No one else knows what's going on with the national team, but insiders know very well that today's situation is due to many reasons.

First of all, the first round of the group stage ended, the team returned home with a winning record, and was touted by countless people, many players began to tremble, and they all felt that they had contributed to it, training late and leaving early was the norm, and there was a lot of lace news off the field, and he ignored Giannakis, and often broke out into quarrels.

There is also the indulgence of undisciplined players at the top is also one of the fuses, for the top, the player wins the game, and now it is harmless to play a little temperament, but it does not consider the situation of Giannakis at all, a coach has no right to punish players, it is completely matched!

Originally, the atmosphere of the team was seriously wrong, and the problem was even more serious in the next pre-match meeting, Hu Jiashi didn't know what to smoke crazy, and began to directly arrange new tactics, this time not only Yannakis was confused, but other players were also confused, you are a layman to arrange tactics, and the next day there will be a new round of battles, and today there is no time to practice when you change tactics, isn't it nonsense!

At this time, Han Zhe went crazy directly, and pointed at Hu Jiashi's nose on the spot and scolded the bastard, because Hu Jiashi began to restrict Han Zhe's position on the field, and also asked him how to fight, it was completely a forcible way to find a sense of existence and make trouble.

Seeing that some players dared to scold themselves, Hu Jiashi reflexively sprayed back, and threatened him if he wanted to be expelled and banned.

Han Zhe sneered, "If you have the ability, you can block me, I don't want to do it yet!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned around and left in a daze for everyone.

This is not over, after Han Zhe left, Yanakis also got up and scolded Hu Jiashi, and then slapped the table and said: "I regret coming to the Celestial Empire to coach, I have never met a lawless player and bastard official like you in my coaching career, this coach is better for you!"

Giannakis also left the scene angrily after speaking, putting the contradictions between the two sides on the surface for the first time.

"It's the opposite! It's all the opposite! If you don't want to do it, get out, we billions of people are still worried that we can't find a few people to play, and the coach also has a lot of begging to coach!" Hu Jiashi also slapped the table and scolded.

Some of the other players are quiet, some are gloating, and some are worried.

In fact, most players have already prepared for the conflict between the two sides, after all, the contradictions between the two sides have accumulated for a long time, and Giannakis is a foreign coach, and his reputation is not small, so he really doesn't care about the pressure of your basketball management, if it weren't for the contract, he might have left long ago.

But they didn't expect Han Zhe's temper to be so explosive, and he dared to scold Hu Jiashi directly, which really scared everyone.

However, some players were secretly happy in their hearts, saying that Han Zhe had offended Hu Jiashi, and there must be no good life, so didn't their opportunity come.

This is all short-sighted and arrogant, and the sober players are full of worries, they know that this Asian Championship is all about Han Zhe, if Han Zhe is gone, then the ghost knows what it will look like.

After Han Zhe and Giannakis met outside the venue, Giannakis sighed and said: "Han, you are too impulsive, although I am also very dissatisfied with the state of the team, but I still hope that you can play a result, to be honest, I am disappointed to come to the team, because I can't see the shadow of a strong team from these players at all, but since you joined the team, you have given me a lot of confidence, and you have not disappointed me, these performances are very perfect, now you are likely to be banned, the team's results are hard to imagine!"

"Ban the game, ban the game, it's better to put the problem on the surface early than to deceive yourself, it's better to win and lose a game than to ruin several generations!" Han Zhe said in a deep voice.

Yanakis glanced at Han Zhe in surprise, then patted Han Zhe on the shoulder and turned to leave.

That's the way it is, although the basketball manager did not fire Han Zhe before today's game, he still gave an internal ban, which is the result of the temporary treatment.

Just now Yannakis asked Han Zhe if he wanted to play, obviously he didn't take the basketball management seriously, if Han Zhe wanted to play, he would dare to change, anyway, now it's exploded, what do you love!

Of course, Han Zhe's reluctance to play is not because he is afraid of the basketball team's accountability, after all, he doesn't eat in China, and the basketball team really can't do anything to him!

Giannakis is also broken jars, and now the reason for the chaos on the field is the new tactics of Hu Jiashi, the main offensive routine is to cross the middle of the double bottom, this set of tactics is not familiar to everyone, and only if you can play well can you have ghosts, and players who often make mistakes also begin to complain about each other, and the anger is naturally big.

Han Zhe also shook his head vigorously, he knew that even if the players were familiar with this style of play, they would not be able to achieve good results, because this tactic is the main attack on the inside, and their team is really not good on the inside now!

The game ended in a boo from the fans, because the Celestial Empire team lost to Kazakhstan 67-72, which was a bit unacceptable to everyone, and Han Zhe's full-court bench also made the audience angry.

You must know that not only the fans of the Celestial Empire want Han Zhe to be on it, but many neutral fans also want Han Zhe to perform, after all, now Han Zhe fans are global.

As soon as the players got off the field after the game, they were blocked by the media, and they had too many questions, why didn't Han Zhe play, why did Giannakis use new tactics, why did the players not cooperate tacitly, why did they not change the formation, and is this our real level, why can't even Kazakhstan?

Hu Jiashi is also the key target of the reporter's siege, when asked if there is a conflict with Yannakis, Hu Jiashi squeezed out a smile and said: "There is nothing at all, we have always been happy to cooperate." "

At this time, Yannakis happened to be passing by, and Hu Jiashi immediately went over and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Yanakis, obviously planning to make a play to relieve the pressure.

Who knew that the next scene was infinitely embarrassing, Yanakis didn't bird him at all, and left directly with his outstretched hand.

Seeing Hu Jiashi's embarrassed appearance of withdrawing his hand, the reporter suddenly exploded, the flash flashed wildly, this is definitely explosive news, Giannakis's performance is undoubtedly confirming the rumors, and their contradictions have been laid out.

The reporter is undoubtedly not worried about the lack of news material today, the team lost, the inexplicable new tactics, why Han Zhe did not play, the contradiction between Yang Shuai and the basketball manager, etc., there are too many things to write about!

When they saw Han Zhe also coming over, the reporters immediately besieged again, they had too many questions to ask Han Zhe, and they all knew that Han Zhe dared to say anything, maybe there would be some big news coming out of his mouth today!

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