At 18:30 p.m., the Magic and Pelicans players took the court, which meant that the regular season of the season officially began.

"The players on both sides have already played, and we can see that there are quite a lot of Asian faces among the fans at the scene, and many people are holding banners supporting Han Zhe, and it is obvious that they are all going for Han Zhe."

"That's right, since Han Zhe joined the magic, Amway Arena has almost become the home of our Celestial Dynasty and even the entire Asian fans, mainly because Han Zhe's performance last season was too good, not only in our own country, but also in the whole of Asia, I hope Han Zhe will make persistent efforts and have a more exciting performance in the new season."

As soon as the players came on the field, the commentators began to chatter, and most of the topics focused on Han Zhe, because Han Zhe is the most talked about character in the field and the biggest player on the field.

Although Davis, who was on the same court, was the champion of last season and performed well in his rookie season, he was overshadowed by Han Zhe, the scoring champion last season.

However, when he saw the Magic lineup, Davis was ashamed of it, because the Magic was suspended due to the main rotation, and the lineup was incomplete today, which was a good opportunity.

The Magic started Han Zhe, Avlalo, Vucevic, Bimax and O'Quinn, while the two main players of Serge Ibaka and Walker sat in the stands because they were not on the game list at all, so they could only be spectators.

The Pelicans starters were, Davis, Holiday and Eric. Gordon, Smith and Aminu.

Today's lineup comparison between the two sides is actually a slight advantage for the Pelicans, and the Pelicans are both tall and big players, and they also have a great advantage in height, and the Magic will inevitably usher in a tough battle.

The two sides jumped the ball, Smith jumped at a better time, took the lead in dialing the ball back to his teammates, and Holiday got the ball and began to rush to prepare for the next city.

But for the jump ball, Han Zhe's Eye of the Heavenly Emperor had already predicted accurately, and before Holiday could rush up, Han Zhe took the lead and stuck on his forward path.

Holiday was obviously a little excited today, seeing that someone was blocking him, he didn't slow down at all, but accelerated to change lines and prepare to continue to break through.

This kind of rapid line change works well for most defenders, because the defensive reaction time is broken, it is difficult to judge, and sometimes even the action passes before someone else has time to do it.

But it's a pity that Han Zhe doesn't belong to the "majority of players", Han Zhe, who has the eye of the emperor, is not too easy to judge this either-or, Holiday just dribbled and changed hands when Han Zhe flew the racket, and Afraro next to him picked up the ball.

"Han Zhe got a wonderful steal at the beginning, this ball Holiday is obviously overconfident, you must know that Han Zhe is very accurate and decisive for this kind of fastball, and rarely makes mistakes!"

"Actually, you can't blame Holiday for this ball, after all, he has already started to rush, and he can definitely try to break through in the face of single defense, it can only be said that Han Zhe's stealing ability is too strong!"

The Pelican coach on the sidelines didn't say anything, they all knew that Han Zhe had strong defensive ability, and it was normal for Han Zhe to cut off the ball, and this was just the beginning, so there was no need to rush at all.

Seeing that Gordon was sticking to him, Afflaro also gave up his intention to counterattack quickly, passed the ball to Han Zhe, and then ran to the front court by himself.

Walker didn't play today, Afflalo's organizational ability is very average, Han Zhe naturally played the old point guard, and this was also deliberately arranged by Vaughn, because the main lineup is not perfect, and they don't want to open the door, Vaughn thinks that Han Zhe can be stable by playing point guard!

Han Zhe held the ball in one hand and signaled his teammates to press up, and he advanced steadily behind him, and Holiday who had just lost the ball followed Han Zhe closely and obviously wanted to steal back to save face, but he also knew Han Zhe's level, but he just followed and retreated, and did not make a rash move.

When he reached the top of the arc, after Han Zhe broke through with a false gesture, he immediately made a long-range three-point shot, Holiday immediately flew to block it, and was secretly proud that he didn't eat it just now, and now he almost capped Han Zhe, if Han Zhe ate a big hat at the beginning, it would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the morale of the magic.

However, Holiday was dumbfounded as soon as he took off, Han Zhe was still a fake move, a fake throw and a real pass, only to see Han Zhe quickly collect the ball and then hit the ground and pass diagonally, and then plunged into the basket.

After receiving the ball, Bimax didn't think about it at all, and immediately threw it above the basket, and Vucevic jumped in time under the basket, obviously planning to relay in the air.

"Don't think!" Davis, who was also on the basket, jumped almost at the same time as Vucevic and faintly pressed Vucevic on the head, and the ball looked set to be ruined.

However, when Davis was about to touch the ball, Han Zhe had already rushed to the basket and jumped unconsciously, and he was also a head above Davis behind him.


Han Zhe almost pressed Davis's palm and dunked the ball into the basket with one hand, and hit Davis hard after hanging the basket, if it weren't for Davis's self-importance, it is estimated that he would have been blown out, but even so, Davis staggered several meters when he landed, and almost fell!


The magic fans at the scene applauded like thunder, and Han Zhe's opening defense attack was extremely exciting, allowing them to enjoy a visual feast!

"Lao Huo! Our magic first ball must be dunked is a tradition, what are you jumping blindly, haha! After scoring the goal, Han Zhe joked about Holiday who was shaken away.

“FUCK! You bastard, you just made me embarrassed twice in the opening! Holiday laughed and cursed, the two had a good chat at last year's All-Star, so they started joking.

Only Davis had a black face on the side, and it wasn't just Holiday who was embarrassed just now, he was even more embarrassed as a champion showman, and he was smashed in the face by Han Zhe as soon as he opened the scene!


PS: Thanks to the [IAW] boss for tipping 588 points.

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