As soon as Han Zhe changed into his training clothes, Vaughn walked into the locker room angrily, threw the newspaper in front of Han Zhe, and said angrily: "Han! What's going on! "

Han Zhe glanced at the photo of him and Kolo in the newspaper, shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the matter, I know that Kolo is my friend, is there anything wrong with her coming to my house as a guest?"

"Forget it, you better go to the manager's office first, Hannigan is looking for you." Vaughn shook his head and left.

Not long after, Han Zhe walked out of Hannigan's office with a helpless face, Hannigan didn't scold Han Zhe, just blamed him for being too careless, just play, how can he be caught by reporters, Han Zhe was about to explain, Hannigan interrupted, and told him that the team would try to eliminate his bad influence in the media, hoping that he would not be an example!

Vaughn was obviously a little angry, so Han Zhe was fired during training, and the amount of training was double that of other players.

You must know that the players usually train a lot, but now that it has doubled, Han Zhe, who is in good health, has also been tired into a dead dog all day!

The next day, the Magic played away against the Green Shirts Celtics, and Han Zhe was still watching the game from the stands, but this was also his last ban, and Han Zhe was completely lifted after today.

Before the game started, Han Zhe's picture appeared on the big screen many times, and every time Han Zhe appeared on the camera, it was inevitably accompanied by countless whistles and boos.

Although the magic has been operated by a lot of media, and they have not continued to report on this matter, after all, the heat is still there, everyone will naturally coax when they see Han Zhe, and this is the home of the Celtics, it is still very cool to be able to boo the opponent's ace!

The Celtics are a traditional powerhouse, and although the results in recent years have not been ideal, no one dares to underestimate this team.

However, the Magic lineup is not bad now, and there is a lot of confidence after winning the last game, so the players are also full of fighting spirit, and they played on par with Celtic after the opening, and many commentators said that the outcome of this game is unpredictable.

Han Zhe, who was watching the game, was a little itchy after watching it for a while, you must know that basketball is not only his profession, but also his hobby, he has not played for so long, and now he has long been itchy to see others playing!

The two teams played very close in this game, and the score was very close at halftime, but the shortcomings of the Magic rotation lineup made them suffer a big loss, and after the two teams changed one after another in the second half, the Magic score was pulled away a little bit, although the Magic main force tried to chase the score in the fourth quarter, but in the end it was defeated by the Celtics 92-87 at home.

The only good news is that after Han Zhe returned, Luthor came to meet with Han Zhe and told him a little happily that fortunately, magic was powerful, not only did he make a lot of effort on the media, but also helped Han Zhe clarify it on the official website, minimizing the negative impact of this matter.

Originally, some people who were ready to make a move did not trouble Han Zhe, of course, the main thing is that Han Zhe still has a huge influence, and the cooperation is usually very pleasant, and few people want to break with him, as long as Han Zhe's endorsement can still bring them economic benefits, they will not get along with Han Zhe.

This matter did bring a lot to Han Zhe, for example, his mother called several times to ask Han Zhe if she had found her a little foreign daughter-in-law.

Liu Yan also called every day to ask about the relationship between Han Zhe and Kolo, intentionally or unintentionally, and his Weibo was also sprayed by countless defenders and keyboard warriors, making his head bigger.

However, Han Zhe can't take care of these trivial matters, he is about to officially participate in the competition, and he has to prepare for the competition.

Vaughn didn't let the players train for other events that day, but just let them play training matches, although they didn't say it explicitly, everyone in the team knew that they were studying with the prince, and Vaughn was helping Han Zhe find the state of the game!

"Olapodi! You idiot, pass the ball! When Olapodi stuck to the ball again, Walker, who was on the same team with him, opened his mouth and sprayed, his status in the team is much higher than Olapodi, and he knows that he is Han Zhe's younger brother, he doesn't instigate anyone.

Olapodi is also a bit stubborn, pretending not to hear and continue to hold the ball to prepare for an inward assault, at this moment Ibaka on the other team rushed up with a big stride and knocked Olapodi, who was about to break through, to the ground.

"Are you playing ball or hitting people? You're a malicious foul! Seeing Ibaka knocking over and smiling, Olapodi was so angry that this thing was obviously deliberate.

"Boy! Pay attention to what you say, Lao Tzu is a reasonable confrontation with the body, okay, he is a soft-footed shrimp and he is embarrassed to speak when he touches it! "

Ibaka opened his mouth and slammed back, he is now not at the same level as Olapodi regardless of his fame and worth, of course he will not give him face, not to mention that he has a good relationship with Walker, which is obviously to help Walker clean him up.

Vaughn was about to enter the court to interfere, but Han Zhe was one step ahead of him, pulled Olapodil, who still wanted to speak, to the sidelines, handed him a towel and said: "Boy, you play well, I also know that you are very unconvinced, but if you want to play, you must first learn to be a man, if you have a bad relationship with your teammates, you will always be a lone wolf, of course, if you believe that you can handle everything with your fists, you can do it!" The premise is that your fists are hard enough! "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the field, while Olapodi lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Han! What do you say to this kid if he is so unreasonable, according to me, you will be honest if you beat him a few times! Ibaka glanced at Olapodi disdainfully and said to Han Zhe.

"We're not the underworld, don't fight and kill at every turn, and this kid really plays well, he's a good seedling, it's a pity, anyway, I said what I should have said, it depends on whether he can get on the road, if he is not obedient, just kick him out of the team."

"Okay! It's all up to you! Seeing Han Zhe speak, Ibaka naturally had no opinion, and Olapodi is indeed a good substitute, so it's a pity to take it away.

As for what Han Zhe said about being disobedient and kicking out, no one will question it, with Han Zhe's status, it is too easy to take a substitute! _

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