Everyone turned their heads to see that it was Hu Jiashi and Yannakis who happened to come over to see this good show.

"Stop, what are you doing, do you have any discipline, do you have a sense of team honor!" Hu Jiashi said angrily.

"Director Hu, it's all this kid..."

"Shut up, you two come with me to the office!"

Before Sun Yue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hu Jiashi, and then motioned for the two to go with him.

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and followed with a look of indifference, he is not shocked now, first of all, fighting is commonplace for him, he is used to it, and secondly, he is very disappointed with his first impression of the national team, so he is not afraid of punishment, it is a big deal to leave the national team, he really has no reluctant feeling now!

On the contrary, Sun Yue, who was very dragged before, is now following behind with a slightly apprehensive expression, he is different from Han Zhe, he is still more afraid of the system, and he knows his own state, and now that he can enter the national team, some people have a lot of complaints, and now he is causing trouble again, maybe life will be difficult!

After a few people left, Yannakis asked someone what happened, and everyone else kept silent, Guo Allen saw this and bluntly said the matter, but there was no adding fuel and vinegar, and it was fair, so a few of Sun Yue's friends did not interject.

Yanakis's expression was inexplicable after hearing this, and he didn't comment, no one knew what he was thinking, but everyone didn't care too much about what he thought, because the punishment of the team personnel and the removal of Yanakis really didn't have anything to say, at most it was just a suggestion, which was also a feature of the Celestial Empire!

After the three of them came to the office, Hu Jiashi first pointed at Sun Yue's nose and scolded, "You are also an old man of the national team, why can't you control yourself, and do you know that we are under a lot of pressure to let you stay in the team, don't you want to play anymore?"

Sun Yue lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word, if it was Yannakis he could still say a few words, but he didn't dare to put a fart in the face of Hu Jiashi, because he knew that this was the one who held the power of life and death in his hands.

After Hu Jiashi finished speaking, he turned to Han Zhe again, and was just about to spray a few words, when he saw Han Zhe staring at him without showing weakness, he smiled bitterly in his heart after being stunned, he almost forgot, this is different from other players, others are begging to join the national team, this one, it is not rare to have a place in the national team, and they took the initiative to invite people to join.

After Hu Jiashi swallowed back the words that he almost squirted, he adjusted his mentality before he said seriously: "Xiao Han, you just came to the national team, why did you get on the bar with your teammates, I hope you will focus on the unity and honor of the team, and you will soon compete in the Asian Championships, you can't make internal contradictions, no matter who is right or wrong, forget about today's matter, don't take it as an example!"

Han Zheyi grinned, "Knowing the director, I will definitely get along well with my teammates and strive to play well in the Asian Championships!"

It's just a cliché, Han Zhe will say it too!

Hu Jiashi nodded after hearing this, and was still very satisfied with Han Zhe's attitude.

But Sun Yue was not happy when he heard it, of course Han Zhe had no opinion, but he had it, Nima! He was the one who was beaten, Hu Jiashi is now an understatement, how can he mix in the team in the future!

Yes, for Sun Yue, being kicked is a trivial matter, but losing face is a big thing, he was beaten by a newcomer as an old bird of the national team, and the other party has nothing to do, how will he raise his head in the future!

"Director Hu, he beat me just now, this is what everyone saw..."

"Why did he beat you? Why didn't he beat Wang Zhizhi, why didn't he beat Guo Allen? Why didn't he think about his own factors, just now Yannakis also reflected that you have a ball domineering style, I haven't talked to you yet, you immediately caused trouble again, do you think that no one in the national team can control you? I said that this is the end of the matter, do you still have any opinions?" Hu Jiashi's face darkened after he finished speaking.

Sun Yue is not a fool, as soon as he saw that Hu Jiashi was really a little hairy, he immediately shut up.

"Okay, you two go to training, don't do anything else, you know?"

Han Zhe nodded, turned around and left with a smile, and Sun Yue also walked out helplessly.

"Boy, don't think that you can be dragged with the protection above!" As soon as Sun Yue went out, he was forced to do it, of course they couldn't be reconciled because of Hu Jiashi's words, it was a fairy tale.

Han Zhe stopped, turned around and said: "What? are you still not convinced? Remember what I just said, I just said that there is no such thing as beating your ass, if you put on the old bird style again, and then force me to force me, believe it or not, I will beat you again, and I am sure, I will write a review at most, and you, you will definitely get out, if you don't believe it, we will gamble?"

"You...."Sun Yue was so choked that he couldn't speak, because from Hu Jiashi's attitude just now, it could be seen that Han Zhe's words were really not bragging!

"What are you, I'll tell you, I'm not an unreasonable person, I don't offend people if people don't offend me, I still respect my seniors, so, play your ball well, don't mess with me if you have nothing to do!" Han Zhe turned around and strode away after speaking, leaving Sun Yue with a black face.

After Han Zhe returned to the arena again, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at him, they were a little instigated by Sun Yue and wanted to bully Han Zhe before, but now, hehe, it seems that who bullies who is not certain!

The main thing is that everyone has a certain inertial thinking before, no matter how big a newcomer used to be, he is always a newcomer, and it is normal to be bullied, such as Guo Allen, who is also very popular now, but when he comes to the national team, he has to pick up the ball and hand water to be a good baby.

But Han Zhe is not an ordinary big name, this is an existence that the basketball team attaches great importance to, so I really think too much about wanting to bully him.

"Brother Zhe, what did Director Hu say, do you want to review and apologize?" Guo Allen asked curiously.

Han Zhe looked puzzled, "What review, what apology, don't you just fight, Director Hu will not take an example!"

"That's it?" Guo Allen's eyes widened, you must know that the formalism in the team is serious, he thinks that even if Han Zhe is not severely punished, at least the passing scene of reviewing something in public will still have to go.

The eyes of the other players who pricked up their ears next to them changed even more after hearing this, if what Han Zhe said was true, wouldn't it mean that Sun Yue's kick was in vain?

Everyone who was still skeptical, after seeing Sun Yue's face as black as ink coming over, they were sure that Han Zhe should not be lying, Sun Yue seemed to have suffered a big loss!

Only then did everyone understand what a real big-name player is!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [zy5940] for tipping 100 points.

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