In the first five minutes or so, the score of the two teams was 15-11, Han Guo temporarily led by four points, and the fans of the Heavenly Dynasty on the scene saw Yi Jianlian burst to the basket, and they all began to cheer loudly, hoping that the team could narrow the difference.

Yi Jianlian was obviously a little lacking in confidence, and when he came to the basket to face the defense, he chose to pass back to Chen Jianghua on the outside.

Chen Jianghua was once known as the player with the most hope of becoming the first world-class defender in the Celestial Empire, but it obviously did not meet everyone's expectations, but Han Zhe came from behind.

Chen Jianghua saw a better opportunity after receiving the ball, and he still made a decisive shot before the opponent blocked, but the accuracy was a little worse, the three points missed, and the rebound was taken by the opponent to launch a fast break and score on the basketball. Han Zhe shook his head when he saw this, knowing that this ball was probably caused by Chen Jianghua's psychological pressure, because Chen Jianghua was still relatively accurate in training this kind of shooting close to the vacancy.

Seeing that the score difference was widening again, Giannakis couldn't sit still, got up and came to the sideline and yelled: "Block and dismantle and cut inside, don't shoot blindly!"

Then Giannakis made a few more gestures, signaling the players to cooperate more in a small area under the basket, especially to let Yi Jianlian play more strongly under the basket.

In fact, this is a common problem of Asian teams, that is, the mid-to-long-range shooting rate is generally not high in the face of strong defense, and the players are not very confident in shooting, which is also the reason why the score in Asian games is generally low, there are not many long-range shots, and the offensive error rate is too high!

Next is the attack of the Celestial Empire team, after arriving in the front court, Sun Yue went down to the bottom of the right wing, and when he was about to break through, he was stolen by Kim Sun-hyung who was inserted next to him, and launched a fast attack again.

This time, Yi Jianlian's position was relatively backward, and he quickly returned to the defense in place, thinking that Jin Shanheng would control the ball and wait for his teammates to support, but he didn't slow down at all, and flew straight to the basket and jumped up to dunk his hand, knocking the intercepted Yi Jianlian into a stumble.


The goal was quite domineering and beautiful, which instantly ignited the passion of the fans of Han Kingdom, and a huge cheer broke out at the scene, and the Celestial Empire was obviously hit a little hard by this ball, and Zhu Fangyu didn't score a layup with the ball.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoxu also made a ruthless shot in the next ball, giving Lee Jong-hyun a big hat for his mid-range shot, preventing the score difference from being further widened.

At this time, Giannakis couldn't help but call a timeout, mainly to cheer up the players and let them control their mentality, in fact, the overall strength of the Celestial Empire team is not weaker than this group of Han players, the key is that the quality of the heart is not too good, and as soon as the score is behind, he is a little panicked, and he can't play his level at all.

In fact, the game of basketball is the same as fighting, morale, mentality and confidence are very important, and the two armies fight the bravest to win.

This timeout did have some effect, the Celestial Empire team deliberately controlled the rhythm of the game, and chose to play steadily and steadily, although the success rate of the offense was still not high, but the defensive end still did a good job, and the one-on-one single defense basically did not suffer, and even if the foul did not let the opponent easily score points.

Such a game is more than passionate, but not exciting, and netizens are a little dozed off.

"Hey! It's a rookie pecking each other, and the two teams only scored two points in the next two minutes, I'm damn it!"

"I'm used to it, the Asian Championships is like this, to put it nicely, everyone has a strong defensive ability, but in fact, they are all weak in offense, and their scoring ability is too poor, and it is difficult to play a high score. "

"It's still enjoyable to watch the NBA, this Nima dozes off when he sees it, the key is that our team has been lagging behind, and the egg hurts!"

"I still watch Han Zhe play comfortably, all kinds of dunks and all kinds of shows, and I get up in the middle of the night to watch the ball!"

"Nonsense, is Han Zhe on the same level as them?"

"Anyway, the team is so far behind, why don't you let Han Zhe go up?"

"God knows what Yannakis thinks, maybe he plans to keep Han Zhe as a mascot!"

"This ball continues to play and loses the rhythm!"

"It's hard to say whether you win or lose, it's still early in the game!"

After the first quarter, the fans of the Celestial Empire were very dissatisfied, because it was currently 26-19, and they were seven points behind the Han national team.

The most important thing is that the scoring ability of the Celestial Empire team makes fans very unhappy and worried, and 19 points in a quarter of the game is not low in Asian games, but the key is that everything is afraid of comparison, and people have scored 26 points in the first quarter.

"Brother Zhe, what do you think?" Guo Allen, who didn't take advantage of the opportunity to play, asked Han Zhe what he thought about the situation on the court.

Han Zhe said lazily: "The Han national team should have played extraordinarily today, needless to say, Kim Sun-hyung, this guy has always been relatively stable, and his defensive ability is also very strong, mainly because Jin Minjiu's nerve knife is going crazy again!"

Guo Allen nodded after hearing this, Jin Minjiu's small has also been prosperous in recent times, and is known as the outside core of Han Country in the future, but he pays equal attention to advantages and disadvantages, has strong breakthrough ability, and the ball style is also very elegant and handsome.

Today's Kim Min-gyu is obviously in great shape, shooting two three-pointers in the first quarter, and Han Guo's ability to lead him is indispensable!

"Brother Zhe, then do you think we can take the Han Kingdom today?" Guo Allen continued to ask.

Han Zhe seemed to think about it seriously and said, "I can do it!"

Allen Guo: "..."

Han Zhe didn't suppress his voice when he said this, and the other players who were resting next to him obviously heard it, and many people's eyes were suddenly wrong.

Originally, I was unhappy when I was backward, but now Han Zhe's words didn't obviously slap them in the face!

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