have one of the favorites in their hands, forward Otto Porter.

Han Zhe, the No. 4 sign, knew it without looking at it, because this pick was obtained by their magic trade, and the candidate had been basically determined before, and he also received the news.

Sure enough, there were no surprises in the draft, and the Magic chose Cody Zeller, who is also one of the favorites this year.

Codyzeller is 2.13 meters tall and has performed well in the college league, and is also the number one big player in the national college rankings.

It is also natural for the Magic to choose Zeller, a big man, because the Magic current lineup is relatively perfect, but Vucevic is short of a reliable rotation player, and now it is a good addition to train Zeller as a Vucevic backup.

Zeller is still relatively sensible, and after taking the cap sent by the league on stage and saying a few words, he went to say hello to the Magic bosses, and after greeting the boss and coach, he also came over to talk to Han Zhe.

After Zeller left, Walker, who was also next to him, smiled at Han Zhe and said, "This kid is quite good at things, but I don't know if he has a strong mouth." "

"Won't you know when he joins the team for training!" Han Zhe smiled.

Walker also showed a big smile, no matter how many honors a player like Zeller has in the college league and how famous he is, but after entering the NBA, he is a rookie, after joining the team, you have to coil a dragon, you have to lie down if you are a tiger, otherwise some people will repair you!

Of course, an unreasonable newcomer like Han Zhe can only be counted separately, Han Zhe is the wonder of the NBA, his rookie season is the core of the team, and his playing strength and fighting strength are also at the level of a brother, and no one can really bully him!

At this time, Li Tingting also came to make a cameo appearance as a reporter on the scene, and asked Han Zhe pretendly: "Mr. Han Zhe, many of us viewers want to know if you are satisfied with Magic's choice this time?"

Li Tingting was called by Han Zhe on her own initiative, and when she saw that she had already played, she was naturally willing to cooperate, and after thinking about it in a fake way, she said: "Zeller is a very good inside player, his strength has been proven, and our magic is also in urgent need of strengthening the inside line, so I am very welcome and looking forward to Zeller's joining!"

Yao Ming and Guo Allen next to them rolled their eyes when they heard it, they could hear it clearly just now, Han Zhe and Walker just said that people are not good, and they also want to bully and bully others, and now they open their eyes and say nonsense to praise others as a flower!

There weren't any big-name rookies to look forward to, so everyone was a little lethargic when all the players in the lottery were chosen.

Only some coaches and managers and other figures frequently looked at Han Zhe, and many of them looked bitter, it is estimated that they thought of last year's draft, and actually slipped Han Zhe, a big bull, out of their fingers.

However, when everyone saw the sad Wizards coach Witt slow, the mood was much better, without him, who of them had Witt slow and miserable, Han Zhe was obviously a Chinese meal, but he was cut off by the lynx, this is the duck flew away, the better Han Zhe's performance, the more heartache the wizard estimated.

Now the wizards have almost become a laughing stock, and they all say that they have eyes and no beads, and they are reluctant to give Han Zhe a flower stick, and now they are crying to death!

Han Zhe and the others have also been chatting and mixing time, and it was not until the 51st pick in the second round of the Magic draft that Han Zhe and the others stopped talking and took a look.

The Magic chose Romero Osby this round, this player has a height of 2.03 meters, but he can play as a large and small forward, as for the strength, everyone is not very clear, after all, Osby is not famous at all, everyone pays little attention to him, and such a low order, it is simply a choice to play!

After the second round of the Magic draft ended, Han Zhe was not interested in continuing to watch, and left the field after greeting a few friends.

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