At the post-match press conference, Hu Jiashi responded to various questions from reporters with a red face, and the team won today, and there were naturally not a few media touting it.

When the reporter asked him why he put Han Zhe on the field in the second half, Yannakis glanced at Hu Jiashi, and said lightly: "Your leaders think this arrangement is more reasonable!"


As soon as Yanakis's words came out, the reporters present immediately became excited, and someone immediately asked: "Yang Shuai, do you mean that Director Hu or the basketball manager is interfering with your personnel and tactical arrangements?"

Giannakis shrugged his shoulders, neither affirming nor denying, and the reporter immediately targeted Hu Jiashi.

Hu Jiashi couldn't laugh anymore, and when he heard the reporter ask him if he had directly interfered with the team's operation, Hu Jiashi said with a calm face: "We have been working with Yang Shuai very happily, we only play the role of communication and assistance, as for interfering with Yang Shuai's coaching, it is impossible to interfere with Yang Shuai's coaching, and the team is still in charge of Yang Shuai!"

Many reporters scoffed at this, and Yannakis almost made it clear just now, your sister still doesn't admit it, and her skin is thick enough.

However, they also know in their hearts that Hu Jiashi really won't admit it, because he can't afford to carry this infamy, and he is tired of carrying the basketball pipe, they are typical laymen commanding insiders, and it's okay if they have good grades, if they have bad grades, the saliva of the people of the whole country can drown them!

Seeing that there was nothing more to ask, the reporter turned his target to Han Zhe again.

"May I ask Han Zhe, what do you think about yourself not getting a starter?"

"What can I think, the leader has the final say!"


The reporter at the scene immediately laughed, and Hu Jiashi next to him almost vomited blood, your sister, what does it mean that the leader has the final say, should you say that the coach has the final say, isn't this referring to Sang scolding Huai!

As soon as the reporter thought about it, he knew that Han Zhe probably also had resentment in his heart, after all, with Han Zhe's strength, he couldn't start, and everyone had to be angry, so he also insinuated that the basketball management interfered in the team's affairs, and Yanakis's complaint and Han Zhe's assist almost confirmed the matter.

Reporters are starting to write about it, and the first win of the national team will definitely be in the headlines tomorrow, but the basketball management interferes with the team's operation, and it is obvious that the discord between Yang Shuai and the basketball management is also big news. Then the questions gradually returned to the track, and began to ask about the previous competition.

"Han Zhe, do you think the Asian Championships are different from the NBA?"

"It's definitely different, whether it's the pace or the intensity, the Asian Championship is a little bit more relaxed. "

"What do you think of the strength of Team Han?"

Han Zhe thought for a while about this question: "As far as Asia is concerned, Han is undoubtedly a strong team, both offensive and defensive are in place, and their fighting spirit is worth learning." "

Many reporters nodded after listening, although many people don't like sticks, but they have to admit that others don't care about basketball and football, they are very hard-working, and they are also very united, such as today, although they know that they will lose, but the last two minutes Han also fought very fiercely, which is really worth learning.

The key is to look back at the previous games of the Celestial Empire team, you can form a sharp contrast, the Celestial Empire team is more fierce than the other, but when encountering adversity, it is difficult to turn the tables, everyone can see that if it is not Han Zhe today, most of them are kneeling!

When the reporter asked the reason for today's loss, Coach Han smiled bitterly: "We started very well, and the players also played their own level, and it is the best proof that we have been leading in the first half, but Han Zhe should not appear in the Asian arena, he is a bug!"

Although everyone knows that Coach Han Guo is complaining, but this statement is still agreed by everyone, Han Zhe's strength is indeed too much beyond the average level of these players, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a bug!

Han's other players also spoke:

"The Celestial Empire team is not strong, we have an advantage in the game, we can only say that Han Zhe is too strong!"

"If it weren't for Han Zhe, we would definitely be able to defeat the Celestial Empire team!"

"Han Zhe is too difficult to defend, and it is difficult for us to succeed in the bag, the strength of NBA-level stars is really terrifying!"

Han The audience is also sighing, but everyone who watches the game knows that they have lost unjustly, who calls Han Zhe a person from the Celestial Empire.

This ball Han Zhe also attracted countless fans in Han country, because Han is also a famous family that worships the strong, and Han Zhe's strength conquered them!

After returning to the hotel for a simple meal, everyone started to meet again, and it was Hu Jiashi who presided over the meeting.

Hu Jiashi first made a summary of today's game, and praised everyone, in his opinion, it is good to win anyway.

At first, the atmosphere was relatively relaxed, but when it came to their next opponent, Iwolf, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Yi Wolf can be described as a strong rival of the Celestial Empire, and the overall strength is very strong, and in today's game, Yi Wolf also scared everyone with a strong ability to abuse vegetables, and they abused Malacia 115-25 blood.

Han Zhe was also shocked when he saw this score, although Malacia is a weak team, but it can't be beaten like this, he only scored 25 points in the whole game, and the difference was as high as 90 points, and the score of the wolf was almost five times that of Malacia.

This exaggerated score can only show one problem, the Wolves are not only strong in attack, but also very perverted in defense, with Malacia scoring a total of 25 points, that is, they only scored a pitiful 6 points per quarter on average under the Wolves defense.

The next thing is that Giannakis analyzed the details of today's Iwolf game, and began to make some targeted tactical arrangements for Iwolf plastic surgery.

At the end of the meeting, Hu Jiashi only said one sentence, "Be sure to take down the wolf and play the prestige of our team!"

Most of the other players also have relaxed expressions, talking and laughing, only Giannakis has a sad face, he knows very well what the strength of his team is, their overall strength is actually inferior to Yi Wolf, fortunately there is Han Zhe's variable, otherwise Giannakis feels that they have no chance of winning!_

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