The Magic's starting five have not changed much, with Walker and Han Chul at guard, Harkless at small forward, Ibaka at power forward, and Vucevic in the middle.

After kick-off, the Magic jumped the ball successfully and began to organize the first round of offense, and Walker's presence was naturally that he played point guard and Han Zhe played swing man.

After Han Zhe got the ball at the top of the arc in this round of attack, Harden, who was on defense, burst to the basket.

It is not surprising that the Rockets will let Harden defend Han Zhe, although Harden often wanders or leaks when defending, but his defensive ability is still good when he gets serious, and the key is that there is no one who can do it on the outside of the Rockets, so he can only let Harden and Han Zhe scold each other.

The two haven't played each other for so long, Harden's perception of Han Zhe is still stuck in the past, and Harden is now very dissatisfied with Han Zhe, the reason is very simple, Harden was originally the pride of the NBA generation, but since Han Zhe came to the fore, whether it is him or Curry, the limelight has been suppressed by Han Zhe, and he is not convinced!

As soon as Han Zhe started, Harden was startled, and there was only one feeling that --- so fast!

Fortunately, Han Zhe was blocked by Jones, who assisted in the defense, so that Harden stuck to it again, and began to squeeze Han Zhe hard, ready to force him to the outside.

Backfired, Harden was surprised again, he found that Han Zhe was not only faster than before, but even his strength was more perverted, and Harden, who was extremely confident in his physical condition of 433, found that he couldn't carry Han Zhe at all!

Han Zhe didn't care what Harden was thinking, he broke out again and took two big steps to throw off Harden and rushed to the basket and jumped immediately, Howard, who had been waiting for the rabbit for a long time, immediately blocked, knowing that the Magic must dunk the first ball, and he waited for Han Zhe to come to the door.

Howard was in a very good position, just stuck between Han Zhe and the basket, and he jumped together, which immediately made Han Zhe feel like a black cloud was overwhelmed, like a wall blocking in front of him.

However, Han Zhe didn't want to be hard, and with a toss in the air, the basketball crossed to Howard's side and back.

As soon as Ibaka remembered to jump the relay, he was squeezed aside by Parsons, who was very focused, and just when many people thought that the ball was out of play, a blue figure next to him leaped in and smashed the ball into the basket with a "bang".

The Rockets are very strong inside, but the Magic inside is not weak, although Ibaka was stuck, Vucevic immediately made up for the leak and succeeded in the relay!

"Nice dunk!" Han Zhe and Vucevic clapped their hands, the first goal is more important for morale, and if you make a mistake, it will be an invisible blow.

"That's a ball, I can dunk it with my eyes closed. Vucevic seems to be in a good mood, laughing while talking, but he is indeed relatively relaxed in this ball, and the opponent's defensive attention is almost attracted by Han Zhe and Ibaka, and it is not difficult to pick up this kind of leakage.

The rocket attacked, Jeremy Lin controlled the ball and advanced, if it was before, as soon as Jeremy Lin got the ball, almost all the yellow-skinned and black-haired spectators would be excited to cheer, but today the audience responded, the reason is very simple, Han Zhe appeared.

Han Zhe is first of all a decent Celestial Empire, just this banana Lin Jeremy Lin, secondly, everyone used to think that Jeremy Lin was very good and supported him a lot, but compared with Han Zhe, this is nothing!

After Jeremy Lin passed the half, Harden asked for the ball, and the beard is also a non-mainstream player, he often likes to grab the work of the point guard, and his organizational skills are not bad!

Seeing that Harden arrived outside the three-point line, Han Zhe was on it, and the major commentators were excited, saying that Han Zhe had the advantage in the first round of attack, and it would be interesting to see if Harden could win back a city in the second round of gong and defensive conversion, and the offensive players would take the initiative and definitely have an advantage.

Harden feints to cut inside, but it is immediately a horizontal pull, at this time Jeremy Lin runs very accurately, and rushes to the middle of Han Zhe and Harden to block and dismantle, it can be seen that this cooperation with the Rockets must be practiced often, very tacit.

Harden naturally won't waste this great opportunity, immediately pull out the jump shot, as soon as the ball leaves his hand, Harden smiles on the corner of his mouth, this ball is there, this is the feeling of a shooter, and it is generally not wrong.

However, Harden's smile immediately turned into horror, because as soon as the ball flew out a little, a large slender hand suddenly appeared and slapped the ball away.

Harden's mind is a little bent, but there is Jeremy Lin in front of him to block and dismantle, where did this special hand come from?

Jeremy Lin was also a little stunned, and when he turned his head in a daze, he saw Han Zhe grinning at him, and Jeremy Lin suddenly "chuckled" in his heart, could it be that ...

That's right, they didn't see it clearly, but the audience next to them could see it clearly, Harden was caught by Han Zhe across Jeremy Lin's flying hat, this difficulty coefficient and viewing coefficient are full marks, the magic fans on the scene have been yelling wildly, I didn't expect Han Zhe to give them a big gift at the beginning, it's enjoyable!

"Incredible! Incredible! Harden was actually hated by Han Zhe when someone blocked and dismantled!" Su Qun yelled twice in a row, and he knew how shocked he was.

Zhang Weiping also said excitedly: "This ball is so exciting, Harden and Jeremy Lin were a little stunned, this can't blame them, this kind of ball is really rare, Han Zhe's bounce is so amazing, he can actually block people, and Han Zhe's sense of smell is also terrifying, through slow motion, you can see that Harden jumps in a moment Han Zhe's vision is blocked..."

Almost all of the other TV commentators are called "MyGod"!

"Don't you want to teach me a lesson, wait for you!" Han Zhe is not a generous person, Harden's mouth cannon before the game has made him very unhappy, and Harden provoked him again in the warm-up before, this account Han Zhe remembered for him.

Although Harden was also shocked by Han Zhe's bounce power in his heart, his momentum was not weak at all, "I was just attacked by you, what are you proud of, you kid wait for me, I will definitely beat you to call your mother!"

"I'm going to hear you a hundred times a day, but so far I've beaten others to call Mom, and you're no exception!" Han Zhe ignored the thunderous Harden after speaking, and began to defend himself, this ball is out of bounds, and it is still the Rocket's possession.

Jeremy Lin looked at Han Zhe's back and sighed in his heart, he didn't like Han Zhe very much at first, after all, as soon as Han Zhe arrived in the NBA, he was the first to be affected, it can be said that 80% of his fans were from the Celestial Empire, but Han Zhe attracted 60% as soon as he came, as for now, he can feel that 100% of the fans of the Celestial Empire have changed their surnames to Han.

First of all, Jeremy Lin was still unconvinced and wanted to compete with Han Zhe, you are a rookie, just because you are a pure Celestial Empire, you can collect thousands of favors as one?

But with the passage of time, Jeremy Lin's mentality has gradually changed, the reason is very simple, the rising star Harden in the Rockets has felt powerful before, but he was bullied a lot when he played against Han Zhe, and the popular little prince Curry was often beaten by Han Zhe as a small pot friend.

Now people love to compare Han Zhe with Durant, James, Kobe Bryant and other superstars, what does he fight for, what does he compare?

The gap was too big, big enough to annihilate any of his ambitions!

The Rockets continued to attack after kicking off, but the inside line was blocked very dead, and he couldn't pass it in a few times, and Harden was stuck by Han Zhe and had no chance to shoot, seeing that the time was almost up, Harden had no choice but to share the ball with Jeremy Lin, who received the ball and threw it, but the ball was thrown too hastily, and there was the interference of Hackles, so he naturally missed!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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