At the post-match press conference, Han Zhe sat next to Vaughn to greet the long gun and short cannon, today he is the protagonist, and it would be rude to be absent again.

And Han Zhe is not an idiot, it must be important to play the ball well, but you must also learn to market yourself and increase your exposure, others have to create topics if they don't have topics.

After the Q&A session officially began, the press officer gave the first opportunity to ask questions to Tencent reporters, who are not only from the Celestial Empire, but have also been promoted to NBA partners, and should have priority.

Of course, their priority is limited to Magic, because there are many bigger names elsewhere than TNT and ESPN, and they can't get their turn in line.

When I saw the Tencent reporter excitedly preparing to ask a question, most of the attention on the scene was attracted to it, the reason is very simple, it is a beautiful reporter with a hot body, this matter has been ridiculed by other media, but the Celestial Empire media is tired of it!

After congratulating the Magic on their winning streak, the Tencent reporter said: "Han Zhe, today you scored 63 points in a single game, not only created a scoring discipline, but also scored into the NBA60+ club, this score is not only the highest single-game score scored by a Celestial Empire player in the NBA, but also the highest single-game score scored by an Asian player in the NBA, this is a milestone game, it is not an exaggeration to say that you have entered the ranks of superstars, now is there anything you want to say to the Celestial Empire fans?"

For the Celestial Empire reporter to be a superstar at every turn, many foreign media despise it in their hearts, but today no one jumped out to find fault, not only the magic won the game, but the players who can cut 60+, there is no luck, not to mention that Han Zhe not only performed well this time, his game was very stable, and today it can only be said that he has made a name for himself!

Although he didn't get the ideal 82 points, it would be pure pretense to say that he was not happy to score 63 points, Han Zhe also said with a smile: "I didn't pay attention to it during the game, and I didn't know that I got a high score after the game, of course I am very happy about it, and this is also indispensable for the support of my teammates, everyone understands the ball, if there is no teammate to make the ball for me, it is impossible for me to score easily." "

This was met with applause, because this is the truth, and no matter how strong a player is, if he does not have the support of his teammates, then it is difficult to stand alone.

Then Han Zhe continued: "For the fans of the motherland, I really don't have much to say, except for gratitude or gratitude, their support for me can be seen and touched, not to mention the encouragement and support of Weibo, we can see countless yellow-skinned and black-haired supporters every time we play at home, this is also my motivation, it doesn't matter if I secretly lose face abroad, but I really can't do it in front of the people of the motherland, otherwise my parents will beat me to death when I go home!"

These words caused laughter again, and the reporter of the Special Heaven Dynasty laughed even more happily, and Han Zhe's words were not only humorous but also heartwarming.

Then the big beauty of Tiger Pounce also asked: "Recently, I have a mansion, and everyone is more concerned, is this true, and if it is true, can you tell us the specific price?"

Han Zhe was still throwing it when he saw this goblin talking, and said angrily: "I bought it, but it's hard to say if it's a mansion, it's just a matter of a few million, for ordinary people it may be a mansion, and for the really rich it's just an ordinary house!"

However, Han Zhe didn't explain the millions of dollars, and immediately let the next one continue to ask questions, it's not that Han Zhe is afraid of others' irresponsible opinions, and how he likes to spend the money he earns, others can control it, so he won't care!

He's afraid that he will be sprayed by his mother if he is exposed, you must know that what he said to his family is 1 million US dollars, which is millions in RMB, so there is nothing wrong with it...

Then TNT asked: "Han, congratulations on entering the 60+ club, not only surpassing Anthony's 62 points, but also surpassing James's 61 points, do you have anything to say about Harden's pre-game shouting?"

This made everyone laugh again, this sudden turn was a bit fast, and they all knew that Harden said before the game that he wanted to teach Han Zhe a lesson, and the result was!

Han Zhe smiled kindly at the TNT reporter, he knew that the other party was making him angry, not only creating a topic, but also continuing to maintain a good relationship with Han Zhe.

Han Zhe pretended to think about it for a while, and then said slowly: "I don't have anything to say to Harden for the time being, I never bully the weak!"


Many people couldn't help but spray, Han Zhe is really the master who doesn't suffer, a good bullying, Harden probably wants to die after knowing it, feelings make you bully him is not qualified, right?

Later, a reporter brought the topic to James again, Han Zhe and James often fight against each other anyway, so naturally they won't say anything good, which makes the reporter very excited.

In fact, many people don't realize that in their hearts, Han Zhe is definitely a person of the same grade as James, otherwise they would not compare the two, as if no one would argue about who has the most strength, ants or elephants.

Aside from this, domestic fans have begun to carnival, although Han Zhe's strength has been recognized by everyone before, he has never had any big honors, but now it is different, how many people have won 60+ in the NBA?

And there is no problem of scoring points in this ball, the Rockets are not a weak team, Han Zhe's scoring is mainly concentrated in the first few quarters, and both sides have indeed relaxed a lot in the last quarter, but Han Zhe is also playing the control position in the last quarter, and he doesn't shoot much, so the gold content of this score is still very high.

After coping with the interview, Han Zhe was pulled by his teammates to flash people, this is to let him treat him to a good time, the team not only continued to set records, Han Zhe's personal score also reached a new high, of course, it is worth celebrating.

Han Zhe knew that his teammates were cheering, so he naturally wouldn't refuse, waved his hand, and after saying goodbye to Vaughn, he drove off with a large group of people in the convoy, catching a glimpse of some cars following behind, Walker cursed, and these hateful reporters followed, which severely limited their entertainment projects!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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