The Heat now have a record of 9 wins and 2 losses, still at the top of the league, while the Magic have also chased some points back in these games, but the start is too poor, and they are currently only hovering in the middle of the East.

The Heat are still the favorites to win the championship this year, and although the Magic roster is not bad, no one thinks they can go far, and many media are quoting James to ridicule Han Zhe, saying that the Magic should focus on how to make the playoffs this season.

Therefore, everyone thinks that the highlight of today's game is not who is strong and who is weak in the two teams, they all think that the overall strength of the magic is crushed by the heat, what everyone wants to see is the direct confrontation between Han Zhe and James, you must know that when the two are on the same stage, they generally have quite a wonderful performance!

"The game is about to officially start, and there was some small friction between the Magic players and Heat fans at the entrance just now, but fortunately, both sides were more restrained, and the incident did not escalate further!"

"Both sides have a complete lineup today, especially James and Han are in good shape, so it will be a good game!"

CCTV is naturally also a live broadcast:

"Although Han Zhe has only recently lifted the ban due to the impact of the ban, he is in very good shape, especially in the last game, and the statistics are very gorgeous!"

"This game must be a battle, James and Han Zhe are both very comprehensive players, the key is that they are extremely strong in scoring, presumably everyone is looking forward to the collision of the two for a while!"

"Coach Zhang, many people say that in the past, only Durant could threaten James's dominance, but now there is one more Han Zhe, what do you think?"

"Well... I think it's too early to say this, Han Zhe is still young, as long as he maintains the current growth trend, I believe that his time will come sooner or later, and it is not a good thing to put too much pressure on him now! "

Not to mention how intense the discussion was outside the court, the two teams had already begun to warm up, Han Zhe took the ball and threw it at James, James reacted very quickly to catch the ball, and reached out to stop his teammates who wanted to trouble Han Zhe next to him.

"Han, you can't win with this little trick!" James said with a smile.

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said: "Many people say that you are old, I tried your reaction just now, it seems that it is okay, I care about you!"

"What nonsense are you bastards!" Hearing Han Zhe's sarcasm about James, Wade was upset.

Han Zhe glanced at Wade and said as if surprised: "I'm sorry, I forgot that there are a lot of old guys in your team, I didn't deliberately ignore you!"

James stopped Wade, who still wanted to continue spraying, "It seems that you will only be able to take advantage of your tongue now!"

Han Zhe shook his finger and said with a smile: "No, I'm just telling a story. When you're old, you should go home and take care of the kids, the stadium isn't for old guys like you! "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned around and left, and James also pulled Wade to warm up with a calm face.

"Han, you really look like the villain of the movie just now!" Walker couldn't stop laughing, and the other players next to him couldn't help but laugh, because it really looked like it!

Han Zhe touched his chin and said, "Is there one?" But the villains are not bad, because villains are generally stronger, hehe..."

Han Zhe's words made everyone laugh again, which made the originally nervous mood relax a lot!

After a simple warm-up, the game between the two teams officially began, Vucevic jumped to the ball, and after dialing back to Walker, all the players poured towards the Heat half like a tide.

As soon as Han Zhe approached the three-point line, Wade ran to follow him, and as before, Wade's main task when the two teams played each other was no longer to score, but to keep an eye on Han Zhe.

"With me, you don't want to score today!" Wade was still angry about Han Zhe's provocation before, and when he saw Han Zhe, he couldn't help but scold him.

Han Zhe said disdainfully while moving his position: "I don't know how much I've heard of your words since last season, but last season's scoring champion was not you, nor James, but me!"

Wade was about to continue to open his mouth to fight back, but Han Zhe had already successfully received Walker's pass with a reverse run.

Wade's reaction was also extremely fast, sticking to Han Zhe with a big stride, and holding his waist to prevent Han Zhe from turning around easily, Wade's defensive skills were not covered.

Han Zhe slammed his shoulders back, making Wade frown, and couldn't help but take a small step back.

"Damn, is this guy a brute? How do you feel more powerful than before! "

As soon as Wade finished complaining in his heart, Han Zhe had already seized this gap to dribble with a backhand, slapped the ball behind Wade, and immediately turned around Wade to get the bounced basketball.

The ball was a complete joke, which made the few Magic fans present cheer immediately, especially the black-haired phalanx in the stands was particularly conspicuous.

After Han Zhe successfully passed Wade with fancy passes, he flashed Qian Moss, who was ready to make up for the defense, and stepped to the basket in two big steps.

In the face of Bosh's interception, Han Zhe rushed straight up, Han Zhe jumped far away and looked as if he was going to force a dunk, Bosh naturally jumped to block, but Han Zhe did not hard, a high throw in the air, the ball crossed Bosh, at this time, Ibaka, who got rid of James's defense, very tacitly went around Bosh and jumped, and caught the ball in the air with one hand and successfully split the dunk!

The Magic bench all jumped up and waved tomels and cheered, and the goal was not only a beautiful goal, but also maintained their tradition of having to dunk their first goal.

When Han Zhe and Ibaka high-fived and were about to return to defense, Bosh said to Han Zhe with a look of disdain, "Boy, you should play like this, two to one is the right choice, because it is impossible for you to score in front of me alone!" "

"Oh? Then my scores in front of you were all fake? And you seem to have been singled out by me, it seems that the old man's forgetfulness is a common problem! Han Zhe is not afraid of anyone in a fight, his bickering mouth is as powerful, and after he finished speaking, he flashed in Bosh's itchy expression! _

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