When the Magic returned to Orlando, all the players were greeted heroically by the fans, as they not only won the winning streak, but also taught the Heat a lesson, which was more enjoyable than just getting a win!

Han Zhe, in particular, caused a commotion as soon as he got off the bus, with countless fans wanting to ask for autographs and group photos, and many waiting reporters wanting to interview Magic.

This time, Han Zhe just waved his hand to the fans, said hello with a smile and left with his teammates under the protection of An, so many people, if you really want to stay and sign something, it is easy to cause a riot and appear sophisticated, this is stupid!

Next, everyone got a rare day off, Han Zhe refused the invitation of Walker and others to have a party, and slept at home, he fought too hard in the game with the Heat, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he just wanted to have a good rest.

On the second day, all the players returned to the team for training, and it can be seen that the last game still had a great impact on everyone, most of the players were not in very good condition, and there were obvious problems with physical fitness and shooting percentage during the team training game.

Vaughn saw that he reduced the amount of training, after all, there is still a game tomorrow, and it seems that today's training program can be restored to reduce pressure.

The next day, it was an away game again, and this time the opponent was the Hawks who had met in the first two rounds, and the Magic could be said to have been the bitter master of the Eagles in the past two seasons, and the Hawks basically knelt when they saw the Magic!

After the players from both sides entered, the live camera swept around the audience, and there were many celebrities sitting in the first two rows, but the one everyone wanted to see the most was not there.

A commentator quipped: "The super killer girl who is almost certain to arrive at the Eagles' home court seems to be absent today!"

The guest said: "This is a wise choice, you must know that today's opponent of the Eagles is magic, and it is good for Han to come to Kolo to avoid it, the matter between the two has finally calmed down, if they meet again today, someone will definitely make a fuss about it."

The protagonist of the topic, Chlo, is now sitting at home with a pillow and pouting to watch the ball, and the commentary is right, the two have finally cooled down this matter after various public relations, and they don't want to make any more waves.

Not going to the scene today was actually requested by Han Zhe, Han Zhe didn't care about himself, his profession was playing, and the scandal basically had no substantial impact on him.

Kolo is different, it can be said that her career has just started, and this kind of thing has a great impact on her career, so Han Zhe cares about her.

In the midst of all kinds of teasing, the game between the two teams officially began.

Now the magic game CCTV must

"The Magic defeated the Heat in the last round to maintain a winning streak, and the current record is 5 wins in 11 games, although the results are not very good, but it is good to be able to play such a record in a situation with a very poor start. "

"This also reflects the importance of Han Zhe to Magic, Han Zhe has not tasted defeat since the ban was lifted, and I am also optimistic about Magic in today's game, they seem to have a lot of experience in playing the Eagles, and it should not be too difficult to win!"

This is not a nonsense of the two, it is the same in the United States, most people are optimistic about the Magic in this ball, first of all, the recent battle record of the two teams Magic is absolutely superior, and secondly, the lineup is also Magic has an obvious advantage, the value of the players of the two teams is relatively large, and finally the recent Magic state is brave, and the last game also cut the Heat off the horse, no one dares to say that they are fish belly this season!

After kick-off, the Eagles jumped the ball successfully and launched the first round of the game with the fans cheering on them.

Teague controlled the ball on the right wing and distributed it to receiving small forward Millsap, who and Ibaka were nearly deadlocked, with little difference in physical and technical skills.

Seeing that there was a chance in the middle, Millsap did not entangle with Ibaka and gave the ball to Horford, who turned his back and hooked the ball into the side.

The Magic kicked off the offense, Walker was still the playmaker in the backcourt, and after a few passes the ball was given to Ibaka, Ibaka ran well this time, and receiving the ball was a good opportunity, and he immediately jumped and dunked.

But now the NBA team knows the tradition that the Magic must dunk the first shot, so naturally they are staring at it very hard, Horford stared at the timing and jumped up and interfered, and Ibaka's ball bounced off the bottom of the basket.

"Damn!" Ibaka looked depressed after landing, although he was disturbed, he still felt humiliated when he didn't dunk!

Fortunately, Harkless's position was good, he successfully got the rebound, and now the basket is in a mess, he has a large gap here, and he rushed to the basket in two big strides to dunk successfully, helping the Magic open up the situation.

Then the two teams had exchanges with each other, but after playing for a while, Magic fans were a little worried, because the game was not the crushing they thought before the game, in fact, the Hawks gradually took the advantage, and today the overall accuracy of the Magic is not good, even Han Zhe is not in very good shape, and the current 4 shots and 2 hits, 50% success rate is very low for Han Zhe. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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