The next training is indeed a bit chaotic, the national team used to be easier to play, when Da Yao was there, just look for Yao Ming when attacking, everyone just needs to strengthen defensive training.

And now there is no clear core, the offense and defense are a little chaotic, or some players are too lonely when attacking, and they rush indiscriminately when they take the ball, and the key technology is not bad, and they always love to lose the ball.

Either the offensive players don't know what to do after they break through with the ball, and every time they play a training match, the field is full of Yanakis's roar.

Han Zhe began to seek some cooperation with other players, but he often got on fire after not getting the ball, and simply started a small gang with Guo Allen and Wang Zhelin, and Han Zhe's one-stop goals can often be seen on the field.

Han Zhe's style of play is beautiful, but Giannakis is a little worried, this is completely Han Zhe's goal performance, but it has no training effect on the team as a whole.

At the beginning, Sun Yue and the others were desperately intercepting, wanting to give Han Zhe a little bit of power, but then found that they couldn't prevent it at all, so they simply broke the jar a little bit, you love to be sudden, anyway, you can't prevent it, Lao Tzu is too lazy to prevent it.

To put it simply, everyone is now playing their own games, the key is the system, the rights are restricted, and a big-name coach like Giannakis can't greet everyone, and it is not easy to integrate the team.

In fact, Hu Jiashi is naturally not a fool to be able to achieve a high position, and an internal meeting was held the next day, the main content of which was to discuss Yanakis's proposal to see if Han Zhe could be cultivated as the new core of the team.

As soon as the topic of Hu Jiashi came out, it was discussed at the meeting, and it was difficult to unify opinions:

"Yannakis is just messing around, Han Zhe's strength is strong, but after all, he is too young, and he has just entered the national team, so it is difficult for him to play the core to convince the public!"

"I think this is a good idea, now the strength of our team has declined significantly compared with the previous two years, and the aging of the team is also serious, Han Zhe as a new generation leader, why not let him resist the banner?"

"I don't agree, don't talk about anything else, you see that Han Zhe fought with Sun Yue as soon as he came to the team, and he didn't make any trouble when he was in the NBA, so I think such an unorganized and undisciplined player should be kicked out of the team!"

"Hehe... Kick Han out? What a big breath! Do you believe that the saliva of the people of the whole country can drown you!"

"When it comes to Sun Yue, I have something to say, if I want to say that Han Zhe is playing well, he is in a very bad state now, and he still loves to raise the bar with the head coach, Giannakis has reacted many times, I think I should kick this black sheep out if I want to kick!"

"You can't talk nonsense, Sun Yue is an old player in the team, and his prestige is also very high, if you really drive him out of the team, there will be a big mess, can you afford the consequences?"

Looking at the noisy and noisy people, Hu Jiashi is also the first two big, this is originally a matter of public saying that the public is reasonable, and it is difficult to make a decision if the opinions cannot be unified.

Han Zhe didn't know that the above was specifically about his problem, how to live his life, and he also had a certain privilege, that is, he could occasionally ask for leave.

Because Han Zhe has a lot of endorsements, sometimes he needs to shoot advertisements, and the charity fund named "Korean Fund" by Han Zhe has begun to run, although it has been managed by professionals, but it is currently in the early stage of operation, and there are still many things that he needs to deal with personally.

When it came to mid-July, the team held an all-hands meeting, and not only the basketball management and coaching staff were present, but also the national team players.

The meeting was presided over by the basketball management leader Xin Lancheng, who directly made a decision at the meeting, affirmed Yanakis's suggestion, and agreed to let Han Zhe be the core of the national team.

When he said this, everyone's expressions were different, and Giannakis's expression was the most complicated, with happiness and anger.

Of course, I am happy because I finally made a reliable decision, and I am angry because this decision came so late, and now that the Asian Championships are imminent, they have very limited time to start formulating new tactics, and God knows what effect this time can have.

Although Sun Yue and the others looked unhappy, they still didn't dare to become a top cow in front of Xinlan, after all, this is the number one person in charge of their life and death, he can jump with Yanakis, but he still has to hold a tail in front of him!

In fact, I have been entangled in this decision for a long time, and most of the people who are in favor of maintaining the status quo are the first, and they feel that it is too risky to push Han Zhe and there are too many unstable factors.

However, they can't bear the ensuing pressure, first of all, the pressure of the fishing wheel, there is no impermeable wall in the world, the conflict between Han Zhe and Sun Yue is not known to have been exploded by anyone, the popularity of the two is not at all a grade, there are naturally more people towards Han Zhe, and everyone has heard of the national team's bad things before, and most of them feel that Han Zhe was bullied by the national team's old qualifications.

The disturbance continued, and then there was another breaking news, that is, Giannakis finally broke out, and at a press conference, it was vaguely stated that there was serious interference in his coaching, and it was very difficult for him to use Han Zhe.

Everyone is not stupid, knowing that this so-called "someone" is naturally talking about the basket pipe, which is not a big deal, because everyone has become accustomed to it, and it will be strange if the basketball pipe does not interfere with everyone.

However, it is different if the protagonist involved this time is Han Zhe, you basketball interfere with coaching, everyone can bear it, after all, it has been like this for so many years, but listening to the meaning of Yannakis Han Zhe seems to be sitting on the cold bench, how can this be endured?

You must know that when the people knew that Han Zhe had joined the national team, they were overjoyed, and they had great expectations for this Asian Championships.

Internet condemnation is naturally indispensable, and major media have also taken action, although they have not explicitly blamed the basketball pipe, but insinuations are indispensable.

The pressure on the basketball team can be imagined, especially after the central boss "inadvertently" asked about the situation in the basketball team, Xin Lancheng also said that he couldn't sit still, and after two consecutive internal meetings, he directly made a decision to let Han Zhe take the position, which led to today's plenary meeting!

To put it simply, Han Zhe has too much influence, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a national idol, and the basketball team cannot ignore his existence.

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