Vucevic fell to the ground, the game was naturally temporarily suspended, and everyone in the Magic ran over to see Vucevich's condition, he is the inside gate of the Magic, if the injury is serious, it is definitely a big loss, and it will directly affect the results of the Magic this season!

Han Zhe rushed away angrily and pushed away James, who was standing next to him, and shouted, "Are you playing ball or hitting people!"

James didn't get mad, spread his hands and said, "I didn't mean to!"

Seeing that the green tendons on Han Zhe's head jumped out, it proved that he was really angry, and the coaching staff hurriedly hugged Han Zhe and dragged him away, they were afraid that if Han Zhe really beat James, it would be a big trouble!

The most anxious was of course Vaughn, who pushed away the players surrounding Vucevic with sweat on his head, and asked the team doctor to help Vucevic off the field for examination.

Han Zhe also calmed down a little at this time, ignoring the referee who was warning him to settle down, glared at James fiercely and then went to see how Vucevic was doing.

Han Zhe is actually more anxious than Vaughn now, first of all, Vucevic is his friend, and the relationship between the two is very good, secondly, Vucevic's position magic has no one to replace, if Vucevic is seriously injured, it will be difficult for them to play well this season.

Han Zhe has a systematic task to complete, if the team does not have good results, it is a fool's dream for him to win the MVP, as for the other completion condition, the score in a single game exceeds Kobe's 81 points, Han Zhe feels that it is more difficult than winning the MVP!

Over there, the Heat were gloating, and Wade quietly gave James a thumbs up, "Well done!"

James shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really didn't mean to!"

Wade smiled, obviously not believing it, but whether it was intentional or not is only known to James!

Han Zhezheng and his teammates were asking about the diagnosis of the team doctor, and the referee came over to urge them to play, and the game had to continue, and it was impossible for Vucevic to stop playing because of his injury.

O'Quinn briefly warmed up and went on the court to temporarily take Vucevic's position, the Magic are very worried, although O'Quinn has improved a lot, but he is facing the NBA's long-standing interior strongman Bosh today, and there is a clear gap in the strength of the two.

Magic kicked off, Walker just held the ball to the front court Han Zhe reached out to ask for the ball, and Walker naturally passed it immediately.

As soon as Han Zhe took the ball, Wade posted it, Wade was thinking about how to prevent Han Zhe's fancy passing, the whole person stumbled and almost fell, and Han Zhe had already broken through with the ball.

Han Zhe chose a simple and rude way this time, using his powerful explosive power to knock Wade away at once!

Although Qian Mos quickly followed Han Zhe with the defense, Han Zhe, who was rushing up, was squeezed while running, and was soon squeezed out of position on the outside.

When Bosh, the last line of defense, had just stepped forward to stop the arrogant Han Zhe, Han Zhe had already stopped and threw his shot, he didn't expect Han Zhe to shoot like this, so he didn't even have time to do the basic jumping and blocking action, so he could only watch the ball hit the board and accurately enter the basket!

The audience was in an uproar, Han Zhe's ball can be said to be full of momentum, and the final shot was also unexpectedly exciting.

Han Zhe glanced at the Heat players disdainfully after scoring the goal, and then made a move that made the Heat's home fans instantly climax and boo.

I saw Han Zhe giving a thumbs up to the Heat player, and then his neck was lightly crossed, everyone on the earth knows that this is the meaning of wiping his neck, and it is full of provocation!

Several players of the Heat instantly exploded and strode towards Zhe, who was originally unhappy to be scored by Han Zhe, but he didn't expect Han Zhe to further provoke nakedly, you must know that this is their home stadium, if you don't show it, you will be embarrassed!

However, at this time, the rapid whistle sounded, and they quickly rushed to the middle of the two sides to isolate them, and although the Heat players were still scolding, they still honestly retreated.

"A bunch of unwarmed bastards!I'm sorry!" Han Zhe spat on the ground after speaking, his expression was also extremely contemptuous!

"Fuck! I'm going to beat this bastard to death!"

"This kid is so arrogant!"

"Don't pull me, let me pass..."

Fortunately, the Heat coaching staff, who saw that the situation was not right, rushed over and stopped the player back, otherwise it would have exploded!

Seeing that Han Zhe was still gesturing to provoke the Heat players who were already smoking on their heads, Vaughn also hurriedly rushed over and pulled Han Zhe away, and continued the rhythm of the ironclad fight!

The TNT people laughed when they saw it, and Barkley slapped the table and smiled: "I just said that this kid can't be honest, you see, he's doing something!"

Smith also smiled: "Vucevich's injury obviously provoked the grumpy Han, you may think that James did it on purpose, this is the rhythm of wanting to fight! Han really has a character, you must know that he has just passed the ban, haha..."

O'Neill was also happy, "This ball is really interesting, there are a lot of highlights, but I didn't expect Han to plan to give us easter eggs!"

Of course, CCTV is also talking about this lively:

"Han Zhe is very righteous, obviously helping Vucevic find a field, he has the demeanor of a captain, but it seems to be a bit too much, Han Zhe must be restrained, if he is banned again, magic really can't be played!"

"Han Zhe is a little impulsive, but it's very relieved, cough cough... I mean, Han Zhe should stay calm..."

After appeasing the players, the Heat coach angrily found the referee and began to complain, pointing at Han Zhe in the distance and scolding the hooligans, saying that court thugs like him should be kicked out!

Vaughn also came over at this time and scolded Heat coach Eric, saying that they were the court thugs, and Vucevic's injury was proof of this!

Next, the two coaches who were polite and polite pointed at each other and scolded, and the referee helplessly persuaded the two to leave, they didn't know that these two were not really noisy, just to put pressure on their referees!

"Han, you're awesome!, you should them hard, it's so relieving, if they dare to mess around, we'll kill them, I'm not afraid of fighting!" Walker gave a thumbs up and a little star on his face to express his admiration!

Ibaka also nodded his head and said that he was going to fight, count him in!

As soon as the two finished speaking, the back of the head was slapped by Han Zhe!

Seeing the bewildered appearance of the two, Han Zhe hated iron and said with hatred: "Are you stupid, thinking about fighting all day long?

"That's... Just now... You...."Walker stammered when he spoke, obviously Han Zhe wanted to do something, what seemed wrong?

"It's true that I did something just now, but I didn't want to fight, I was going to make them impulsive, it was better to beat me a few punches, dare to get our Vucevic down, Lao Tzu also wanted to get a few of their players down, specially, it almost succeeded!" Han Zhe said with a little regret.

The Magic players were dumbfounded, so treacherous!

Then all the players gave Han Zhe a thumbs up, and their hearts were all high in one word---!

After the referee's judgment came down, Han Zhe muttered vigorously, although he only ate one technical foul, he still lost his wife and broke his soldiers!

But then I thought about Han Zhe and was happy again, it doesn't matter if there is a technical foul, it doesn't hurt, anyway, I was cool just now, it seems to be quite cost-effective to think like this...


PS: Thanks to the boss of [gos002] for tipping 2000 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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