After the first quarter of the game, the Magic had a 4-point lead, which is the benefit of more flowers, which can not only save physical energy, but also have a relatively higher shooting rate.

The Thunder also played well in the first quarter and scored 9 points, but Durant was a bit miserable, only 4 in Han Zhe's oppressive defense, and for Durant, 4 in a single quarter is extremely rare.

The Magic fans at the scene were very high, they were quite satisfied with the team's performance in the first quarter, you must know that the opponent is the Thunder, who is currently ranked first in the West, but their magic can crush the opponent to death, how can they not be happy.

"Kevin, the speed of the ball should be fast, less entanglement with the opponent, and the physical consumption of "Eight-Five-Zero" is very large. Thunder coach Brooks began to tell Durant.

Hearing the coach's words, Durant's face was not very good-looking, because although the coach said that he should save physical energy, everyone knew that this was just to save face for him, but in fact, he couldn't take advantage of the confrontation with Han Zhe, so let him play the ball quickly!

Brooks is actually very much of a headache, if someone said before that Durant would be restricted to score difficult to score, he would definitely not believe it, even if Han Zhe defended Durant before, there would not be a tragedy of 4 in a single quarter, there is only one explanation, Han Zhe is stronger.

Thinking of this, Brooks' heart is shocked, if it weren't for the fact that this is the case, if anyone told him that a rookie last year was not only not weaker than Durant in scoring, but also could blow him up on the defensive end, he would definitely not believe it!

Next, Brooks called Collison and Perkins again, asking them to do a good job of defense and participate more in the offense, it is difficult to support the overall situation by relying on Wei Shao alone, Walker is not a straw bag, Wei Shao will consume a lot of physical energy every time he attacks, Wei Shao is already a little out of breath after only playing one quarter, and it is not okay to go on like this.

Collison and Perkins could see the helplessness in each other's eyes after they glanced at each other, if it was before, the coach would have increased their offensive rights, and the two would definitely be happy.

But today is different, the opponent's Vucevic and Ibaka are difficult to deal with, and Hackles is also a kraft candy, very capable of stirring up, and it is not easy to get points.

Especially Ibaka, let them understand what it means to be a three-day shave to be a face-to-face, in the past, in the Thunder Ibaka can only be regarded as mediocre in strength and outstanding potential, but now the fight can faintly suppress them.

A question arose in everyone's minds.

What is the magic of magic that can be real, where all young people can shine?

No matter how the Thunder feel, the game has to be played again, and the second quarter officially begins.

The Thunder kicked off, Wei Shao controlled the ball and advanced to the front court to find Durant first, although he knew that the coach meant to play more today, he was still willing to give Du the ball.

Although there have been rumors of a feud between the two, some people say that Wei Shao should leave the Thunder, because he will never be a brother in the Thunder, and his strength will go to a team to treat him at will.

No matter what the facts are, now Brother Thunder is still Du Sowei Shao is not stingy to make balls for him, I don't know if it is an obligation or the relationship between the two is still there.

However, to everyone's surprise, when Wei Shao passed the ball, Durant seemed a little distracted, this was a little advance of the good ball, Durant could get it half a step forward, but he did not move, and was successfully intercepted by Harkless.

After Harkless broke the ball, he rushed to the front court, Walker pulled and answered on the side, and Wei Shao was alone in the middle, and finally Harkless scored easily on the basketball.

"Damn!" made a mistake at the beginning, and Brooks on the sidelines couldn't help but scold, I don't know if it was Wei Shao who didn't listen to the command or Durant who was distracted on the court...

Brooks walked to the sidelines and turned around and returned to the bench to sit down, although he wanted to spray people now, he still held back, whether it was Wei Shao or Durant, he didn't dare to be too harsh, both of them are big names, listen to you is to give you face, and if you get angry, you won't have a problem, which is not good for anyone.

The Thunder kicked off again, and this time Durant took the initiative to ask for the ball, but Wei Shao did not hesitate and still passed the ball to Durant.

This time Durant did not make a mistake, and after receiving the ball, he turned around smoothly and was ready to pass Han Zhe, who was like kraft candy, but it backfired, although this had to be done in one go, but what made Durant stunned was that Han Zhe was still standing in front of him, blocking his way.

Han Zhe was obviously next to him just now?

Why is it in front again after pulling the ball and turning?

I don't understand!

"You're turning around too slowly!" Han Zhe explained to him.

Durant was stunned for a moment, but immediately shook his head, "No, it's you who are moving too fast!"

After Durant finished speaking, it was a 3.6 breakthrough with a change of direction, Han Zhe moved the card position, Durant's crotch dribble changed direction again, and when Han Zhe moved again and was about to intercept, his eyes suddenly widened, Durant did not break through, but changed his direction and immediately jumped and shot.

This series of connections was too fast, although Han Zhe caught it with the Eye of the Heavenly Emperor, his body's nerves couldn't react at all, and when he jumped off the block, it was already a beat slower.

"Han, the game just starts now!" Seeing the ball go in, Durant said in a coquettish voice.

"It's over! This kid's head was broken by me, and I don't know if his fans will block me..."Han Zhe seemed to be talking to himself, but he could make Durant hear it, making Durant almost go berserk!_

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